Movie black technology

Chapter 533 The Water Between Great Powers Is Deep

Big water is really useful.

Facing the huge water rushing like a flood from upstream, the monster in the river, even if it was a salted fish, was pushed by the flood and started to speed up.

This is much more useful than RPG.

"The speed of the monster is still accelerating, and it is estimated that it will arrive at the decisive battle location in 23 hours!"

The command team in the command vehicle quickly calculated the time when the monsters would arrive on the battlefield, and at the same time passed the news to the front line to make everyone ready.

And the first time the front line received the news was...

Make it public!

"The evil mutated monster has twenty-three hours of life left!"

"In twenty-three hours, we'll end its evil at the end of the Colorado River!"

"Everything will go back to the past, and the peaceful days will eventually return..."

The huge propaganda machine was activated again, and relevant press releases were sent all over the world.

Anyone who still has a mobile phone signal, watches TV, or listens to the radio has received this news.

This news was like a shot in the arm. It plunged into the opposite stock market and gave it a big boost.

The stock market, which has hit rock bottom, is finally starting to recover.

The financial crocodiles sitting in the office breathed a sigh of relief, and began to celebrate with each other. They even used their connections to say that they could buy more rockets for the monster and send them to the scene urgently, just to make the monster swim faster.

Ever since, in the next ten hours, the monsters were thanking these financial predators for the rockets...bombs.

"They look so pathetic."

The helicopter pilot following the flight above couldn't help sighing as he watched the rockets flying into the river below.

His co-pilot was also looking at the river, "These rockets are all newly delivered. I heard that they were bought by the rich. They hate these two little monsters."

Suddenly, the commander's voice appeared in their headsets.

"Attention everyone, there is a fork in the tributary ahead, pay attention to the dynamics of the monsters, don't let them sneak in under our noses successfully."

"Helicopter, report visual observation."

The driver immediately became serious, cleared his throat and said, "The monsters are tracking normally, and the frequency of surfacing is normal. They will breathe close to the surface every ten minutes."

Just as he was speaking, the little monster on the front of the helicopter surfaced again to breathe.

It was already night, and under the lights of the helicopter, the little monster only slightly exposed its nose, took a sudden breath, and then quickly retreated into the river.

"It seems that it is not used to our existence, and it is very shy." The co-pilot joked.

The command team following up by the river continued to ask other teams to report on the situation, including a force stationed at the fork of the tributary they were going to pass next.

"The detection and protection of the river channel have all been completed. As long as the monster swims towards us, we can immediately launch a counterattack."

The major looked at the firepower network he had set up on the shore, and all the soldiers were on standby. If the monster wanted to swim into the tributary, there would be at least fifty shells to teach it where to go in the first place.

The helicopter in the sky flew close, and the major knew that was the real-time position of the monster.

"Everyone is ready!"

He passed the order down, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

Mortars, artillery, heavy machine guns...

The hearts of the soldiers on each phalanx were tense, especially when they saw the helicopter flying to the entrance of the tributary, blood surged all over their bodies, and their hearts beat uncontrollably.

Even if it's just a grain of sand blown by the wind, it can arouse their violent reactions at this time.

Some soldiers' hands were shaking uncontrollably.

"God, am I going to die here?"

Suddenly, in the silent cold wind, looking at the helicopter in the distance, a trembling voice came out of an unknown phalanx.

Then, like a virus, many people began to pray in their hearts while looking ahead.

Until the helicopter in the distance flew over the tributary fork and flew further downstream.

The soldiers at the scene cried out as if they were born again.

"We survived!"

"Praise Buddha!"

Soldiers who are close to each other hug each other, and they can still feel the heart that is still beating violently in each other's body.

Then everyone looked at each other and smiled.

"Why are you afraid of being like this, you are as timid as an ant!"

"You who scare people with incontinence have no right to call me timid!"

There was laughter one after another in the battlefield...

"Helicopter, report the situation." The command vehicle on the shore issued an order.

The helicopter in the sky replied immediately: "The monster is tracking normally, and there is no abnormal fluctuation on the water surface."

"Very well, continue with the escort surveillance mission..."

The troops on the front line were synchronized with the news from the rear, and the news that the monster successfully crossed the fork was quickly known to the front line.

Then it was reported live by the TV station that continued to broadcast live.

If the stock market hadn't been closed now, it is estimated that this news could make the stock market rise a little further.

By morning, the monster was already close to the end of the river, only a few tens of kilometers away from the national border.

The media who received the news also rushed to the front line of the battle as soon as possible.

Not like the lockdown in Las Vegas Settlement.

Here, the opposite side freely demarcates the interview area and rest area for all visiting reporters, and tries its best to ensure the normal work of the reporters.

Even the treatment of journalists from enemy countries is the same standard, very equal.

They even took the initiative to publish their own firepower layout map and solicit opinions from the people. If they think there is something unreasonable, they can call them to inform them, which is very democratic.

At the same time, they also allowed some foreign journalists to enter the site to visit and shoot, very freely.

The entire position, at least 70% of the area is transparent to journalists from various countries.

The country also sent reporters to the scene to interview the main figures in various places, but the style of the domestic reporters was different from that of reporters from other countries.

According to domestic instructions, the journalists who worked in the past this time all wore a full set of protective clothing, which can be put on immediately when necessary, and they also need to wear masks at ordinary times.

Compared with the well-dressed reporters from other countries, the domestic reporters who usually wear masks obviously have a style of treating monsters as biochemical pollution.

It can be said to be very rude.

In such a delicate atmosphere, when the time came to noon, the soldiers on the ground finished their lunch early, and then began an emergency assembly under the live broadcast.

According to predictions, the monster will enter the predetermined river section at noon.

The whole position began to get busy, and each team began to check their equipment.

There was also the roar of engines in the sky.

Fighters come in!

Several formations of fighter planes gathered into a brigade, circling over the scene.

At the same time, the heavy bombers on the opposite side were also replaced with special ground-penetrating bombs, and flew to the scene to circle.

There are hundreds of these fighter planes, gathering in the sky like a black swarm of bees, full of oppression.

In order to let the ground see clearly, the flying altitude of these fighters is not high, and the speed is not fast.

They can be easily captured by shooting from the ground to the sky.

If you look at the ground, the scene is a serious combat position, but if you look at the sky, it is a vivid scene of an aerial military parade.

The reporters at the scene were very excited. Hundreds of modern fighter planes with fierce firepower gathered in an area to deal with the same target...

Such a scale of combat is rare, and it can even be said that no air-to-ground combat of modern fighters of this scale has occurred so far.

The scene in the sky was spectacular, and the stock market was also very powerful. After the bombing formation appeared in the sky, the stock market ushered in a surge that had not been seen for a long time.

Those fighter jets in the sky told the people of the whole country, and people all over the world have a message, that is, although the opposite side is having a bit of an embarrassment now, it is far from dead end.

As far as the planes flying in the sky are concerned, it is impossible to say that they can hit the whole world.

But there are still two little monsters hanging in 95% of the world, there must be no problem!

Outside the decisive battle site, a group of residents of Baja California, regardless of the danger, are gathering on the nearby high ground at this time, stretching their necks to look into the river.

This was originally their home, or a place to work, but now it has been selected as the scene of the decisive battle.

But they are not resentful, on the contrary they are complacent.

Because the compensation for them has already come down in advance.

For this decisive battlefield, the opposite side subsidized the income of the surrounding farms or fields for three years.

If the house or other buildings are blown down, there will be additional compensation.

Good things like this don't come often, so those who arrived brought homemade thank you banners.

"Thanks for the selfless international assistance!"

"Monsters are the product of natural mutation!"

"longlive friendship!"

Compared with the noise outside, the camp is now extremely quiet, and everyone is taking a final rest before gathering.


"Attention everyone, attention everyone, now the monsters have crossed the border and are expected to arrive within two hours, our task is to intercept them!"

The camp alarm blared, and the speech continued on the PA system.

Soldiers everywhere hurried back to their posts.

With the soldiers running behind as the background, the reporters at the scene explained the situation to the audience to the live broadcast camera.

"It's finally about to start!"

"I can't wait! Kill the damn monster!"

"Revenge for Las Vegas!"

Whether it was a live broadcast on the Internet or on TV, the audience on the opposite side was extremely excited.

On a global scale, this incident also suppressed the heat of all other events, firmly attracting everyone's attention.

Domestic reporters at the scene of the decisive battle had already put on protective clothing, and were giving live explanations to the audience under the scorching sun.

"According to the latest news, the monster is expected to arrive at the river section near us within two hours. Now a net has been laid here, and the soldiers have also been mobilized urgently..."

Although the situation on the scene was tense, what the audience saw now was just a group of soldiers guarding various weapons and guarding the side.

And in their center, there is a big river of mud and sand flowing, and nothing can be seen in the river.

For non-military fans, such a picture looks quite boring, like watching a live broadcast of a rocket launch.

Except for the few minutes of launching, most of the other time is actually boring, and I can only rely on barrage chat to fart.

So the attention of domestic audiences is on other aspects.

"It seems that only our reporters will wear full-body protective clothing at the scene, and reporters from other countries don't even wear masks..."

"Other countries don't know the inside story of the incident, but our officials are clear about it, so the people sent out obviously treat it as a biochemical accident, and all kinds of protection are full."

"I just went to the external network to check it out, and the other side is still insisting that monsters are natural mutations, and some fools really believe it..."

"How can it be a natural mutation? Our country has made mechas several years in advance. You can take a closer look."

As soon as the mecha was mentioned, the comments in the live broadcast room suddenly became enthusiastic——

"Crimson storm, yyds!"

"When I built the Crimson Storm a few years ago, I wondered why I built such a large and impractical mech. I didn't know that I was wrong until I saw what happened to the casino today."

"It turns out that the mecha is not practical, but I don't know how to use it..."

"The country must have known early on that the other party is researching the monster project, and the crimson storm is the weapon that matches the monster project!"

"I think so too. Let me speculate that the big monster must have been researched for many years. The idea is to grow it to a certain size in the biological laboratory around us, and then put it in the country."

"And the country also learned the news, and was suffering from no good means to fight against monsters. It just so happened that a monster like the Great God appeared in the country, so the Great God was immediately recruited back to make a large mech, and was directly given to the Crimson Storm project. Headmaster position."

"The other side saw that our mechs were built, and knew that monsters would not pose a serious threat to our country, so they didn't implement their monster plan..."

A complete logical chain that even Chen Shen himself hadn't thought of had been formed in the audience's imagination.

However, this is not over yet, and there are still people who continue to add bricks to this logic chain——

"More than that, after the Crimson Storm was built, it was taken to film in China. Now let's look at the monster information in the movie, and then look at the monsters in reality. Does it look familiar?"

"Although Pacific Rim is a movie that is released to the public, who would have thought that it would still undertake the task of communicating tactics between us and the opponent. The opponent clearly understood that his tactics had been cracked after watching the movie. That's why I put the monster at home to cover it, but after covering it, something happened..."

"Fuck (a plant)!"

"You think Pacific Rim is just a movie, but it's actually a documentary. When you think it's a documentary, it's also a tactical guide."

"The water between the great powers is indeed much deeper than ordinary people like us think!"

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