Movie black technology

Chapter 601 Prepare

After receiving the request from the Prevention and Control Bureau, he was unambiguous and immediately found several authoritative accounts and initiated discussions on several world-class social platforms in China.

[How do you think this monster will be dealt with? 】

【Do you know the result of the treatment of the first Hawaiian monster? 】

[How should humans treat these heinous monsters? 】

As soon as several topics that captured the traffic password appeared, they immediately detonated the entire Internet.

Whether it is domestic or foreign, the heat of discussion will break through the sky.

In this regard, the Western media can only watch and do nothing.

As early as the last monster crisis, the opposite side had secretly implemented a strict ban on reports of the whereabouts of monsters.

They are prohibited from reporting any news that may lead the public to pay attention to the follow-up of the monster.

Anyone who violates the ban will be expelled from North America immediately.

At that time, the country also wanted to rely on the little monster to cooperate with the opponent to open a legal and formal channel to obtain the monster's blue blood, so it didn't make trouble in this matter.

This ban, coupled with domestic cooperation, caused the Western world at that time to seem to have forgotten the little monster.

Within a few days, no one mentioned it anymore.

But this time is different.

Several topics supported by the country began to spread wildly around the world, causing more and more heated discussions.

Everyone vented their unfinished emotions in the last monster crisis here in one breath.

"It must be executed! Let the monster pay for Hawaii!"

"My aunt can't be contacted until now, the monster must die!"

"Humans absolutely do not coexist with monsters! Unless it is in other countries..."

Under the relevant topic, no matter how you refresh it, the comments will always ask to kill the monster, and it is difficult to find someone who has a different opinion.

There are even people who realized later and began to ask about the whereabouts of the monster last time...

Public opinion has been completely ignited.

There is nothing the other side can do about this situation.

They've tried it long before.

The main domestic platforms that make their voices heard on the Internet are only those that go out of the country. These platforms have been completely nationalized, and they basically have no influence.

It is simply not possible to ban the platform with a phone call like before.

So at this time, they can only spread water fees widely.

In these discussions, a large number of trolls are inserted, calling on people to be rational and neutral, professional issues should be handled by professional people, and cases cannot be settled online...

In all fairness, there is nothing wrong with these calls.

It's just that if you sprinkle too much water and the ground is too wet, you will fall down anyway.

The splash of water bills on the opposite side immediately turned the discussion style of all topics into a rational style. Not long ago, the execution faction, which had the absolute upper hand, was so crowded that it couldn't even see its shadow.

This is done too far, so that it is a bit insulting to people's IQ.

"They don't want us to talk, they're controlling our minds!"

"The monster must be put to death! We cannot become balls in the hands of politicians!"

After this operation of pouring fuel to put out the fire, the public opinion not only did not calm down, but intensified.

Seeing that in less than a few hours, it reached the point of street protests again.

The person on the other side hadn't had a serious rest for several days, so he had to rush out to put out the fire with his exhausted body and mind.

"With regard to the monster's disposal plan, we have not yet fully determined, but there is no doubt that we will choose the most favorable plan to solve this difficult problem."

"Leaving professional issues to professionals is our consistent principle. We may dissect it, or keep it alive temporarily, and observe it for a period of time to increase our understanding of the monster."

"The only thing we can guarantee now is that when we need to dissect this monster, we will do so in the most humane way, ensuring that it will not feel any pain..."

An intelligence team had assembled at the Dome base, analyzing every word, every shift in tone of his words.

"No, he has already decided on the monster's disposal plan in his heart, it's not that what he said is still waiting to be determined..."

Maybe it was too tired and forgot to disguise, the micro-expression experts quickly discovered the flaw.

The micro-expression expert gave the direction, and the intelligence personnel present, as well as Chen Shen and Director Qin who were watching the fun, quickly came to a new conclusion.

"Assuming that the other party has made a decision now, then from the speech now, it can be concluded that they don't plan to dissect this monster, otherwise, just say it, there is no need to make such a mess."

"That means the other side is planning to transport the monster back to the mainland?" Director Qin pondered for a while.

Chen Shen also felt that something was wrong.

He still didn't believe that the other side dared to treat the monster so accommodatingly after learning such a big lesson.

It is impossible for the other side to not even settle accounts.

After all, compared with billions of resources, the damage that a monster may cause is much more serious.

So if Monster Paradise really wants to welcome a second monster, will the opponent really have the courage not to increase protective measures?

During this period of time, they have contacted the domestic engineering team responsible for the construction of Monster Paradise, and the other party answered them very clearly that there is no abnormal expansion plan for Monster Paradise in the near future.

Or, the other party doesn't intend to send the monster to the Monster Paradise?

However, they have also investigated the monster-contaminated land in the Colorado River Delta, and it is still dead silent, without any unusual buildings.

Unless the opponent intends to send the monster to a non-polluted area...

In an instant, a terrifying possibility flashed through Chen Shen's mind: "Look for it and see if the other party has said that they want to release monsters to other countries, something similar."

The intelligence personnel acted immediately, called up the internal database, used AI to start searching, and soon found many eligible ones in a large number of public interview videos.

After arranging the positions of the speakers, Chen Shen and the others quickly found the target.

This is a video of the opposite person being interviewed, before the Hawaii crisis.

At that time, the international community was still debating whether the monster was the biological weapon on the other side.

The Admiral answered exactly this question:

"The monster cannot be our biological weapon. If it is, then why would we give up such a great advantage and keep using it? We will definitely use it impatiently..."

Can't wait to use it!

The atmosphere in the intelligence room suddenly became tense.

"Is it possible?" Eyelids twitched, and the big teapot was almost unsteady.

Chen Shen put an end to his doubts: "The monster is only more than 18 meters long, so it is theoretically possible to transport it."

"Let all mechs get ready!"

catch up

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