Movie black technology

Chapter 365 Is My Submarine Leaking Electricity?

At this point, underwater.

In the cockpit of Crimson Storm, everyone is carrying out their tasks as planned.

Six people sat in front of the console, looking at the display screen in front of them, and operating the instruments installed outside the mecha.

The He family triplets, who were in charge of driving the mech, were taking a break while recording the whole underwater process.

Before the mecha went into the water, they had already turned on the camera function of the observation window to record the whole process of the dive, and now they also wanted to record the underwater activities of the mecha.

And on the whole body of the mecha, there are also several cameras with different angles.

Compared with the narrow working environment in the deep submersible, it is much more comfortable in the cockpit, the instruments are easier to operate, and the efficiency of various tasks is much higher.

Outside the mecha, the hatch valves were opened one by one, sometimes a mechanical arm was released, sometimes a sampling bottle was released, and after the silt settled back to the ground, a drilling sampler was released on the ankle of the mecha, and the drill bit went down. It took several meters to retrieve the soil sample.

"Sit down, we're going to transfer next."

With a word from He Xin, the six people in front of the console stopped all operations, sat obediently in their positions, and fastened their seat belts.

Afterwards, the mech started to move around, and it was obviously not as easy as being on the ground or in the bathtub at the bottom of the seven thousand meters.

The resistance of the mecha on the seabed is greater, and the resistance fed back to the operation is also greater. Every step taken by the He family triplets takes more than ten times the strength of the ground.

And as they walked, the seabed, which had slowly recovered its tranquility, became cloudy again. The three of them could only rely on the sonar system and the holographic terrain display to judge which way to go.

However, this seabed has been carefully selected, the terrain is relatively flat, and there are no deep trenches, so in fact, as long as they don't lose their bearings, they can walk wherever they want.

It's just that if the environmentalists on the sea saw this behavior, they might faint on the spot.

However, the fact is that with the resilience of nature, the crimson storm, let alone bouncing around here, even if all the magazines of the plasma cannon are emptied here, it will not cause any permanent damage.

The only thing that might matter is the nearby population of bacteria.

Compared with the entire underwater world, this impact is roughly equivalent to the butterfly effect on the Amazon rainforest ecology caused by eating a piece of meat in China.

Some people think that domestic meat eating is a devastating blow to the Amazon rainforest, but the fact is that nature doesn't care how smart human business is.

No matter how many footprints the crimson storm left today, nature might be able to erase them all in less than a month, unknowingly declaring that it is the master of this place.

After changing several places and collecting samples again, or destroying the surrounding original ecological environment, the crimson storm finally stopped in the deep sea.

"Now all tasks have been completed, only the last one remains."

After the six people on the console checked the mission manual, they said to He Xin in the driver's seat.

At the same time, everyone in the cockpit looked at him.


He Xin nodded.

The last task is the underwater test firing test of the plasma cannon.

He pressed the start procedure of the plasma cannon on the mechanical button in front of him.

A warning screen popped up on the holographic screen in front of him, along with a password box.

In reality, the control of the plasma cannon is much stricter than in the movie. At least it is connected to the neural control system, and it is impossible for the driver to activate it with a single neural command.

In order to be completely safe, Chen Shen disabled the control command of the plasma cannon in the neural control system before the scarlet storm set off.

The current plasma cannon can only be activated if the password is entered correctly.

He Xin called out the password he had just recorded from Chen Shen's mouth, and entered it in one by one number by letter.

Others watched attentively during the process, and they were also curious about the plasma cannon, a weapon in the sci-fi concept.


Dozens of nautical miles away.

A big black fish is silent in the ocean.

"The sound waves under the sea have stopped, and they seem to have stopped moving."

In the black fish, the person in charge of monitoring the sound waves turned his head and reported softly to his captain.

Although the depth of the big black fish is far less than that of the crimson storm, it is a professional combat weapon in the sea. Coupled with the temporarily modified sonar system that was previously used to perform seabed detection missions, the mecha that detected the seabed is nothing. Difficult.

After all, a big mech like Crimson Storm can't solve the problem of invisibility in the sea at all. As long as it is active in the sea, it is impossible for the sound wave to hide.

When the captain heard it, he walked over immediately, and glanced at the display screen. The frequency of the sound waves displayed on it was indeed slowly slowing down.

"What are they doing down there?" The captain frowned and looked at the monitor next to him.

"Is there any change in other monitoring data?"

After knowing the mission of the crimson storm, their big black fish responded by changing to a lot of monitoring instruments, such as seabed detection sonar and seawater analysis system.

It can be said that it is a big black fish that specializes in submarine reconnaissance missions.

It's a pity that no matter how many instruments are installed, they cannot dive to a depth of seven thousand meters and witness the operation of the crimson storm underwater.

It can only be guessed through the instrument.

The monitor with glasses next to him shook his head, "No problem."

But just after he finished speaking, his neck suddenly stretched forward, his eyes widened, and he stared at the parameters on the display screen, as if he saw something incredible.

The captain didn't know that there was an abnormal situation, so he immediately asked: "Did something happen now?"

The expression monitored by the glasses changed several times, first incredulous and then puzzled, then doubtful, then self-doubting, and finally said with some hesitation: "This shows..."

"Show what?"

"It shows that there is an abnormal current in the sea outside!" The glasses monitor said in a panic, "and the current is not small!"

"Is there electricity in seawater?"

The captain leaned back, and then he also had self-doubt.

He looked at the leather shoes on his feet.

"Is my submarine leaking electricity?"

"I knew that the guys responsible for the temporary modification were unreliable, and they changed my submarine to a leak. Now everyone returns to their posts immediately, enters the emergency state, and investigates the problem!"

It seems that this is the only explanation, otherwise, how could the seawater outside be charged?

The inside of the submarine became busy instantly, but at this moment the person sitting in front of the sonar monitoring suddenly stood up again!

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