Movie Master

Chapter 402 Subversive Innovation

The Yahoo community became lively again, and the posts discussing "Ocean's Twelve" became the busiest irrigation area at midnight, and many netizens came up one after another to express their views on the movie. Many of them started to ask, "So how about 'Borrowing Knife'?", "Isn't there another movie coming out tonight", "Is Tom's movie good, did anyone go to the premiere"... ...But these topics lack effective support and promotion, and sporadic replies are quickly submerged in the discussion of "Ocean's Twelve".

However, this heated discussion failed to trigger a chain reaction. Eight hours passed, and the discussion posts did not exceed 5,000 posts. Although it was still the most popular post within 24 hours, it still lacked topicality. Vitality is more like... a one-man show for self-entertainment; and the discussion content is also very weak, discussing the star-studded cast of "Ocean's Twelve" over and over again, but there is no chemical reaction.

Despite this, "Twelve Arhats" still attracted a lot of attention, but it always felt that a little catalyst was missing.

Just when everyone thought that "Murder with a Borrowing Knife" would be forgotten, the hot topic of this movie slowly heated up in another way. The first to bear the brunt is Javier's personal blog.

Javier updated his latest blog at 4:19 am on December 4th, "The Battle of Lancelot-Strello: A Subversive Innovation Competing with Tradition."

As a film layman, although Javier has been catching up in the past two years, there is still a big gap compared to professionals. However, this time Havel had a strong chemical reaction with the work "Murder with a Borrowed Knife". At the beginning of the blog post, he said, "After I got home at 12:35, my brain was still boiling. I kept replaying the fragments of the movie I saw tonight, and the fragmented footage continued to flash, bringing me back to the scene of the movie, feeling this extraordinary journey. I tried to calm myself down, but failed; I tried to record it in words, but it was very difficult. I sat in front of the computer for a long time, but I couldn't write a word, because the shock brought by the movie was too real and too fierce, so that for the first time I To find my vocabulary so poor."

The simplest words express his truest emotions, which is impossible in traditional media, but has become an advantage on blogs.

As an excellent photographer, Javier has unique ideas on film stylized lighting settings, lens use and theme mining, so he wrote this unconventional film review from a unique perspective.

"There is no doubt that 'Murder with a Borrowing Knife' is the most daring, innovative and unique commercial film in the 21st century.

When Tom Cruise is sitting in the back seat of a taxi, the single and strong light outside the window outlines the loneliness in the huge city. In the scheduling, almost no language is needed, and the character image is shown through the lens. Even if it is just a look, it is full of countless stories. a scene. But the difference is that Strelow combines this strong art-house visual style with a simple and simple action genre film. Mori's combination of lens editing and the cool and strong light and dark contrast to outline a shock that is violent enough but calm enough.

This is undoubtedly a way to overthrow the traditional fashion trend of Hollywood, but it bursts out with incredible charm.

From the first second of the movie, Strelo used a strong contrast between local highlights under strong light from a small angle and large shadows to create a sense of illusion stripped from reality, while familiar scenes revealed It presents a kind of alienation and strangeness, the flowing lens and unhurried advance, creating a sense of confusion and anxiety. When everyone is wondering why the movie has not been able to enter the state for a long time, in fact, everyone early Already in the world constructed by Strelow.

The light changes in every shot in the movie have profound meanings. From the meeting between the two characters Cruise and Strelo, every emotional change in the confrontation, cooperation, alienation, and entanglement between the characters can be reflected between the shots. Looking for clues, the confrontation between justice and evil, the confusion of black, white and gray, are perfectly combined with the plot in the changing light and shadow, and the right dialogue and appropriate blank space push the tension to the extreme.

The emergence of "Murder with a Borrowing Knife" is undoubtedly a change in the visual style of genre films in the past two decades, which has gradually come to a dead end: it inherits the violent collisions of John Wu and Quentin Tarantino, but adds only The delicate light shaping and aesthetic choices independent of tradition can only be seen in art movies. In the last drag racing scene of the movie, there is no panoramic view outside the car, all of which are subjective shots and close-up shots inside the car. The most exciting drag racing scene since the 21st century.

It uses a special scene scheduling method to simplify, refine, deepen and stylize the actors' performances, changing the outline of the characters' inner routines in genre movies. Ultimately, the three in-car dialogues between Cruise and Strelo in the movie only rely on the collision of expressions and lines, but they outline a fascinating plot tension and a storm of thoughts like a chaotic explosion.

It boldly breaks the way of using lighting, abandons the crucial "reality" of criminal commercial films, and uses unconstrained light shaping, picture texture, lens combination and concise but strong sound effects to draw the audience from * ***** Takes away from reality and enters a chaotic space between illusion and reality. In particular, the image of a taxi driving on the main road in Los Angeles bursts out with a sense of magnificence and magnificence traveling through the universe, turning movie images into oil painting art.

It can be clearly felt that the film has an almost artistic whisper-like slow rhythm, slow motion scheduling and fast editing throughout the whole process, which completely disrupts the original rhythm of the film, but creates an incredible chemical reaction, which makes the adrenaline rush The explosion continues-retaining the most fascinating part of commercial movies-there seems to be no climax/climax throughout the whole process, but the gripping tension continues until the last moment, and the abrupt ending effect is directly jaw-dropping.

There is no doubt that "Murder with a Borrowing Knife" is a more mature and outstanding work, which can give a glimpse of Strelo's ambition to combine business and art. "

Praise, or praise! Javier did not use any direct praise, but expressed his admiration in the most admirable and detailed way. At the end of the blog post, he wrote:

"This is a work that needs patience and concentration to appreciate, not because it is too difficult to understand, but because Strelo packs a complex and profound theme under a simple and straightforward shell. , The brainstorming that is triggered is the most successful part of the movie. It has been four hours since the end of watching the movie, but my thoughts have not yet settled down. I can only record my thoughts as an audience and a photographer. Watching it, but there is no way to record the shock and reflection this movie brought to me.

Tonight, I will walk into the cinema for the second time and enjoy this work quietly. "

When this blog post was published, it was a moment of silence. At four o’clock in the morning, almost everyone fell asleep. Even the party animals fell into a coma due to alcohol. Only a few game lovers still There is a lot of struggle on the Internet, which seriously affects the click-through rate of blog posts.

In the first hour, the hit rate was only a poor three hundred and eighty.

However, with the coming of the morning sun, people slowly woke up, and the number of visits to Javier's blog began to climb slowly. At eight o'clock, the hit rate had exceeded 5,000. At the same time, the discussion on "Ocean's Twelve" in the Yahoo community seems to have entered the hottest moment, breaking through 600,000 in a blink of an eye, but no more and more people joined it. On the contrary, this discussion post After the click-through rate increased, the reply rate decreased, forming a contrast with Javier's blog.

At ten o'clock, the blog written by Javier has attracted 20,000 hits, and the number of replies has also exceeded 1,000. After that, it was unstoppable. As of 11:30 p.m. on December 3rd, the click-through rate of the blog post reached a staggering 300,000, and the number of replies also exceeded 20,000, once again leading the Internet boom.

From the data point of view, the discussion post of "Ocean's Twelve" in the Yahoo community exploded Javier's blog post about "killing someone with a borrowed knife", but the effect was reversed—Fox TV's entertainment news quoted Javier's blog, At the same time, the "New York Times" also chose to publish this film review in the newspaper - Javier is not a professional film critic, but a power blogger - and it will be published tomorrow.

Javier not only praised "Murder with a Borrowing Knife", but it can be said to be highly respected. This can be seen from the free access link of the premiere; Burt also praised the film very highly. This heavyweight film critic published his film review on the Internet for the first time, directly pushing "Murder with a Borrowing Knife" to a whole new level.

Such a pattern is really unexpected. With the participation of more than 600,000 hits, "Ocean's Twelve" failed to detonate the topic; instead, it only relied on Javier and Roger, two power bloggers, to guide the topic of "borrowing a knife to kill" , but quietly became the core focus!

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