Movie black technology

Chapter 376 Are They Really Rich?

After seeing the news, Arthur, who was about to pack up and go to work the night shift, immediately stayed where he was.

Space Race!

It was the first word that came to his mind.

This is also the event that everyone who saw the news immediately thought of.

The space race is a famous event in the last century. It promoted the development of human spaceflight. After the official start, it took only 12 years for humans to launch the first artificial satellite in 1957 and realize the manned landing on the moon.

This time is unimaginably short, even shorter than the development time of many rockets today.

Moreover, during the space race, humans have successively achieved the landing and exploration of Mars, Venus and other planets in the solar system, which can be said to be fruitful.

The space race lasted until 1975, when the participating spacecraft docked for the first time in space and announced the end of the cooperative program.

However, behind these fruitful results, the participants at that time also paid a huge price for it.

The most straightforward thing is the huge economic burden behind the competition. The budget of the manned moon landing plan was calculated in tens of billions, and the annual GDP of the opposite side at that time had not even broken through trillions.

In addition to the money flowing out like water, there are also heavy casualties caused by various accidents. A rocket explosion by Big Brother directly took away more than a hundred people, most of whom were scientific research and technical personnel, and even Including a Commander in Chief.

And although the space race has brought huge technological progress, and directly and indirectly spawned many large companies, but seeing that the opposite side has not engaged in manned moon landings for decades, we know that this is not a profitable business. At least not a business that can directly make money.

It is of great significance to human beings, but unfortunately, from the perspective of the opposite politicians, the lifespan of human beings is equal to their term of office.

"Is this crazy?" Arthur hugged his head immediately after reading the news, and he couldn't believe that his immediate boss's immediate boss would make such a decision.

It was right to engage in the space race in the last century, but it does not mean that it is right to make such a decision now!

Can't those big shots come out of the palace and take a look?

How busy are Wall Street cleaners working now?

Hospital equipment is in short supply, funeral parlors have no vacancies, cemeteries are in short supply...

The people are falling, and the big men don't see it, and instead calculate what rockets will be used to send astronauts to the moon and Mars...

Can't those big men wait for their people?

With plasma batteries hitting their economies so badly, can they really still afford to throw money into seemingly empty space?

It was the first time for Arthur to log on to the Internet in his own country when he was at work.

Most people think the same as him.

"Did this crazy resolution get a democratic vote?"

"I just went bankrupt because of the stock market, and the country decided to send a lot of money to burn under the rocket pad. We all have a bright future."

"Are we really the opposite? They have a god-like genius. Their plasma thruster has just completed the test, but we still plan to use the backward rocket..."

"Do we really have money?"


"Do they really have money?"

This is a question that countries all over the world are asking together.

Experts around the world are looking at the space policy directive with suspicion.

After the appearance of the plasma battery, the system of petroleum beauty knife has existed in name only, and the turbulence of world finance has been unstoppable.

On the other side, it is less and less likely to exploit the world with the US knife as before, and even the oil-producing countries are already seeking transformation.

On the other side, the national debt owed by itself is in the trillions...

In this general environment, does the other party really have money to invest in the space field?

Even some people are already praying that the opposite party will not go bankrupt because of this plan.

The news reached Chen Shen immediately.

"What do you want to do on the other side?"

Chen Shen scratched his hair.

Are they looking for a big showdown between plasma propulsion and rocket power?

Use your own corpse to prove the advanced nature of plasma propulsion?

Although the rocket will not be eliminated quickly after plasma propulsion, it does not mean that it will never be eliminated.

From a long-term perspective, it is inevitable that rockets will be eliminated by plasma propulsion.

There are only three possible reasons why it can exist in the future.

One is that the plasma propulsion system has not yet been perfected, and some space missions still need to be carried out by rockets.

The second is that the rocket system is relatively mature, and abandoning it in a short period of time will cause double-layer turmoil in technology and society.

Third, the mushroom growing industry may still need this kind of professional quick shooter.

But none of these reasons will allow the rocket system to last forever.

After the plasma propulsion system is perfected, most space missions will be carried out by plasma propulsion spacecraft with lower overall costs.

No matter how mature the system is, it cannot withstand the reality. No matter how mature the rocket system is, it will eventually disintegrate. Just like the BB machine maintenance profession, when the BB machine has graduated from this world, the BB machine system will naturally remain. I can't go down.

As for the third one, it can only be said that it may be more convenient to release bacteria from space in the future.

In short, Chen Shen couldn't understand this space command, it was like a person sent his face up and told you to pump it hard, but he didn't hurt...

He didn't understand until he talked to Wang Qian at the base.

"The other side is already setting up a plasma propulsion project to compete with ours. They are not all stupid. This space order is just a bet that your Tibetan Antelope can't compete with their domestic space industry system."

One sentence from Wang Qian made Chen Shen understand.

The opposite party now wants to rely on its solid domestic space industry to compete with him.

The opposite side has experienced the space age. At that time, the technology invested heavily in research and development and the system established, whether it is useful or not, it is a kind of accumulation.

The family background that has been saved for so many years is naturally rich, so the commercial aerospace industry on the opposite side is so developed, and recyclable rockets can also be produced.

In addition to these family backgrounds, the opposite party also secretly established a plasma propulsion project to compete with him, obviously wanting to grasp it with both hands.

In a short period of time, they can rely on their domestic resources to fight against him. If they can’t beat him, they can replace him with a plasma thruster and try again later. Anyway, if the plasma thruster can be produced in China, it means that this road must work. Keep throwing money, and one day you will be able to make a bright road.

It's just that Chen Shen also has a question, do they really have the money to spend on the finale?

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