Movie Master

Chapter 446 Dazzling Focus

Looking at the year-end North American box office rankings in 2004, there are surging winds and clouds.

"Shrek 2" won the title of the year-end list with the box office of the sixth movie in film history breaking 400 million. At the same time, the score of 440 million is only behind "Titanic" and "Star Wars", ranking first in film history Thirdly, such achievements made the entire North American market exclaim.

After that, "Spider-Man 2" and "The Passion of the Christ" both passed the 300 million box office threshold in North America, ranking second and third respectively on the year-end list.

"Spider-Man 2" failed to surpass its predecessor, which is quite disappointing, but it still made Sony Pictures a lot of money; The final box office was as high as 370 million, easily creating a new box office record for an R-rated movie-and this record was not broken until Lance was reborn.

The runner-up is "The Day After Tomorrow". The North American score of 282 million has surprised countless people. They are not only surprised that a disaster movie can achieve such a good result, but also surprised by the degree of completion of the work—this It's only Lance's second directorial effort.

A year ago, Lance was just an independent director who came out of the Sundance Film Festival; a year later, Lance's name can be seen in the top ten of the year-end box office rankings in North America. This is indeed a qualitative leap.

Immediately following "The Day After Tomorrow" is another big surprise at the end of the year, "Meet Your Father-in-Law 2". The high position of fifth place at the end of the year made Universal Pictures, which has always been good at small and big, overjoyed.

"The Incredibles," "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," and "Murder" took the sixth, seventh, and eighth spots, respectively.

"The Incredibles" continues the law that Pixar's production must be a masterpiece. The box office success is completely expected, and it seems to have become the number one panacea for box office guarantee after the new century; "Harry Potter and Azka The final box office of Class Prisoner was only 249 million, creating the lowest series so far, but interestingly, the evaluation of this work is the highest in the series so far, which seems to be a paradox— —Business and art cannot coexist, which also prompted Warner Bros. to reorganize the follow-up works of the series.

In addition, "Murder with a Borrowed Knife" is the biggest dark horse among the top ten at the end of the year. It is Paramount's best-performing work at the box office throughout the year. Considering the low cost of 60 million yuan and the plan to attack the award season at the very beginning, "Murder with a Borrowing Knife" has achieved such an unexpected result that Paramount executives can laugh while sleeping Awake.

"Bourne Shadow 2" and "National Treasure" became the last two works in the top ten box office rankings at the end of the year. It was put on the agenda; the latter set off a frenzy at the box office under the circumstances of raging negative reviews. Although compared with the high investment of 100 million, the North American box office of 170 million is really not high, but considering Due to the global box office performance of the work and the difficulty of creating the series, Disney has already pre-booked the start of the sequel.

After browsing the 2004 North American year-end box office list, it is not difficult to find that this year is still the world of sequel movies. Five of the top ten works are sequels, and the overall performance is even better. It can be seen that the sequel works are still the basis of box office guarantee. Thanks to the accumulated popularity of the previous work, the sequel can often take the lead at the starting point, but how to ensure the quality of the sequel has become a must for major Hollywood film companies. topic.

In addition, in terms of subject matter, the influence of visual effects blockbusters is weakening. Strictly speaking, among the top ten, only "Spider-Man 2" and "The Day After Tomorrow" can be regarded as the main works of computer special effects-"Harry Potter and "Prisoner of Azkaban" is not included in this category because of the change in the director's style and the proportion of visual effects has dropped significantly; on the contrary, the successful rise of comedy movies that have never had box office explosiveness has become a highlight this year, "Shrek 2 " and "The Incredibles" can be regarded as a branch of comedy, and the excellent performance of "Meet the Father-in-Law 2" is even more eye-catching.

Strictly speaking, this year is the year when dark horses dominate the list, which makes it extremely difficult for people to analyze and predict the year-end box office list. Only among the top ten, "Passion of the Christ", "The Day After Tomorrow", "Murder with a Borrowed Knife" and "National Treasure" can be regarded as dark horses at the box office. Even "Meet Your Father-in-Law 2" was able to achieve such a result that no one expected.

More importantly, these five dark horses at the box office belong to five different genres, namely plot, disaster, crime, adventure—and comedy. In addition to showing great power, almost any type of movie has the potential to explode, which also makes people full of uncertainty and expectations for the box office trend in the coming year.

In this chaotic pattern, Lance has undoubtedly become the most dazzling existence.

A total of 24 films in North America had a box office of more than 100 million throughout the year, and eight of them had a box office of more than 200 million. Among them, Lance occupied two seats alone. Not only did he become the only one with two year-end films. The top ten directors at the box office also became the only director with two films with a box office of 200 million at the end of the year. This is also the first time in film history that the box office of two films exceeded 200 million in the same year.

If it is only a director who has two works with a box office of over 100 million within a year, then there are many directors in the history of film who have done this, Steven Soderbergh in 2000, Steven Spielberg in 1993 2002, Robert-Zemeckis in 2000, etc., all accomplished the feat.

However, after entering the 21st century, the commercialization of the film market has further developed, and the average box office level has risen. So far, no director has achieved this. To everyone's surprise, Lance was the first to accomplish this feat in 2004, ahead of countless big-name directors in Hollywood, reaching a height that most directors could not achieve in their entire lives.

There are directors like James Cameron in Hollywood who have few works and a long production cycle, but each work can set off a frenzy at the box office; there are also directors like Steven Spielberg who have stable creations and have works almost every year Its box office appeal is unparalleled; there are also directors like Steven Soderbergh, who have always worked hard in the field of independent films, and then ushered in an explosion in a certain year-2000, not only achieved a box office breakthrough feat, but also Reaching the pinnacle of artistic creation with a big win during awards season.

Regardless of Lance's future development, 2004 is enough for him to occupy a place among the first-line directors. It is well-deserved that he is the hottest director at present. It is not surprising that Disney and Warner Bros. have the first shot.

Although Hollywood has never lacked fairy tales of overnight fame, Lance achieved the triple jump feat with three works in just two years, which aroused a lot of exclamation even in this magical land.

What's even more rare is that Lance has already gained a certain reputation in overseas markets. In the global year-end box office market, this newcomer director also brought amazing performances.

"Shrek 2," "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," "Spider-Man 2," "The Day After Tomorrow," "The Incredibles," "The Passion of the Christ," "Meet Your Father-in-Law 2," " Troy," "Shark Story," and "Borrowing Knife" make up the year-end top 10 list at the global box office.

Except that "Bourne Shadow 2" and "National Treasure" were replaced by "Troy" and "Shark Story", the entire list remained the same as in North America, but there were changes in the ranking.

It can be clearly felt that sequel movies still have a huge advantage, and the top three are all sequel movies; and it is easier for special effects movies and epic movies with Hollywood's distinctive imprint to succeed, and the most representative one is undoubtedly "Troy" , the North American ranking of this work is only nineteenth, but relying on the excellent performance in overseas markets, it has successfully entered the top ten.

——Although Warner Bros. is still not making a profit, at least they are not losing too much money.

Among them, "The day after tomorrow" broke 700 million, and "Murder with a Borrowing Knife" broke 300 million. Both works ranked in the top ten at the end of the year. Their excellent performance has already made all languages ​​lose their color.

In overseas markets, "The Day After Tomorrow" relied on Hollywood's signature computer special effects to achieve box office success, while the performance of "Murder with a Borrowing Knife" is far from comparable. From this perspective, Lance's global recognition It can only be regarded as a start, not to mention the box office appeal, even the popularity is not ranked; but from another perspective, when the name "Lancelot-Strello" has no influence However, the two works both rank among the top ten of the year. From this perspective, we can also feel the control of the two works by Lance. It becomes more and more weighty.

From North America to the world, the box office performance of the two works "The Day After Tomorrow" and "Murder with a Borrowed Knife" became the most unexpected and brightest landscape in 2004, which also made people pay attention to Lance's next work. With more expectations. However, expectations are not just box office results. No one should forget the feat of "City of God" winning three statuettes as a dark horse. potential.

The nominees for the 62nd Golden Globe Awards were announced, and they were the first to express their views.

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