Movie black technology

Chapter 529 The Monster in the River (5K, ask for a monthly ticket)

The ground beneath your feet...

So soft!

Benjamin lowered his head.

I feel like I'm stepping on a piece of mud after the rain, leaving a big mark with one foot.

Although he was wearing heavy protective clothing, and the ground under his feet was a bombed desert, the soil under his feet should not be so soft.

"The soil seems a little weird..."

"Hey, is this what nuke dirt looks like?"

Benjamin called the radiation expert in front of him. He had never seen the soil after being bombed by a nuclear bomb, but the radiation expert should have seen it.

"What happened to the soil?" The expert who was also wrapped in a protective suit turned his head and looked at the ground in the direction of Benjamin's finger.

Immediately, something was wrong.

"These dirt..."

Surprised, the radiation expert opened his palm and picked up a little dirt from the ground.

The soil on the ground is as soft as the sand on the beach, and it has become granular. Even with thick protective gloves, it can be easily picked up.

This is not right!

Something is really wrong.

This is a desert, not a desert anymore, the soil should not be so soft.


"What are the strange-colored silk threads in these soils?" the radiation expert asked strangely.

Among the granular soil he picked up, each particle of soil was wrapped in strips like spider silk, and at the same time, there were silk threads with a strange blue-purple color.

They are like a loose cocoon, and also like a honeycomb, connected into pieces in the soil, dividing large pieces of soil into small particles.

And tearing apart these unknown silk threads, you can also see that the soil wrapped by them is also dyed a strange blue-purple color.

This is completely impossible to be formed naturally!

It is even less likely to be pollution caused by nuclear bombs!

He has seen many nuclear explosions, but he has never recorded such a situation in the land.

Moreover, they used low-altitude nuclear explosions before, and the yield was not large, less than 30,000 tons of TNT. The isothermal fireball produced during the explosion was only a mere 500 meters in diameter.

The impact of such a nuclear explosion level and explosion method on the ground is not too great. Most of the energy is wasted in the air, and most of the nuclear radiation will be dispersed with the atmosphere and then purified.

At this moment, the intercom system in the protective suit rang out reports one after another:

"The soil on the ground seems a bit strange!"

"Boss, you should come and take a look, the ground here is also very strange!"

Various teams scattered to disassemble the monster's skeleton are reporting.

Benjamin and the radiation expert immediately followed the reporter's direction and walked to the side of the huge skeleton.

The soil here is also the same as what they saw just now, slender blue-purple silk threads are connected into pieces in the soil.

This is enough to show that what they saw just now was not an isolated phenomenon.

That means……

Benjamin raised his head and looked around.

Within the scope of his vision, the soil on the surface has indeed been mixed with these strange silk threads.

They are continuous, like a big spider web, tightly locking this piece of land...

Benjamin immediately asked someone to pick up a shovel and dig a hole in the ground.

He wanted to see what was going on underground.

However, with the excavation of the engineering team, the strange silk threads in the soil did not decrease, but increased!

If these blue-purple silk threads look like a spider web with gaps on the surface, then the more you dig down, the denser and denser they become until they completely occupy the land, or even homogenize it!

After they dug seven meters underground with an excavator, the underground has completely turned into a piece of blue-purple unknown substance. The soil is like a solidified jelly, and it can be lifted up like honey with a finger. a large piece.

"Maybe we should invite an environmental expert and a chemical expert to come here and have a look." Benjamin realized that things were serious.

"This is definitely a kind of land pollution, and it's still very serious pollution!"

Can it be serious?

The soil can no longer see its original appearance. Let alone planting such land, whether it can be lived is a big problem.

Benjamin looked at these blue-purple things, wondering if they could be called soil, and felt that they must have a strong and pungent chemical smell.

If you dare to take off your mask and smell it, maybe you will be sent to God by the smell without waiting for the radiation sickness to occur.

"Collect air samples and soil samples at various depths, we will take them out and report now..." Benjamin ordered.

After collecting the air samples, Benjamin left the engineering team and some scientific researchers to dismantle the monster bones inside, while he and his two subordinates drove back to the base camp outside the radiation range.

"I have to report an emergency!"

He dialed the phone number of his superior and told what happened to him within the scope of the nuclear explosion.

"And I noticed on the way back that this weird substance seemed to continue to spread outwards. I drove away for 30 kilometers, and I could still find them on the ground, although the density of the silk threads in the land was higher than that next to the monster. Small, but there is no doubt that this pollution is spreading outward, and the speed is very alarming!"

"From the end of the nuclear explosion to the present, it has only been a few days, and they have spread for dozens of kilometers."

"Also, I'm worried that it's spreading even faster underground!"

Benjamin did not forget that what he saw in the dug hole, the soil pollution under the ground was obviously much more serious than that on the ground.

The superior was not too surprised when he heard Benjamin's report: "The monster is polluted, we knew it a long time ago."

"Environmental data from Las Vegas has confirmed this."

The day after the Las Vegas survivors began a mass outbreak of acute illness, someone went to check the air quality and other environmental data in Las Vegas.

The result is naturally not ideal.

The various toxic substances floating in the air have exploded, so much so that the search and rescue teams entering Las Vegas are now wearing gas masks.

Although the pollution in the soil is relatively small, the pollution level is even higher. On the soil contaminated by the monster's blue blood, even the cacti can't stand the pollution, and they start to wither one after another.

So far, they have not fully identified the mechanism of action of this pollution, let alone how to treat it.

The city, which was already destroyed in sevens and eights, suddenly appeared lifeless after discovering this troublesome pollution.

"Looking at it now, it's already certain that the source of pollution in Las Vegas and you is a monster."

The leader sighed: "I will arrange a helicopter to retrieve the samples you collected, but the military is also very busy now, maybe you need to wait a few days."

"What are they up to?"

"I heard that we are still searching for possible monsters, and we are searching downstream along the Colorado River..."


"Footprints are ahead!"

Driving the jeep, the commander looked at the passing land outside the car, and said to the assistant next to him:

"Someone just discovered a huge footprint that is suspected to be a monster ten kilometers ahead. It seems that our mission has come to an end."

The direction they are driving now is the lower reaches of the Colorado River, behind the Hoover Dam.

The jeep arrived at the destination, and the site by the river has been fenced off.

Some soldiers were watching, and some even took pictures outside the footprints.

The commander walked over and asked the person in charge at the scene: "Are you sure this is a real footprint? It couldn't have been forged by some boring people again?"

"This footprint is basically the same as what we extracted at the scene where the monster escaped, so the possibility of forgery can be ruled out."

Since the monster made a big splash in Las Vegas, there have been a large number of monster sighting reports all over the country.

For example, in New York, in just one night, they received more than 600 calls to the police, saying that there were monsters near their house, and it was finally found out that the drunks around them made a little louder...

Looking at the whole country, this number is even closer to tens of thousands.

Most or all of them are false illusions or intentional forgery.

There are even people who are so bold as to go into the desert, dig a hole that looks like a big footprint, and then shoot a video and upload it on the Internet, saying that it is the footprint of a newly discovered escaped monster.

Such behavior not only caused great panic among the people, but also put enormous pressure on the national police system and even the military.

Because every time such a false footprint appears, the police need to investigate, and at the same time, the army must be accompanied there.

Light oil money is much older!

In one day near the Hoover Dam, at least 20 rumor-mongering gangs who forged footprints and then photographed them were caught.

This kind of behavior was repeatedly prohibited, so that the commander was numb to the footprints he found.

But now there is finally good news.

After taking pictures of the footprints at the scene, measuring them, collecting evidence and uploading them, in less than half an hour, the team at the base camp sent the comparison results.

The footprints in the two places are basically the same, so it can be confirmed that these are real monster footprints!

"That means the monster has fled to the lower reaches of the river..."

The commander looked at the Colorado River rushing through the desert, bringing up one oasis after another, and immediately felt how difficult it was to catch the two monsters from it.

Fortunately, he is not in charge of this task...


"The remaining two escaped monsters have been confirmed to have absconded into the Colorado River."

Beside Smith's hospital bed, two men in black suits were giving him the latest news.

The muted TV on the wall was silently broadcasting the news, and the frail Smith was riddled with needles, his eyes glazed over, and only his rising and falling belly could prove that he was alive.

"I see."

It took him only half a day to wake up, and he suffered several physical and mental blows in a row.

First of all, his feet are gone, both feet have been amputated, leaving only two solitary thighs.

Then his masterpiece Pandora is gone, a nuclear bomb went down, and it is now cold.

And before he died, he went to the city to make a big fuss, causing a catastrophe that killed hundreds of thousands of people.

The other two monsters have also fled to the river now, and I don't know if they can be found again.

Even if they are found, there is a high probability that they can only be killed.

Two twenty-meter-sized monsters, and they were still outdoors, they had no way to control them.

Perhaps, the only good news is in the choice of prosthetics.

He can choose the best smart prosthetic in the world, the third generation of Kuafu just launched by Angle Technology, which is said to allow him to have the same walking experience as before the amputation...

The man in black looked at Smith's dead expression without any sympathy.

It was this man's research that single-handedly created the disaster in Las Vegas.

If the monster project is made public, Smith may not be able to die a million times.

The families of the victims, those who lost their houses and cars in the disaster, and the financial predators on Wall Street are afraid to kill him ten times or eight times.

This monster incident is definitely the biggest black swan incident in the 21st century, not one of them.

It can be said that the people of the whole country are paying the price for this incident.

It's either life or money.

"We came here this time to ask you a question. The monsters contain a lot of highly toxic substances. Now the casino and the place where Pandora died have been seriously polluted. If we blow up the remaining two monsters to death in the river, What will happen?"

As they spoke, the two men in black threw the analysis report on the environmental parameters of the casino collected in the past two days, and the pollution photos of the Pandora skeleton site they had just received, onto Smith's hospital bed.

Smith picked up the documents, his eyes still filled with ashes.

"It's definitely not acceptable to kill the monster in the river. The water quality will definitely be seriously polluted by then."

Just simply looking through the data in his hand, and then making a simple comparison with the data obtained in his mind before, Smith got the approximate conversion ratio between the experimental data and the real data in his mind.

"The experimental data we obtained before has shown that the monster will release a large amount of pollutants after death, but the actual situation is even more exaggerated than the conclusion we drew in the original experiment."

"The monster not only releases a lot of pollution, but also has an extremely fast degradation rate."

"There are so many body tissues left after the nuclear explosion, and they have been completely degraded in less than two days. This blue-purple silk thread is one of the unique microbial pollution of monsters. It will slowly homogenize the land, and then it will be like Like a fermentation source, it spreads toxic substances into the air, and then enters the human body through the air..."

"And this kind of microbial pollution can also enter the water as it reproduces, and the water polluted by them must go through complicated filtration steps before it can be used..."

"What if we kill them and pick up the bodies right away?"

Smith replied: "This has some effect, but there will still be microbial contamination, and they can still reproduce in the water body, but if the amount of pollution is small enough and the aquatic ecosystem is large enough, these microorganisms may be purified naturally."

"However, I still don't recommend taking risks. We don't fully understand the monsters. It's best to lure them to land and kill them."

"I see, about the defense of the little monster..." The man in black was talking, but suddenly found that Smith's eyes were fixed on the TV on the wall.

"What's wrong?" He turned his head and took a look, and then saw the image being played on the TV.

In the flowing yellow river water, two huge figures could be faintly seen paddling forward, and the surrounding river water formed an obvious eddy around them.

"Turn on the sound now!"

The man in black gave instructions to his companion, who hurriedly fetched the TV remote control and unmuted it.

The reporter's voice came from the TV immediately:

"According to the latest news, an hour ago, someone discovered a huge unknown creature swimming in the river in the Colorado River between California and Arizona, and took a live video..."

"real or fake?"

"There is a high probability that it is true."

The two men in black looked at each other, knowing that they had to go back quickly.

They looked at the map. If the monsters in the video were really monsters, they were only about half the distance to the sea.

In other words, all deployments must be resolved within one to two days, otherwise the monsters will enter the sea!

Quickly finished asking the rest of the questions, and the two men in black brought Smith's first-hand information back to report.

After hearing that the monster reappeared in the Colorado River, many people immediately had different reactions.

Some people have to drive hundreds of miles to the river section where the monster may pass next, just to take pictures of the monster in the river.

Monsters are dangerous, but some people are born adventurous.

Although monsters have brought endless pain to human beings, some people also find excitement from them, thus a group called "Monster Chasers" was born that specializes in chasing monsters.

These people are the main force who went to the Colorado River Basin to shoot monsters.

But apart from these people, the first emotion that more ordinary people feel about the monsters in the river is fear.

Especially the residents of many towns along the river.

They live on both sides of the Colorado River, and once the monster lands, they are the first to attack!

The Colorado River is the river of life in the southwestern part of the opposite direction, and the place where it flows is full of life, so there are many towns on both sides of the river.

The first time the residents in these towns received the news, it was like the emergency evacuation of overseas Chinese in the country, or the evacuation of Los Angeles after the nuclear explosion.

In these cities, shops are closed, workers are closed, companies are closed, and businesses are closed. Everyone is driving out of the city in a car with their own bags and bags.

The originally peaceful city became boiling in just a few hours, and finally returned to the silence of no one...

There were originally only one or two such cities, but as time went by, more and more cities began to flee.

Because with the huge number of monster chasers arriving at various reaches of the Colorado River.

Finally, the trace of the monster could no longer be hidden.

In the vast ocean of people, the traces of a twenty-meter monster swimming in the water are too obvious.

After locking the location of the monster, many people drove along the river to follow the monster, reporting points on the Internet, and reminded the city residents around the river section to pay attention, and even gave the monster's swimming speed.

As a result, along the trail of the monster, the cities along the way began to evacuate spontaneously...

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