the other side of the ocean.

Arthur is still on duty in the office of the intelligence center.

There is a cup of black sesame coffee for hair care on his table, which is the experience he has gained from his long-term experience in the Chinese Internet-to complement the shape with the shape, okay!

He was watching the live video of Chen Shen's lecture two days ago, not to analyze the content in it, those were scientists' affairs, and had nothing to do with his major, he was just trying to find some neglected details.

But after watching the entire video, the only thing worth paying attention to in his eyes was the computer placed in front of Chen Shen.

That was Shenshen Chen's personal computer. They had successfully hacked into it once, and now there is still a virus waiting for them to wake it up.

"Unfortunately, we didn't know in advance that he would give a report at the seminar, otherwise, we would definitely be able to sneak into the university's network in advance, maybe we can see the desktop of the computer through the camera, or even enter his computer again... "

Arthur said very regretfully to the colleague on duty next to him, but the other party was sitting in a comfortable office chair, dozing off non-stop, obviously not in the mood to listen to his nonsense.

"Beep beep!"

Suddenly, the computer in front of the two of them beeped a piercing alarm.

Suddenly, Arthur and the colleagues next to him woke up!

This is a sign that Chen Shen's social account has been updated.

There are programs on their computers that monitor Chen Shen's accounts on various social platforms at all times, and will automatically remind them whenever there is an update.

Looking at the world, apart from Chen Shen, only some nuclear physicists from other countries can receive this treatment.

"Something happened, take a look!" The colleague slapped his face, forcing himself to wake up quickly.

"I know, I don't need your sleepy reminder!" Arthur said hurriedly, and quickly clicked on the reminder on the computer, and the computer interface automatically jumped to the latest news page released by Chen Shen.

At this time, the colleague next to him was fully awake, and quickly came over, "How about it, did he release a new video?"

Arthur read Chen Shen's words before replying: "Don't you know how to read it yourself? This is just a text message, how can there be a video?"

"This news is that he has a research result, so he went to a place to inspect."

"What result? What kind of impact will it cause?"

"That requires you to check the information with me. Our fat boss will definitely ask about it when he is at work. Come on, let's check what company Dongfang Technology Group is..."

After spending some time, the two found most of Dongfang Technology's information.

"It's a company whose main business is the production of display panels..."

Arthur scratched his head, "So this project will most likely be related to display technology, but this technology doesn't seem to have anything to do with national security..."

Another colleague was also surprised, "Why would he waste time in such an irrelevant field? And he also went to the site to inspect it?"

The two looked at each other, and neither could get an answer from the other's eyes.

The display panel is not unimportant. After all, this technology is used everywhere in modern society, but it is too incompetent for a scientific researcher of Chen Shen's level to study this kind of project, right?

In their view, this matter is as wasteful as changing a nuclear physicist who studies large mushroom cultivation to study TNT explosives.

"Maybe he wants to change his research field from military to civilian?"

"It may also be a blindfold..."


"You're saying the Angular might be coming to phones?"

When President Zheng of Warwick heard the news from his assistant, he was stunned.

"Yes." The assistant said what just happened.

"We asked Dongfang Technology, and the answer we got so far is that we have no comment." The assistant seemed very helpless.

Obviously, Dongfang Technology Group attaches great importance to this cooperation project with Chen Shen or Edge.

Zheng Ren immediately remembered the carbon-based chip, and he was still waiting for Comrade Chen to withdraw from the negotiation of the photoacoustic scanner.

If Angular has mastered the new chip technology, it seems to be a logical thing to enter the mobile phone and computer markets that rely most on chips.

Relying on carbon-based chips, angular mobile phones not only have selling points, but may also have advantages in performance. After all, it is a carbon-based chip with a 14nm process...

Yes, after the discussion that night, he called Comrade Chen again and got the exact information.

The first production line currently planned by Prism is designed according to the 14nm process.

"If they also want to enter the mobile phone market, the two of us will become competitors. I don't know if it will hinder our future chip cooperation..."

Zheng Ren is worried. Huawei has already been sanctioned on silicon-based chips, and the mobile phone business will become more and more difficult in the future. If the tail of carbon-based chips is not touched, it will lose two cities in a row. It's difficult.

It's not just the Huawei family. After the news came out, the brands in the entire mobile phone market were trembling.

Whether it's Apple, Four Star, or other big and small domestic brands, everyone has paid 120,000 attention to this matter.

It is really that the past achievements of Angle are too scary. With the aura of God Chen and the blessing of technology, Angle's products have always maintained the traditional custom of overthrowing all competing products when they are born.

Whether it's brain-controlled prosthetics or artificial intelligence...

Even if they are as powerful as Gu Ge, they still haven't found a way to break the encroachment of their market by Bai Ze Search. Even if they launch their own intelligent search engine, they can't save this situation.

Judging from the current situation, mobile phones are probably no exception.

The next day, a tight meeting was held at Apple headquarters.

CEO Tim is now discussing with all the executives at the headquarters, and the core topic is how to deal with the threats posed by edges and corners.

"Judging from the current situation, perhaps the selling point of their mobile phones will focus on the screen. In this regard, I think it is difficult for their technology to widen the gap with ours."

"I think the key point is not the technology, but the marketing methods of the other party. The halo of their genius is too dazzling. Many people will have the desire to buy as soon as they see his name. After all, before he appeared, we never thought about it. A person with normal limbs would go and buy a prosthetic."

Everyone at the meeting was dumbfounded. Even if the former CEO of their company, who was regarded by many people as a believer, sold brain-controlled prosthetics, it was absolutely impossible to sell the prosthetics to normal people...

But Chen Shen or Angular did it...

At this time, a person raised his hand and spoke: "Maybe we can consider adding benefits to the next generation of products, such as a free charging head and charging cable or an ordinary earphone in the box?"

As soon as he said this, a middle-aged woman with instant noodle hair immediately objected: "No, we are removing the included charging head and earphones to reduce global carbon emissions. This is a measure that is beneficial to the global environment. Why? Can it go back to how it was before?"

"Then what shall we do..."

Compared with the gloomy Apple and other mobile phone brands, Sundar, the CEO of Gu Ge, saw a chance to turn around at this time.

"If Angle enters the mobile phone market, they will adopt our Ando system. Maybe we can use this to reach a cooperation? Alleviate the crisis brought by Baize Search?"

Sundar immediately called his assistant, ready to communicate with Edge.

He never thought about the possibility of Angular not adopting the Android system, let alone that the next product of Angular might not be a mobile phone at all.

At this time, Chen Shen is heading for the real destination of his trip...

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