Of course, the "Earth Throwing" trick he used in the Flaming Blade Competition was also included in the gravel knight's information.

But Jogo didn't prepare to fight back at all. He didn't move until the Gravel Knight pressed the blade to his throat. He just moved his pupils down and looked at her jokingly.

In the blink of an eye, Li couldn't think too much, since he had already seized the opportunity, of course he would stab it without hesitation.

She does know that Jogo is rough and thick, but no matter how thick your body is, it can't cover the fragile parts of the human body that lack muscle protection, such as throat, eyeballs, armpits, etc. This kind of thinking is the same as when Kingslayer encountered Krypton Ph.D. tactics are exactly the same.

So what happened to the Kingslayer?


A layer of pitch-black material suddenly and completely blocked the tip of the gravel knight's knife, making it impossible to penetrate an inch, and made a crisp sound of gold and iron. Obviously, it is the most straightforward hardness, not the same as the working principle of the air shield. It is a buffer.

Conversely, it resembles her Shadow Attack very much.


The terrified Gravel Knight suddenly tensed up all her nerves. She couldn't believe it. How could Jorge have the same Originium skill as her?

No, it is stronger than her, because her knife also has Shadow Strike attached to it. The special metal blade combined with Originium skills cannot pierce the "Shadow Strike" on the opponent's fragile throat, which shows that its defense is stronger than I am more than a notch higher.

"Will you be surprised? Does your intelligence tell you that I don't know technology, but rely on instinct and physical fitness to fight? Then you are all wrong, and disdain is two completely different situations, If you don't believe me, keep going!"

Jogo roared violently and tore the short-sleeved top in half with both hands, completely exposing her chest in front of Shi, but she didn't have the heart to feel such a male temptation at this time, she just subconsciously followed Jogo's induction, He was hacked and stabbed one after another.

Even in the end, he began to use both swords together, like a noble person who has practiced swordsmanship to the extreme and only increased 25% of his teammates' explosive damage.

But this only makes the sound effect of the scene sound like a blacksmith's shop where dozens of craftsmen are working together to forge iron.

"Hey, let me just say it straight, that is, you can enjoy this special treatment. So far, none of you Casimirs can force me to use technology!"

Qiao Ge suddenly grabbed Rubble's right wrist, which made Rubble Knight tremble. Of course, she knew that she had lost, and she even expected the restricted-level scene where her arm was crushed by a strong grip.

But when she gave up resisting, and even closed her eyes and clenched her teeth tightly to wait for the sharp pain that was about to hit, Jogo did not put any effort into it. Instead, he raised his other hand and climbed the palm that appeared in jet-black armed color. Touched her blade, clicked it, crushed it to pieces.

"Not only did you lose, but you also completely angered me, so as the price, this knife will die for you, is it fair? In my family, the rules are determined by me."

Chapter 178 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Of course Jogo would hit women, because the gravel knight had a weapon pointing at him. At this time, she could not be regarded as a "female" in the conventional sense, but an "enemy".

Anyway, even if Li was beaten half to death, the professional medical team beside him could still save him.

But Qiao Ge has this capital willfulness, and Seti's body is enough to support the armed domineering from the bear. He is already invincible at this time, and knowing that the other party will become his most loyal operator in the future. There is no need to start.

For the enemy general Guan Yu who was captured, Cao Cao and other heroes can be willing to be Congren Tam, let alone the doctor treats his happy lady mouse?

As for why you crushed her blade with your bare hands, because it is equivalent to using body language to say that your weak attack is not as good as a breadstick, and completely cut off her hope of turning the tables. By the way, you can also verify the "Shadow Strike" and arming of Gravel Knight What is the difference in color.

From the actual experience, the shadow attack does only have a defensive function similar to the armed domineering, and the attachment of it to the knife is only to make it stronger, but this does not increase the "attack power" much.

And if it is armed color, in addition to making the blade sharper and the fist stronger, there will be some other special effects, because domineering is not only a physical skill, but also incorporates the power of personal will.

"It's over, tell me what you promised me before, and then leave here, I don't care who the person who ordered you is, but if you think he is a guy worthy of your trust, then go back and report, Remember to tell him that whatever he wants to do, he has to do it before I lose interest."

"But if he is a bad guy who threatens you, say it now, I will lift him to the top of the highest tower of the Great Knights, wring off his hands and feet before throwing him down."

This is also one of the reasons why Jogo gave up punching and showed Li a more desperate "invincible" posture. He needs to give Li more confidence. If she is coerced, she will have the courage to fight him. Tell the truth.


Perhaps after admitting defeat, he had lost his competiveness. Instead of following Jogo to answer his question, Li, who was sitting sideways on the ground, suddenly laughed out loud after a while of silence. However, the laughter gradually weakened until it melted. For a sigh.

"Mr. Wrist Hao is willing to fight for a woman who has cheated on you, but he doesn't want to date me so much? Why is that?"

"Are you stupid?"

Margaret can supervise the battle on the steps, Qiao Ge is now using her husband's identity, of course, he must express his attitude without hesitation in such matters.

But for some reason, he still gave Li a reply that left a little gap in the door.

Maybe this is the doctor, with a strong neck that cannot be crushed by any big cat.

"Would you agree to date someone who wears a can on his head and doesn't know what he looks like?"


It seems that Li doesn't have the consciousness to hide her face at all. Perhaps it should be said that she originally pretended to be a competitive knight for the sake of missions, but at least after trying to play a game, she began to like this kind of It feels like making money for yourself and spending it for yourself, instead of waiting for a reward from your master.

Even if Li is no longer a slave, she is not a member of the knight family like Margaret and Maria, and she cannot even be compared with the old knights who once belonged to the Linguang family, because they are just old Linguang. The subordinates of Guangda Knights, not servants.

The current fourth-level knight Li, except for a meager subsidy from the knight union, basically still has to rely on the old man who was her master and is now her master. Her status is probably similar to The dead men raised at home in the political culture of Yu Yan state.

Without the consent of her master, of course a dead soldier can't show her face at will, but since she put on this full-cover technology knight armor, she can suddenly have no scruples. freedom of.

So because of her skills, she didn't need to wear knight armor at all. Not only did she not reject this first experience at all, but she developed a little psychological dependence, so she didn't notice in advance that she might have made an oolong.

Luckily, Rubble was still wearing the helmet, so Jhogo couldn't see her flushed face.

Fortunately, she wasn't ashamed enough to yell.


"Master, the task... is completed."

Li knelt down on one knee in front of an elderly Kuranta man covered in silver hair, but her master did not respond to Li immediately, but was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, looking down at him. Newspaper unfolded in hand.

Li is already very familiar with the attitude of his master. When a stubborn person focuses on a certain matter, it is difficult to notice the movement around him. Her master was once a powerful Casimir war knight, and he couldn't resist the laws of nature.

The title of this master is "Knight of the Silver Gun". He used to work with the Knight of Light, that is to say, he is Margaret and Grandpa Maria's old comrade-in-arms and old boss.

Of course, the relationship between the two is not limited to that. When he was the head of the Knights of the Silver Gun, he was beaten back by the Ursus army, causing the word "Silver Gun" to become the Ursus at that time. A joke for drinking.

It wasn't until a blond pegasus joined the battle that another more dazzling sun rose in the hearts of members of the Casimir border and the Knights of the Silver Gun.

The Knight of the Silver Gun always believes that the hero of Casimir should be respected more than his old and retired title of Lord, but the new nobles don't think so, because he can go to the National Council or even It was Sapo who flipped the table at the supervisory meeting, and the current officials had no choice but to apologize to him.

However, the former Knight of Light could not even protect his eldest granddaughter, and could only make her self-deprecating, sticking an obsidian on her skin and pretending to be discovered by others, and was finally charged with concealing the identity of the "infected person" Only by being deported by the National Council through legal procedures can asylum be granted.

Because only in this way will Margaret not become a traitor who fled privately, at least there is still a chance to come back and "prove her innocence".

Even the secret of the Knight of the Silver Gun knowing about Margaret's crimes was not learned from the Knight of the Light, but later learned from his youngest son Marna, because until the end of the day, the Knight of the Light did not know about Margaret. Never asked the Silver Gun Knight for help.

And the obsidian used to pretend to be the source stone crystal became the last relic of the Linguang Knight to his granddaughter Margaret. Cover with a layer of coffin soil.

So this has become a knot that Yinqiang can't solve all the time, so when he learned that Margaret Linguang's husband came to Casimir to participate in the knight competition, it seemed that he wanted to justify the name of Yao Knight, no matter how hard he tried I hate knight sports, so I couldn't help buying these gossip newspapers.

Then I rummaged through boxes and boxes to find out my own reading glasses and put them on the bridge of my nose, trying to find a few words that were still possible from the stories written by these professionals.

"The secret history of professional wrestling court philosophy that the knights of the wrists and the king of Kjerag have to say, what the **** are these! Kjerag is not a monarchy at all... Oh, Senomi, you are here, how is the situation? "

Chapter 179 Silver Spear: I want to see if he is in good health

"According to your instructions, I successfully approached as a competitive knight..."

Just as Li kept kneeling on one knee and was respectfully telling Yinqiang the whole story of this mission, her master waved her hand casually and interrupted her words impatiently.

"I asked you how the situation is, not asking you to report a lot of things to me."

"...Ah? Old man, what did you say, master?"

Li looked a little stunned, and it was indeed the first time that she was asked such a request by the silver gun, and she didn't even understand what it meant.

"Hey, that's right, you only became a knight during the so-called peaceful years. The two ages and two identities have probably already intertwined into an indistinct thread in your heart, but people always have to learn Growing up, at my age, aren’t you still learning?”

The maid at the door trembled when she heard the words, but she didn't dare to intervene. Your glasses were only found yesterday by the head maid instructing three or four maids to rummage through the boxes under the bed. What are you learning with?

"What I mean is, don't tell me what happened in detail like a tape recorder, you just need to tell me what do you think of 'Wuhao', and have you found out the real purpose of his coming to Casimir? That's it."

"Yes, master, Mr. Wrist Hao, uh, how should I put it..."

Compared with the extremely provocative words when fighting Jogo, Li was very stupid at this time, because she couldn't speak like before in front of the master. After a long time, she finally summed up her inner feelings. In a word.

"He should be the one you are looking for, master."

"Oh, do you think so? Is it because he's strong enough to win the knightly competition, or is it because he has those magic drugs that he can get the support of the Chamber of Commerce?"

Yingqiang probably knew that Li could not escape the shackles of her identity for the time being, so she didn't blame her for speaking so briefly, but he was guiding her to speak out the key issues.

"Both of these are correct, but... it seems that they are not. Mr. Jiahao is indeed stronger than I imagined. Winning the championship must be a breeze."

"Ah, that's a matter of course. If the man who can be favored by the eldest daughter of the Linguang family can't dominate a ridiculous knight show, what qualifications can he have to return to Casimir? But you said that this is not the reason, What's the meaning?"


Li hesitated for a moment, but perhaps Yin Qiang's attitude just now gave her a premonition of something, or Jogo's previous promise gave her courage, and finally spurted out her inner feelings.

"Mr. Wristow is a genius man who doesn't care about trifles. He is unexpectedly gentle and considerate of other people's feelings in his rude behavior. He dares to challenge the evil dragon with a mortal body just like the hero in the knight novel, but it is only to promote his heart. Even if this kind of justice seems more terrifying than evil, it still can't help but be admired."


After listening to Li's evaluation of the wrist-rich knight, Silver Gun directly sprayed through the newspaper he was reading in his hand with a sip of tea.

An old lord like him who once led Casimir's main knight order, galloped on the battlefield with dashing long white hair and a ponytail when he was young, and even had the coquettish title of "Silver Spear". Casimir's national husband, of course, has a lot of personal emotional experience, so it's hard not to understand the implication of Li's mouth.

After all, everyone can tell that this is no longer a description of the mission goal, it is clearly no different from the love letter secretly stuffed into the silver gun armor by the noble lady back then.

"Haha, hahaha... You, Senomi, you don't think you like Shang Jiahao, do you? Did Margaret agree to it?"


After finishing all this, Li also realized the shame, but the silver gun wanted to add fuel to the fire by teasing her. Finally, she couldn't hold back the feeling of restlessness, and she spoke in a tone like a little girl Just like being coquettish.

Like, a father and daughter.

Perhaps because of the influence of the Linguang Knights, Silver Spear's attitude towards its subordinates is exactly the same as that of the Linguang family, and it doesn't treat the former Li as a slave. Otherwise, why make her a real knight?

Although they are not yet at the level of father and daughter, Yinqiang is very happy to see that Li finally finds the path he wants to pursue, instead of continuing to become the property of the next powerful person after the death of this old man.

Even if he was competing for a man with the granddaughter of his old comrade-in-arms.

"Okay, okay, I don't care about the feelings of young people. Since you have taken a fancy to him, there is nothing else I can do as an old guy. The only thing I can do is to give this kid a test. How about it, you go now Take a trip to the Knights of the Blade Helm, and tell their leader that he will replace you in the game tomorrow, and bring something over there by the way."


The most eye-catching knight competition this afternoon is "Little Yao Knight" Maria Linguang vs. "Left Handed Knight" Titus Baiyang. Although this does not seem to be a close battle, it is clearly a business alliance Retaliation for certain actions.

Maybe it was because Maria had strongly rejected their contract before, or because she wanted to beat the extremely arrogant knight from the side.

But Maria herself is extremely confident, because she is holding a legendary weapon given by her brother-in-law, and there is a real Yao knight who is using practical experience to guide her how to defeat the left-handed knight.

In fact, both Margaret and Zofia had victories against left-handed knights, but Margaret relied on hard power, and it was still a one-to-many match. Zofia's match was a bit water-filled, and even she felt that she had won. It was inexplicable, but after thinking about it afterwards, I knew that it was the competition team that was manipulating the game.

It can only be said that the left-handed knights at that time were not skilled enough in acting.

"Don't worry, aunt, although the gap between Maria and the left-handed knight is not so big, with the help of me and Margaret, her strength and combat experience have also made great progress, and it is not because of our Rhodes. Are the people on the island here, there will be no danger."

Although the left-handed knight sounds like the unlucky old enemy of the Linguang family, he is also the seed player of the competition. "Both are two levels higher.

Without the unexpected factor of Jogo, he is indeed too exaggeratedly stronger than Maria, and it is almost impossible to win.

"I hope so, as long as Maria can do her best and don't regret it, it's just..."

Zofia had a bad premonition that things would not be as simple as Jogo said, until Mobu's usual exaggerated commentary sounded on the field.

"Oh my god, am I right? Today our billionaire, the 'left hand' from the Knights of the Blades, actually gave up his signature Swordsman Spear, which he almost never leaves, and used another An unfamiliar silver long gun! Could it be the latest technology weapon of some big company?"

Chapter 180 You Are Not Linguang at All!

In fact, the silver spear newly replaced by the left-handed knight, in fact, just by looking at the standard, it is by no means the style of technological weapons of major companies today, but more traditional.

It’s just that there is still some gap with the general-purpose knight guns sold in **** retro stores, and the left-handed knight and his Knights of the Helmets have always been popular "billboards" for major technology companies, so even Mobu Mobu Everyone thought this was just a retro-style technological weapon specially designed by some company.

But in fact, the reason why this gun is somewhat different from the medieval standard is that it is not an ordinary medieval weapon built in batches, but a treasure-level weapon specially ordered for a general Casimir, just like Marne At his waist was the other sword that belonged to his father, the Knight of Light.

Even though Casimir's new Originium technology weapon has disadvantages such as low durability, need to be recharged, and the structure is not stable enough, but in terms of the intensity and time of a match, the power it can exert is indeed more powerful than a simple cold weapon. Powerful, anyway, it will be taken for maintenance after the game, at worst, the sponsor will replace it with a new one.

But this kind of weapon customized for general-level great knights is different. It almost represents the culmination of the combination of the old-fashioned origin stone craftsmanship and cold weapon smelting. Each is the proud work of a master craftsman. The advanced and battle-tested technology is far from being comparable to the current technological weapons.

I am afraid that only the legendary weapons that have left a great reputation in history and the artifacts created by a certain Sichuan girl can surpass them.

Although the "Guardian Angel" is a higher-level legendary weapon, in addition to its special effects, its own attributes are strong in percentage bonuses, and weak in percentage bonuses. Unfortunately, Maria belongs to the basic quality The slightly lower kind of holder.

That is to say, the talent of the Linguang family and the "Guardian Angel" are extra compatible. I am afraid that the special effects of the flash bombs have been raised to a blinding level.

"F-what happened!? In an instant! The instant the battle started! Maria's sword was blown away by the knight's spear! Then she kicked hard! ... This is a huge gap in strength!"

With Dazui Mobu's opening commentary pretending to be surprised, everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

Qiao Ge and Margaret frowned tightly. The two of them knew the "fully upgraded" Maria best. Even if it was still difficult to match an opponent of this level, it stands to reason that they could press on each other step by step. Hold on for a while, and then lose decently without regrets.

At least the prologue should not be given.

In particular, what felt wrong was Margaret, who was very familiar with the battles between knights and had studied the videos of the left-handed knight's previous games twice. The increase in strength even surpassed that of Maria, the only thing that remained the same was his attacking methods.

'Fa... well, what happened? Am I defeated without even seeing clearly? '

Maria fell sideways on the ground, her tiger's mouth still trembling in pain, she had no time to make any active response, just as she clenched the sword in her hand, she was swept away by the opponent forcefully.

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