Movie black technology

Chapter 433 Never Reasonable (Return to normal update)

Dead brains?

Chen Shen suddenly remembered what was wrong with this active device before.

The modified style on it is very similar to the stitching machine that was bluntly modified in China in order to realize the Tibetan Antelope and break through the nano-processing programming technology.

A variety of machines with inconsistent functions are put together to form a machine with completely different functions...

That's the feeling, that's why he just felt that the original function of this active device was not for the monster's brain.

It may really be used on the brains of dead people...

A light flashed in Chen Shen's mind.

He thought of the settings other than the movies in his previous life. In the first movie, the female pilot of the Cherno Alpha did not die immediately after the mecha was destroyed. Instead, she was picked up from the sea by the rescue team. It still couldn't be rescued.

So she finally donated her brain, maintained a part of its activity through a special device, and became part of the neural connection training system.

The trainees of mech pilots can connect with her brain at any time through this system, and see her past memories...

Before the heroine of the second movie had the first connection training with the hero, she was doing connection training with her brain.

So follow the internal logic of the system.

The predecessor of this active device should be used on the dead.

Chen Shen suddenly realized.

Wang Yinian was on the other side, still asking: "What do you mean?"

Chen Shen replied: "We can build a set of equipment to maintain the activity of the brain, as long as the monsters are cultivated to a certain level, they will be dissected, and the brains that may produce crystal substances will be transferred to this set of equipment, and continue to supply nutrients through catheters. .”

The other side was silent for a moment, and then said: "You are too ideal, and it's too sci-fi."

"Maintain brain activity. If you really develop this technology, then when everyone is about to die, transfer their brains and get into this equipment. Wouldn't everyone die?"

Yes, we can even develop another neuro-infiltrating Shenzhou system to build a virtual world for those who only have brains left...

Chen Shen couldn't help complaining in his heart.

He said: "You are too ideal, this technology is not so simple."

"This device is only suitable for monsters. If you want to use it on humans, it's better to wait for humans to evolve. When the human brain is several square meters in size, it can be used."

The original version of this active device only retains part of the activity of the brain. In fact, the person is still dead, and the thinking is gone.

After transformation, it can only be used on monsters. After all, it can be seen from the body size that the tolerance between monsters and humans is completely different. The operation that the monster brain can withstand, the human brain cannot bear.

Moreover, from the perspective of system logic, this device should be developed by the pioneers. The pioneers are the creators of the monsters. Naturally, they have a clear picture of the brain structure and development of the monsters. This kind of reverse engineering technology is extremely easy to implement.

But want to reverse the technology of this device to humans?

Let's wait until human beings understand the two taels of meat in their heads.

Even with his support, China only has an in-depth understanding of the nervous system, and is conducting truly in-depth research on the brain structure of living human beings with the help of photoacoustic detection technology, but this can only be regarded as preliminary research.

The rest of the world is still in the process of deciphering neural signals.

So what Wang Yinian was worried about was still early.

Even if Chen Shen explained clearly, Wang Yinian was still half-believing.

He did not deny that Chen Shen's words sounded very reasonable.

But I can't stand Chen Shen, this person never makes sense!

Chen Shen can pre-design a set of brain activation maintenance devices for fantasy creatures that have not yet been born like monsters. Is it difficult to design a set of brain activation devices for humans?

Even though human beings' understanding of the brain is still in its infancy, don't forget that the guy on the other side of the phone was a ruthless person who created a neural control system in his own warehouse and deciphered a large number of neural signals.

Fiction needs logic, but reality doesn't...

Therefore, Wang Yinian was extremely suspicious that Chen Shen must have created a brain activity maintenance device for human beings, but it was only limited to ethics and morality, so he used the words just now to him.

But this is also good news.

At least Chen Shen hasn't reached the point where he has become a Frankenstein completely.

The kind of technology that breaks through the boundary between life and death is still too early for today's human beings.

Compared with this kind of technology, the cultivation of a mere monster is nothing.

Chen Shen didn't know that the other end of the phone had already made up so much brain. Both of them were quick-thinking people. It was normal for their brains to be multi-threaded.

"I can't say anything about the later part of this project, but based on your history in the previous part of the biological experiment, it is definitely no problem to set up a small project and do some preliminary preparations."

Wang Yinian doesn't give a damn either.

This kind of project would definitely not be passed by anyone else, and only Chen Shen was able to pass it with full confidence.

"Then follow this plan. It won't be too late to apply for the latter part after the monster is really bred successfully. It's troublesome."

After thanking him, Chen Shen hung up the phone.

Wang Qian walked over, and she knew the result by looking at Chen Shen's expression.

"Passed so soon?"

"Not yet, but the goal of the project has been temporarily changed to the cultivation of monsters. This goal is not big, so it shouldn't be a problem." Chen Shen pinched his chin, and he was as sure about the proposal just now as Wang Yinian. The result was also within his expectations.

He had already guessed that it would be impossible to directly talk about building a wormhole.

The reason why I want to bring it up is just to draw a picture.

This cake can only be believed if he draws it.

"Then you are really sure to breed a monster tens of meters high?" Wang Qian asked.

"Of course I am certain, but now the plan needs some small changes, and some technologies need to be added. I have to go back and make changes, so the coordination of some departments in the early stage may trouble Aunt Qian."

Wang Qian was not surprised by this result at all, and it wasn't once or twice.

"Tell me, what do I need to do?"

Chen Shen thought for a while and said, "Now the Tibetan Antelope still maintains a formation for space experiments?"

Wang Qian nodded. Since the establishment of the Tibetan Antelope, various space experiments in all walks of life in China have not stopped. Recently, international cooperation has been carried out with several other countries to conduct international experiments together.

"Then coordinate with them first, and give us a space period for the Tibetan antelope."

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