Movie black technology

Chapter 525 Tragedy on Earth (4K, ask for a monthly ticket)

"What's going on?"

"Two monsters that are at least fifteen meters tall, why didn't you find them after searching for a whole day?"

In the office, the deputy who had already started to take over the work, facing the dilemma of being blamed, was furious.

He really couldn't figure it out.

Is it difficult to find two monsters that are more than ten meters high in the desert without any concealment?

Isn't this something very conspicuous?

He asked his own grandma to find it in battle!

Why can't the army do such a thing?

"Could it be that they have been frightened by the monsters and dare not go deep into the desert to search?"

After thinking about it, this is the only possibility.

In the process of fighting Pandora, the number of soldiers who died was also quite a lot.

The pilots who launched the suicide charge, the artillery units on the ground, and the slower helicopters were also beaten down by the monsters with cement blocks.

His secretary wiped the sweat from his forehead, "I'm sure they searched seriously, maybe because the monster hid in a certain canyon or crack in the desert and temporarily hid itself."

"Just a few more days, when the monsters have no food and have to come out for food, we can find them..."

This explanation is reasonable, and many people think so.

Monsters can hide in the desert for a while, but they cannot hide forever.

The amount of food each monster eats is astonishingly large. Before, the air force fed them and raised them, but now they are hiding in the desert.

Given the situation in the desert, it is simply impossible to have enough prey to support them.

Even if the monsters ate all the food in a desert, the total amount would still not be enough to fit between their teeth.

So sooner or later the monster will come out obediently.

Maybe in two days, they would throw two pieces of meat into the desert to lure the hungry monsters out.

After listening to the explanation, the deputy felt a little more at ease.

"How is the situation among the people now?"

"It's not very good. People who were gradually calmed down because of Pandora's death were stimulated by the big actions of the army and air force."

"They suspect that the monster is the result of a biochemical accident, and they suspect that there are still monsters wandering outside..."

The secretary was very helpless.

The people are not fools for such a big move by the army, and they guessed the truth with a little use of their brains.

Although they explained that the army suspected that the monster was an unknown creature emerging from the ground, and that these big moves were just to find out all the places where the monster might be hidden, no one believed their nonsense at all.

The deputy held his forehead with a headache, wishing he could resign now.

"Ignore those troublemakers who only protest and smash, is there anything else?"

"Yes, according to the information just received, nearly 30% of the survivors evacuated from Las Vegas have symptoms of acute illness!"

"Most of the patients are respiratory diseases and skin diseases. The types and manifestations of the symptoms are quite uniform. It can be basically determined that they are caused by close contact with monsters."

"There are also many soldiers in the army who have the same symptoms, and now the medical resources at the resettlement point are not enough..."

"The monster still has a virus?" The deputy was stunned, he never knew about it.

"It's not a virus, but some highly toxic substances." The secretary took out a document, "According to the data recovered from the base, there are a lot of harmful substances concentrated in the monster's body, and these substances will be discharged with its metabolism. Out of the body, causing pollution to the outside world..."

After taking the file, the deputy looked at it carefully.

Smith's research on monsters is quite in-depth. Whether it is the amazing anti-strike ability of monsters or the pollution ability of monsters, he has discovered and conducted in-depth research on them.

However, this is only a living body study, and many experiments cannot be done, so no matter how in-depth the research is, there will be limitations after all.

For example, Smith never expected that a monster with such a large size could be nearly immune to conventional firepower attacks, let alone that after its flesh and blood fell below, the harmful substances inside would spread like a virus in the city.

These phenomena can only be deduced according to the actual situation.

The deputy fell silent after reading the information.

He raised his head, really wanting to say to his secretary, "Help me arrange a resignation press conference" like his old boss...

The big monster just left, followed by a small monster, and then there were so many people who got acutely ill because of the monster...

And diplomatic matters...

"Does the media know the news now?"

He still held a glimmer of hope in his heart, as long as the media didn't know, everything would be easy to deal with.

Regrettably, however, the secretary said bluntly: "The media from all mainstream countries are now gathered in the resettlement site, and the survivors already knew about it the moment they fell ill."

The secretary turned on the TV next to him and turned on a random program, which was about a large-scale acute disease outbreak in the resettlement site.

These days, the most popular TV programs in the world are not variety shows, but these news programs that broadcast the dynamics of monsters.

In the temporary resettlement sites for the victims of the casino, at least dozens of media outlets set up live cameras and broadcast live 24 hours a day.

Everything that happened in the resettlement site could not escape the sight of these reporters.

And through their cameras, people all over the world have seen the bleak and heart-rending scenes in the resettlement site.

The rescued people from the gambling city did not escape hell when they arrived at the resettlement site, they just got closer to the ground.

Here, people are still haunted by death and howling.

Next to the resettlement site is a temporary hospital, where all survivors will be sent for examination.

However, the ability to be tested does not mean that it can be treated. In the case of a shortage of medical resources, only critically ill patients can be treated. The best treatment that other patients can receive is an anesthesia injection, some painkillers, and sent back to the bed. Boil by yourself.

As for those who could not be healed, their bodies would be pushed to a pit three kilometers away for open-air cremation.

Many reporters went to the temporary hospital for interviews, only to see the bloody clothes without owners thrown in the trash can outside the door, and their owners had all been reduced to ashes...

These situations are even more miserable after the concentrated outbreak of acute diseases.

The temporary hospital can't even accept so many patients, so they can only let these patients lie at the entrance of the hospital, accompanied by their families, or lie alone, and wait until a doctor is free before carrying them in for diagnosis...

"How long will it take for our medical aid and supplies to reach the resettlement site?" The deputy watched the tragic situation on TV, and even he felt deep sorrow.

It's not that they don't have enough things, or that they don't have enough doctors, it's just that they have too few resources that can be transported to the resettlement site, which caused the current tragedy.

The secretary looked at the timetable in his hand: "The supplies and doctors are already on the way, and they are expected to arrive tomorrow morning, and the current situation can be alleviated tomorrow night."

"Then drive all these journalists out of the resettlement site first, they are not entitled to move freely in the resettlement site!"



Chen Shen has returned to the dome base from the manned center.

There is one more thing waiting for him to do here.

"How is your training now? Are you confident to deal with this big monster?"

In the conference room, various images of Pandora wreaking havoc in the casino were displayed on the screen.

Sitting next to the conference table are the drivers of the three groups of crimson storms.

They've been training in mech combat for a while.

After seeing monsters destroying Las Vegas the day before yesterday, the three brothers of the He family and the other two sets of triplets finally understood why they were not arranged to drive mechas out to earn extra money during this period of time, but instead asked them to go out in VR. Train your mecha against all kinds of scary monsters every day.

This is obviously for them to drive the mecha to kill monsters!

"How?" Chen Shen asked again.

The three brothers of the He family said bitterly: "If it is in VR, there will be no problem, but if it is in reality, we really can't guarantee it."

"After all, reality is different from VR..."

The other two groups of drivers gave similar answers.

No one dared to say that after playing in VR for a period of time, they would be able to deal with monsters, which were monsters that could withstand the bombing of planes.

Chen Shen sighed, and had already expected their answers, "I tell you now, the reality is very serious, and there is a high probability that you will drive the Crimson Storm to deal with this big monster in the future."

"Didn't it say on TV that this monster was killed by a nuclear bomb? Could it be that what was said on TV was false?" said the boss of the He family.

Chen Shen looked at them and said seriously: "It's true, but who told you that there is only one monster?"


The nine people suddenly fell silent.

At this time, silence is better than sound, and everyone understands.

"That is to say, there are still monsters on the other side?"

"The monster is really the result of the biochemical experiment on the opposite side?"

"The monster is in their country, so it shouldn't be able to reach our country. Let the other side continue to launch nuclear bombs then."

The three groups of drivers had different questions, and Chen Shen answered them patiently.

"I can tell you with certainty that the monster is the product of the biochemical technology on the other side, and there is more than one. According to our intelligence and speculation, there is at least one or even more monsters fleeing."

"In addition, the monsters are indeed still in the opposite country now, but judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that they will go west and enter the sea directly into the Pacific Ocean, and which country they will land in at that time will be a random lottery..."

The boss of the He family took a deep breath, "The Great God means that the monster can swim?"

"The monster should be an amphibious creature, and it is a matter of course that it can swim."

"You should be mentally prepared. Now that the Crimson Storm's delivery formation has resumed, if monsters really attack, then the domestic coastline will depend on you to protect..."

"In addition, here is the monster information we got, you can go back and look at it first, your VR training system will be updated soon..."

After the meeting adjourned, the three groups of drivers left the meeting room with extremely solemn faces.

Chen Shen connected to the signal of a high-level meeting.

This meeting is about monsters.

The escape of the monster on the other side not only caused headaches for the other side, but also a headache for the country.

After all, this technology is imported from China, and the source of the monster is in China.

It's not because he's afraid that the other person will be furious and throw everything out.

In fact, things have developed to the point where, even if the other party chooses to disclose all the secrets, no one will believe their words anymore.

No matter how you look at it, the monster has nothing to do with the country. Even if the evidence is released on the other side, it is also fake evidence.

The biggest reason for the domestic headache is the conclusion that Chen Shen came to after analyzing the monster's whereabouts yesterday——

Once the little monster enters the sea, there is a high probability that it will swim towards the country.

the reason is simple.

Because there are its "little partners" in China!

The monsters should be able to locate each other through the quantum cells in the brain.

Just like human faces, monsters are face-to-face.

Especially when a monster learns from the Internet that its kind is being imprisoned, it will definitely swim over to try to rescue it according to its location.

Although the monster's brain is not very smart, and it is not considered an intelligent creature, it is still a dog created by the pioneers, and some simple senses of cooperation and similarity are still there.

The most important thing is that judging from the whereabouts of the big monster, it is generally heading west, which is the direction of the country.

It was precisely because of this that he summoned three groups of drivers and explained the situation of the monster to them in advance.

"Relevant information and the current situation have been distributed to everyone. If you have any new news or ideas about monsters, please tell them."

"We just got the latest news about the monster on the opposite side through a special intelligence channel. Now the army on the opposite side is still conducting a dragnet search in the desert, and there are two targets for their search."

"In other words, it is basically certain that there are two monsters that escaped."

At the beginning of the meeting, the intelligence staff brought the latest news.

"Do you know the gender of the two monsters?" Chen Shen asked.

"I don't know." The person on the other side of the video simply shook his head.

Chen Shen felt a little headache: "Monsters reproduce heterosexually. If we don't know their gender, then we can only expect them to be of the same sex..."

If this is a couple of the opposite sex...

The whole Pacific Ocean is going to be their delivery room...

"How long does a monster's reproductive period take?"

Wang Yinian replied before Chen Shen: "Soon, it will only take three or four months at most."

Surprisingly so able to live...

For a while, everyone didn't know what to say.

"Then let's talk about how to deal with the monster's offensive in the future."

"Judging from the previous situation in the laboratory, the Boxer has sufficient suppressive power against the hatchlings of monsters, which means that the idea of ​​suppressing monsters with mechas is feasible."

"Perhaps we can now consider building a second Crimson Storm?"

Many people agreed with this proposal.

"Looking at the current situation, if we don't want to use nuclear bombs like the opponent, we can only use mechas to resist monsters."

Chen Shen also said: "The sequelae of using hot weapons against monsters on the opposite side have already begun to appear."

"I just read the news. In the settlement on the opposite side, many people who approached the monster got acutely ill, and I just wanted the latest reconnaissance photos."

Chen Shen shared the photo on the screen.

"On the side of the monster facing away from the center of the nuclear explosion, more than half of the remaining flesh and blood has disappeared at the same speed as melting!"

On the screen, there was only a small half of the monster's body, but after a day, only a skeleton remained!

Even if it turns into coke, it can't stop the degradation of monster pollutants!

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