Movie black technology

Chapter 245 DNA Template Printing

This method of DNA processing nano-pattern is called DNA projection nano-printing, and it can also be called DNA template printing.

This approach can use DNA as a template to define substrate patterns.

The principle is to arrange the DNA neatly on the substrate, and then deposit a metal film on it.

The DNA molecules act as nanostencils, and since the metal film is deposited at an angle, the projection of the DNA molecules defines the pattern on the substrate.

Next, a plasma etching machine is used to etch the surface of the pattern to obtain nanometer-sized grooves on the substrate.

This just bypasses the photolithography step!

The lithography machine is very important in chip production, but its function is actually very simple.

The role of the photolithography machine in chip production is to react with the photoresist on the substrate through the light source, so that the photoresist in the irradiated part will deteriorate and be easy to corrode, thereby "drawing" the circuit pattern on the photoresist.

Next, the photoresist in the deteriorated part can be etched away, and then the wafer itself can be etched to form semiconductor devices and their circuits.

That is to say, the lithography machine only plays a positioning role, and the real circuit formation still depends on etching!

And now this positioning can be done by DNA template!

If this technical idea is followed, then the future carbon-based chips will be prepared in the way of metaplasia, which is completely soaked from various solutions.

Because in addition to carbon nanotubes, nanomaterials such as metals and oxides can also be grown, built, and assembled with DNA tools.

It can be seen that it is not impossible to soak the carbon nanotransistor directly from the solution and assemble it on the chip.

Moreover, this technology also meets Chen Shen's needs. Only this new technology that can get rid of photolithography and machining can meet the current production and processing of Oasis series carbon-based chips.

The most important thing is that Chen Shen really found the corresponding DNA template printing technique in the processing data provided by the system!

The technical information of the system is extremely complete, including all the links of carbon-based chip production. Among them, the link of manufacturing nano-patterns, the production process not only includes photolithography technology, but also DNA template printing.

This shows that under the calculation of the system, not only lithography machines can be used to manufacture carbon-based chips, but DNA template printing can also be used!

The two functions are indeed equivalent.

And as before, the DNA template printing technology provided by the system is several generations higher than the current level, which perfectly solves the application problem of this technology in the production of carbon-based chips.

The process with other steps such as carbon nanotube purification, carbon nanotube assembly and arrangement technology, etc. is also several generations ahead of the current one.

However, these technologies are not completely detached from the current theoretical basis, more like the current technical theory after decades of development.

Chen Shen carefully studied the two processes of photolithography and DNA template printing, and quickly compared the differences between the two methods.

If you use a lithography machine, the biggest advantage is convenience. Basically, you can directly use the lithography machine currently used for silicon-based chips.

With DNA stencil printing, a supply chain needs to be built specifically for the process.

However, one of the biggest advantages of this process is that it is easy to produce, and the requirements for the production environment are at least half lower than those of a lithography machine, and it does not need to be carried out in a darkroom.

Moreover, it is easier to use this technology to manufacture higher-precision nano-patterns than to upgrade a lithography machine.

At least for Chen Shen...

At this point, he has figured out the production process of carbon-based chips, so the next step is to go.

For the next few days, Chen Shen sat in front of the computer, controlled the computer with a brain-computer device, and wrote his own new technology plan for carbon-based chips.

As long as this technical solution is born, he will basically solve the theoretical problems of carbon-based chips from development to production, and then the problem of industrialization.

But at that point, it's not something he wants to consider.

Scientists like him can't play a role in the issue of putting this technology into production. This kind of thing has to be done by Prism Technology and Dasheng Industry.

After staying in the room for more than a week, it was late May when Chen Shen walked out of the room with his plan.

Looking at the blue sky outside, and feeling the cool sea breeze blowing from the seaside of the base under the shade of trees, it is very refreshing.

The negative emotions generated by staying in the dormitory before were taken away by the sea breeze. If this place was not blocked, it should also be a refreshing scenic spot.

After wandering aimlessly in the base for a while, feeling relaxed, Chen Shencai went to Wang Qian's office with the plan in hand.

"Aunt Qian?" Chen Shen knocked on the door, and there was a reply soon after, before he opened the door and went in.

Behind the desk, Wang Qian was still typing on the keyboard in front of her.

Chen Shen couldn't help feeling sorry for the keyboard for a moment, thinking in his heart whether he should also get a set of brain-computer devices for Aunt Qian, so that her keyboard could live a stable life for the rest of her life and save some office expenses for the base. At the same time, it can also improve Aunt Qian's office efficiency.

"You must have made some breakthrough when you came here today?" Wang Qian suddenly poked her head out from the side of the computer screen to look at him, and immediately saw the hard drive in his hand.

"Of course there is!" Chen Shen smiled, and before he finished speaking, Wang Qian stopped typing on the keyboard, turned off the computer screen, came to the reception area, and sat opposite him.

"I guess it's a carbon-based chip?" Wang Qian glanced at the hard drives in his hand and guessed.

"Yeah, that's right, take a look." Chen Shen nodded, and pushed all the hard drives in front of him to Wang Qian.

Wang Qian picked up one of the pieces, glanced at the mark on it, and saw Chinese characters that she could understand but couldn't understand, so she simply gave up getting information from the hard drive and asked directly: "What breakthrough have you made in this technology?" ?”

Chen Shen said: "From the information you gave me, the domestic carbon-based chip technology has reached the initial industrial production standards, so I just made some improvements to these processes."

Wang Qian listened carefully, and the recording pen in her hand was turned on, ready to record at any time.

"Next, I need the team from Yuanmingyuan Vocational College to help me do some experiments to verify my ideas. If there are no problems, I can start researching production equipment and consider industrialization."

Chen Shen's words ended here.

Wang Qian thought for a while and asked: "That means your method can also be industrialized? If your method is used for production, what is the highest specification chip that can be produced?"

Regarding this question, Chen Shen thought for a while, "Here are some of my production ideas for 14nm carbon-based chips. If there is no problem, the production of 14nm carbon-based chips can naturally be realized."

Wang Qian nodded. Although she was a little surprised, she still secretly wrote down the details of 14 nanometers.

She naturally knew that if this technology could really be realized, it would be a major change in the chip industry, but she couldn't get too emotional about the results Chen Shen presented.

Habit is a powerful force...

This chapter is equally difficult to write...

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