Movie black technology

Chapter 353 Blessing from the Underworld

At this time, Chen Shen was confirming the location of the other Jingwei with Wang Qian in the main control room.

Of the sixteen Jingwei, only ten participated in the lifting mission of the mecha, and the remaining six have now attached the radar system that Wang Qian said before, and flew to the sea to join the fleet that set sail before. It will become the fleet's early warning aircraft, in addition to high-altitude anti-submarine missions.

Although six Jingwei are a bit small in the vast sea, it is enough to surround only one crimson storm.

Walk out of the main control room and come to the corridor outside. Although it is close to the eve of departure, the interior of the base is still busy at this time.

Many people ran up and down the base with pieces of red cloth, and many people were fixing some clip-like devices next to the base ceiling and the mecha transfer platform.

"Come on, those above throw down the red cloth!"

There was a loud roar on the first floor of the base, and a roll of red silk was thrown down from the ceiling.

The person shouting below picked it up from the ground, straightened it and flattened it, and quickly fixed it to the clip that he had just installed on the ground...

This happened again and again, and the crimson storm in the mecha cabin was quickly surrounded by a circle of red silk, physically isolated from the surrounding area.

As before, this is to prevent the satellites in the sky from peeking into the facilities inside the base when the dome is opened.

These red silks and satins are connected from the shrinking edge of the dome to the feet of the mechs on the ground. After encircling them, the inside of the base looks like an upside-down cone from the sky. Except for the mechas and the transfer platform under their feet, nothing can be seen. arrive.

In fact, this task can be handled with the three-color cloth as before. Everything in the base may be missing, but the three-color cloth cannot be missing.

However, everyone brainstormed and discussed it together, and felt that this is going to be broadcast live on TV after all, so it's better to tinker with it a little bit to make it look more fashionable and advanced.

That's why I finally changed to this red silk and satin. Although it's not much better from a fashion point of view, it's better than the other plans of hanging three-color cloth or hanging big red flowers on the mech...

At this time, all the work in the base was ready, and the three groups of drivers had entered the mecha cab and were on standby.

According to the plan, this time the mission mecha will not stay at sea for a day or two, it may take three days to reach the dive site just for transfer.

So the pilots have to bring enough, only in this way they can change shifts when the helicopter is replenished at sea.

At the same time, after diving into the deep sea, the newly mounted test equipment on the mecha also needs to be operated by idle drivers.

After all, these devices are new and may be replaced frequently in the future. In addition to the time constraints, it is impossible for the base to write these devices into the neural operating system, so they can only be manually operated by humans just like the deep submersible.

At that time, except for the three people who drove the mecha deep dive, the rest of the people would have to operate these test equipment.

For this reason, Chen Shen specially changed a small living area in the driver's cab for the six people to rest halfway.

If this is properly illegal modification in the movie world, anyone who dares to go on the road will be caught by law enforcement mechs.


Outside, from assembling the hanger in the morning, to refueling Jingwei, and working until noon, from the huge hanger to the huge Jingwei helicopter, the audience can feast their eyes.

Especially when the TV studio introduced the Jingwei helicopter on the scene, especially emphasizing the "civilian helicopter", the audience almost burst out laughing.

It's just that this is not enough for the audience, everyone is waiting for the crimson storm in the base.

The host also knew exactly what everyone wanted to see, so he kept the topic on mechs.

"Okay, audience, the time has come to twelve o'clock at noon. According to the previously announced schedule, it is now close to the departure time."

In the studio of CCTV, the host glanced at the time and started the last topic before departure as planned.

"We all know that in the previously hit movie Pacific Rim, the mechs were hoisted by Jingwei helicopters, and judging from the previously disclosed demonstration video, in this deep dive plan, we plan to use The transfer method is the same as in the movie, it is transferred by helicopter in the air, but I have a document in my hand, which contains a more detailed transfer process of the mech, one of which must not be imagined by you..."

"Originally, I also wanted to make it clear to everyone, but this time the time is tight, so let's return the camera to the scene and let everyone witness it with their own eyes..."

The host picked up a document and smiled at the camera, as if he had seen the audience scratching their heads in front of the screen and scolding him for his appetite.

He guessed right, many viewers were indeed aroused by him.

"Isn't the mech transfer just to pull out the mech and connect it to the helicopter? Is there any process that we didn't expect?"

There are many similar comments, and some people are guessing what the process that no one can think of is, but more people are wishing the host who tantalized just now.

"An appetizer is as bad as a spoiler!"

"I wish the host's partner will be found cheating!"

"If you are caught whoring, you must wear a hood!"

"If the buttocks of the uncle next to the host are touched, there must be surveillance certificates. You are innocent!"

Similar underworld blessings lined up the entire screen, which seemed dumbfounding.

When the camera cuts back to the scene, what everyone sees is the drone aerial footage of the base, and the drone has surpassed the height of the base, taking a panoramic view of the dome base from top to bottom.

In particular, the area where the crimson storm is located has been given special attention, and several specific shots have been given.

In the past, ordinary people could not see the lens from this angle at all, and the images around the dome base could not be seen in all the satellite street views accessible to ordinary people.

So most people are seeing the roof of the dome base for the first time.

This look immediately found something wrong.

"Why are there cracks like flower petals on the roof? Could it be that the roof of the base was really broken before, and are these newly repaired traces?"

"How could it be traces of repairs? These cracks are so regular that they are obviously designed on purpose, but I can't figure out what the purpose of this pattern design is on the roof, and no one can see it..."

As far as the height of the base of the dome is concerned, the roof cannot be seen in any case from the sea.

Ordinary viewers are still wondering, but intelligence analysts working overtime all over the world have already taken out the previous satellite images and started the comparison work.

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