Movie black technology

Chapter 557 New Boxer Number Carrying Conference

The location of the suspected monster hatchling appears on the meeting screen.

Chen Shen took a closer look, and couldn't help revealing a gloating smile.

Not only him, representatives from all over the world are holding back the corners of their mouths.

Some even had to cover their mouths with their hands...


The location where the monster larva was found is within the range of 150° west longitude, 30° north latitude and down to the Tropic of Cancer.

As long as you go a little further west in the direction of the ocean current, that is, continue to approach East Asia, you will be the famous Hawaiian Islands.

If this monster larva was moving along the ocean current, there would be a high probability that it would collide with the Hawaiian Islands.

The better result is passing between the island chains, the worse result is that the monster landed directly in Hawaii...

No wonder the opposite party hastily brought this matter to the conference.

Different from Chen Shen's reaction, the head of the domestic monster prevention and control bureau reacted immediately, with a serious face, and almost immediately made a sound:

"We understand the plight of your country, and for the peace of the Pacific Rim countries, we can send corresponding support forces to help you find and fight monsters."

"According to the data just now, we can judge that the monster is still in its infancy state. We have recently modified the small Mecha Boxer, and now it has the initial ability to fight monsters."

Tut tut!

I don't know who it is, but suddenly there is a sound in the audio.

Everyone looked at the two bureau chiefs in the country and on the opposite side, and everything was silent.

In their hearts, the connection between mechs and monsters is already very clear.

Obviously, it was specially built in China to deal with the monsters made by the opponent.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why the mechs currently in China can strike from juvenile monsters to mature monsters.

It is precisely because of this understanding that other Pacific Rim countries believe that domestic mechas can cope with the monster crisis, and they do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy them, and even allow the country to establish semi-military mecha bases.

After all, China has never been ambiguous about major issues.

Since big robots like mechas are specially used in China to deal with monsters, they must be useful.

As soon as the domestic words were finished, other people followed up immediately:

"Maybe we can just take this opportunity to test the mecha's ability to control the monster."

"This is indeed a very good opportunity to test the performance of the mecha."

"If mechs are feasible, then we can give up the method of using nuclear bombs to deal with monsters..."

Everyone, you said one sentence after another, completely ignoring the director on the opposite side.

The black bureau chief's face darkened immediately, but few people at the scene could tell, he almost gritted his teeth and said:

"We are not disclosing this news to you to ask for assistance, we just use this meeting to convey the latest monster information to you."

"We will start the emergency relocation of the Hawaiian Islands in two hours. At present, there are still a considerable number of international tourists stranded on the island. I hope that you can cooperate with our work and relocate your nationals before the monster arrives."

How could they ask the international community for help for the monster?

They have just successfully landed on the moon and proved their strength, but they turned around and told the international community, especially those old opponents:

"I'm about to be robbed by monsters, come and help me."

Not to mention whether the big guys help or not, it would be embarrassing just to lose face.

So their initial plan was very simple.

It is to do some personnel work, inform the international community of the monster's traces, and at the same time actively respond to the monster crisis, relocate domestic and foreign tourists on the archipelago, and improve the image of the Beacon of Freedom.

Since the appearance of the monsters, their international reputation has repeatedly declined, and now they are almost at the bottom.

If they ignored the monsters landing on the island and kicked an international tourist on the island, then they would really want everyone to shout and beat them.

As for going to the east to hire mechas, they really haven't thought about it.

The domestic director took over the right to speak, still smiling, nodded and thanked the other side for the reminder, and even praised a few words.

Then he turned around and talked about the modified version of the Boxer, and even pulled out Chen Shen, asking him to explain how the modification on the Boxer is good for controlling monsters.

Chen Shen was somewhat helpless about such behavior of "carrying goods".

The so-called modified version of the boxer number is actually the version of the boxer number he used in the underground biological experiment.

It was indeed specially modified to control the hatchlings of monsters.

Chen Shen also has relevant information at his fingertips.

Even without any information, just by dictation, he can make the monster prevention and control bureau personnel of various countries understand the new version of Boxer's ability to control monster larvae.

None of the monsters in the underground biological laboratory can escape from the hands of these black-faced gods.

Of course, that's not what Chen Shen said originally, but similar meanings have been conveyed to the hearts of representatives from various countries.

After talking about the information and performance data of the new Boxer, Chen Shen also made a simple summary:

"The latest version of the boxer number can help us control the monster, capture the living body of the monster, and conduct further research on it."

"Now we urgently need a living monster. Only by conducting research on living monsters can we find more ways to deal with monster pollution."

Chen Shen said to everyone in the meeting, and at the same time corrected the last statement in his heart——

Only by obtaining a living monster can the country produce more research materials on monsters in an open and honest manner.

Otherwise, it would be hard to come up with too in-depth information in the country with this little monster skeleton in hand.

Representatives from various countries have expressed their interest in the new boxer name that Chen Shen said.

Many people even set a time to go to the dome base to look at the goods.

It is basically agreed on in the next few days, and everyone is quite anxious.

If this little monster is not dealt with in Hawaii now, there is a high probability that it will come to Asia next.

If the monsters rushed to Asia at full speed, the mecha base that is still under construction and the large mechas that have not been delivered must not be counted on.

Maybe they will rely on this little mecha to protect their homeland.

The meeting has gone so far that it has completely gone awry.

Everyone doesn't care about the little monster found on the other side, nor the deployment of the sonar monitoring array, only the price and arrival time of the new boxer number...

In the end, it was the black bureau chief on the opposite side with a gloomy face, who brought the meeting back on track and barely let everyone go through the process of the meeting.

However, as soon as the meeting items ended, the focus of the monster prevention and control bureaus of various countries returned to the new boxer number...

For this situation, the black director could only see out of sight, and led the director Benjamin behind him with a cold snort, and went offline silently.

I’m getting fat, because of the incident last time, the trivial things in life suddenly increased, and I didn’t say anything about it. Now I basically can’t type until after ten o’clock in the evening. I have typed this chapter for three days. Yes, for the rest of this month, only 4,000 updates per day can be guaranteed. Next month is also very busy. I have to pick up my dad for a re-examination. My hometown is now closed due to the epidemic.

Finally, I recommend a new book - "The Heavens Begin with the Village Chief". The old author is a rare official subject. If you don't read it again, it may be gone.

Introduction: After traveling to a different world, I was thrown into a poor mountain village as the village head at the beginning, what should I do? Don't be afraid, go to "Mountain and Sea Love" to learn how to lead the villagers out of poverty; go to "Dajiang Dahe" to learn how to start a business; go to "Chicken Feathers Flying to the Sky" to learn how to start a business...Ran Jiang feels that he is stable.

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