Not everyone can sleep with a blindfold on like Angel Neng, especially in an unknown and dangerous environment. Even if they fall asleep, they must keep their nerves sharp at all times. If they wear blindfolds, they will definitely become dull.

So Neng Angel has always wanted to find a way to manually close the aperture, and this transformation even directly wiped out the aperture, which made her overjoyed for a while.

Prodigal stuff, the transformation worth more than a thousand pure origin stones is just to make you turn off the lights for a day? I'll just... let you sign the contract of sale, from now on you will be the doctor's exclusive technician, ah, no, it's a six-star sniper.

"Because I'm the boss, remember, the boss is always right! Don't you think I'm right?"

"…Is that right?"

Angel Neng tilted his head with a black hair on his head, and he had the cool and silly taste of a penguin, but coolness would only be like a few hoarse pronunciations like uh, rua, and Angel Neng is just a word Lots of guys.

It doesn't matter, anyway, there is no matching limit in the entertainment mode.


"Old Chen, was my mission yesterday a bit weird? Why didn't you come to give me orders, but the Chief Superintendent sent the mission?"

Officer Hoshiguma from the Konoe Bureau came to the table of a breakfast restaurant, put her triangular prajna shield inside the seat, and then asked a colleague sitting opposite.

And this colleague is also Xingxiong's immediate superior, the leader of the special inspection team of the Longmen Guards Bureau, and the senior police superintendent Chen Huijie Chen sir who is of dragon race.

The chief superintendent Hoshiguma mentioned was a position above the senior superintendent, equivalent to the provincial G'an head, and Chen's senior superintendent was his deputy.

"Since he deliberately bypassed me to find you, how could he tell me the truth? Hmph, this guy is getting more and more outrageous relying on his power. Have you found any doubts?"

"There are indeed some doubts. The gang identity of the suspect yesterday has been old for many years. Even if she was arrested as a gang vendetta, at least there must be evidence at the scene, right? Not only is there no evidence at all, the people in the bureau took her When the knife and clothes were tested, it turned out that they were all covered with her own blood."

Obviously what Hoshiguma is talking about is Laplande. The wolf blood on her body was obtained when she fought with Jhogo Jhin, so there is no blood of the victim Gambino... because it was Laplande. De killed with the wolf soul, and didn't let him get close at all.

"So what you mean is that he asked you to arrest the suspect for some other personal purpose, which has nothing to do with official business. Maybe even the victim was framed by him." "

"I didn't say that, Old Chen, Chief Yang's position is higher than mine, and no one except you would dare to arrange him like this."

Seeing Xingxiong waving at her exaggeratedly, Chen shrugged nonchalantly while drinking a bowl of lean meat porridge. Anyway, everyone in the Guard Bureau knew that she had trouble with the Chief Superintendent. It's not just the chief superintendent who sir doesn't deal with.

"What are you afraid of? He's just Wei Yanwu's lackey. As the commander-in-chief of the Guards Bureau, he can't even hold a knife steadily except for a pistol that is used for self-defense. Can you also dominate us?"

"Although Chief Yang used to be Chief Wei's secretary, he was also a veteran of Longmen at that time. Even if he can't fight martial arts, he can still be regarded as a ruthless character if he can live to this day. In terms of scheming old Chen, you must not be able to play him."

Xingxiong scratched the ghost horns on his forehead with one hand, took a bite of the fried dough sticks on the table, and then tried to persuade Chen Huijie not to be too impulsive.

"Hmph, I don't need to play tricks with him, as long as I catch evidence of him abusing his power, and then throw it on Wei Yanwu's desk, he will leave or I will leave!"

Hoshiguma grinned, and didn't waste any more words, anyway, only Wei Yanwu's niece dared to be so arrogant, otherwise such a straightforward and naive person usually would not have a good ending.

Unless your relationship is harder than the villain.

Chapter 74 No one can bear the shame of being killed by a cutie

"Who made our Police Officer Chen so angry so early in the morning? Did he eat chili or gunpowder?"

At this moment, a familiar voice came from the door of the breakfast shop. Chen's hand holding the fried dough stick trembled suddenly, and two black lines involuntarily hung from his forehead.

Even the Chief Superintendent of the Guards Bureau just mentioned would make a polite gesture to Chen in person, and there was only one person who dared to be so eccentric.

"Fuck you, char siu cat, why don't you resign and be your operator but still come here to amuse me, do you want to quarrel!?"

The person who came was Shi Huaiya, and before Cerebellar Fux resigned, she could still attract Sir Chen's firepower, but since there was only one senior superintendent left in the Guard Bureau, the conflict between Chen and the chief superintendent was aroused at once. out.

Chen sir thinks that the chief superintendent is not worthy of the position of guarding the dragon gate, and the chief superintendent certainly cannot tolerate a subordinate who dares to contradict his boss like this. what.

"Hey, you don't know what's good and what's wrong! My young lady came here to care for you personally. It's fine if you don't appreciate Dade, but you still spray X all over your mouth. I don't think you want the rice rolls on your butt, do you? "

The anger between the two became more and more intense. Seeing that they were about to turn on the cursing mode, no one in the store avoided the situation wisely. What's too much is that there are passers-by outside who come to ask the shop owner for a bench to sit on.

Even Xingxiong didn't try to stop the two of them. Instead, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and even thought in his heart that it would be great if Shi Huaiya didn't resign.

Although Xingxiong is Chen sir's subordinate, but her past experience in the world can be regarded as Chen's senior. In her opinion, sometimes letting go of her throat and making a noise can really solve most problems. The most annoying thing is playing tricks behind those old guys' backs .

"Cough cough cough! Shi Huaiya, don't get too involved, we still have tasks to do!"

It wasn't until the doctor's reminder came from the invisible earphone worn by Shi Huaiya that Cerebellar Axe suddenly woke up. He didn't come here to reminisce about the past.

So she made a full gesture, and gracefully waved her hand at Chen who was about to rush over to fight.

"Don't talk nonsense with you, Changfenlong, to be honest, I have a case here that I need to ask you old colleagues to help investigate, and then I will donate a batch of 'police equipment' to the special inspection team alone, how about it, Do you want to do it?"

It is said to be police equipment, but it is actually just to avoid suspicion in front of these onlookers. Everyone in the Guard Bureau knows what this means. Of course, the thing Shi Huaiya donated is Longmen coin.


Even the stubborn Chen sir knows that funding is indispensable for her work. With funding, she will have more people to support her, gain more power to speak, and of course be more confident in confronting that boss.

"Talk about it first, Char Siu Cat."

"Of course it's not very good here, let's find a secluded place."

Chen turned his head and looked at Hoshiguma, Hoshiguma waved her hand to show that I don't care.


"What! You said that you want to arrange people to come to the Guard Bureau to investigate the traitors, and you want me to cover it? Impossible! I can take this case, and I will definitely investigate it myself. Everyone who is a traitor can be punished, but this Outsiders are not allowed to meddle in the affairs of the Guard Bureau!"

Arriving at an abandoned construction site, Shi Huaiya told Chen the truth since she was betrayed, but concealed Rhode Island's role in it, such as cannoning werewolves, killing gangsters, etc. of.

Chen was also the first to contact the Chief Superintendent who stepped over her to order Xingxiong this time. If it can be proved that he is a traitor who betrayed his colleagues in the Guard Bureau, then even Wei Yanwu has no reason to protect him.

Of course, in the eyes of Shi Huaiya, Chen Guoren, who has always been ignorant of flexibility, still rejected her proposal of arranging manpower to investigate. This is actually understandable. The Guard Bureau is a public police department. How could it be possible for other private organizations to override it? superior?

"Are you stupid? Since this traitor can do so many things, he must have done multiple covers in the Guards Bureau. Use your official identity to check. Even if you can find out by then, your underwear will be gone." He's almost sold out."

"This is my bottom line, absolutely nothing to talk about!"

Shi Huaiya gritted her teeth resentfully, this is the reason why she often quarreled with Chen sir, because every time such a proposal would be rejected by her with the same reason, but Chen's authority was higher than her, except for refuting Nothing could be refuted except by her mouth.

Xingxiong quite agrees with Shi Huaiya. Of course, there is trust in Cerebellar Axe, the old chief, who will not endanger the Guard Bureau. But now she is also spreading her hands and expressing that she can't help. Old Chen's temper is stronger than the two of them. clear.

"Then don't blame me for using a trick!"

"…What do you want to do?"

Chen was on alert for the first time, beware that Cerebellar Ax would pull out a yo-yo... Well, he took out a weapon to fight her to the death.

However, Shi Huaiya just snapped her fingers.

Paji Paji.

A sound like a duck's flippers walking came from behind, and Chen and Xingxiong turned their heads in surprise, only to see a round and petite penguin staggering from side to side, walking towards them with the same pace as a tumbler, and then bouncing and fanning He raised his little wings, as if he wanted to jump on Chen's shoulders.

However, for penguins, they are not wings, but fins for swimming. Of course, it is impossible to take off in place, so the scene turned into a ball of black and white meat bouncing up and down, which is extremely cute.

"Ah, this..."

Chen sir tensed his whole body immediately, forcibly controlled his desire to reach out and touch this cutie, and there was even a voice in his heart that kept advising her, "Hold up! Hold up!".

'Pretend to be cute guys: When a rookie makes a cute move on purpose, it will double the cuteness value and forcefully attract the attention of all surrounding targets who agree with you. After a period of time, a will judgment will be made, and the target will be cute to different degrees depending on the judgment result. Dizziness; when performing this action with members of the secret service team, for each additional teammate, the cuteness stun power will increase by 20%. '

Empty... that is, the rookie raised his head and blinked at Chen sir, the innocent and lovely eyes of that day suddenly struck like a sledgehammer, even though Chen's mind has always been extremely tenacious, he couldn't help but put his hands on his chest and was in a trance Then for a moment.


A black penguin fin suddenly appeared on the side of Chen sir's neck, and precisely hit the baroreceptor in the carotid sinus, causing the blood supply to the brain to be insufficient after the blood pressure in Chen's brain plummeted. No matter how strong her dragon body is, at this moment He couldn't help but rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Old Chen! You!?"

Shocked, Xingxiong quickly reached out and hugged Chen to prevent her from falling to the ground. She never expected that Shi Huaiya would arrange a sneak attack here, and it was still...

penguin? ? ?

"Go ahead and shout, big girl. If it is known that Mr. Chen from the Guards Bureau is so wise and mighty, she is knocked out by a cute animal that is not half a meter tall, and she will bear this shame for the rest of her life."

Boss Qiao blew on the fin he had just used to stun Sir Chen just like a cowboy who had just pulled out his gun, and looked at Xingxiong arrogantly, not feeling at all that his small crew cut could not even reach her waist, so he just To the knees.

"I have no choice. In order to find out the traitor and minimize the loss of the Guard Bureau, I can only let her do nothing. Hoshiguma, you should be able to understand. I will personally apologize to Changfenlong afterwards."

Shi Huaiya looked at Xingxiong without fear, and even "Kaibiao Ghost" couldn't help being moved by that firm will.

Chapter 75 Hand Rubbing "Dragon Gundam"

Xingxiong couldn't help but understand, anyway, in Boss Qiao's plan, if she insisted on not cooperating, she would be cut dizzy with a penguin fin and move back just like Chen Huijie.

Don't think that if they are the hardest six-star heavy equipment in the game, the Southwind Penguin Agents can't solve them. These penguin boys have very powerful fighting skills, especially the most experienced against humanoid creatures.

Even if the penguin's natural enemy, the killer whale Titi, is here, he can use various tactics to show you how to defeat it. If it doesn't work, use the boss's black technology, and I think it can do Kawaii limited edition.

"Are you sure you won't hurt Lao Chen?"

Xingxiong hesitated for a while, before asking Shi Huaiya.

"Why do you want to hurt her? Do I look like the kind of person who avenges herself?"

Xingxiong rubbed the back of his head and smiled embarrassingly. Indeed, in terms of being a leader, Shi Huaiya is much better than Chen Huijie, a senior police superintendent who is strict with others and self-disciplined, and rewards his subordinates Promises have never been broken, even if the approval from above is stuck, she has to fulfill the promise at her own expense.

"Well, I also understand that Lao Chen is sometimes naive and stubborn, but I can't persuade her. Maybe hitting a wall once or twice will make her understand something. At least it's better to be in the hands of the young lady than to be in the hands of the bad guys." Well murdered."

"What does it mean to fall into my hands? I don't care about this rice noodle dragon."

Shi Huaiya gave Xingxiong a white look, and what she got was still Xingxiong's slightly simple and honest smile, but don't think that Xingxiong is really simple, she understands many things in this world better than anyone else, but she is not in her position. Hoshiguma just wants to do his best to protect the things around him.

"Then I will cooperate with you, and I will also monitor these penguins by the way. I doubt that you are relatives of the Emperor. Could it be that Penguin Logistics wants to take this opportunity to infiltrate the Guard Bureau?"

Kong, Croissant, and Neng Angel involuntarily twitched when they heard the words. Fortunately, they are now fleshy penguins covered with down feathers, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see their reactions. He pointed at Hoshiguma with the tip of his fin without fear.

"Hey, big mammal girl, I warn you not to underestimate people, let alone compare the part-time singing amateur team like Penguin Logistics to my guys. We are a professional south wind spy team, and the entire Antarctic It is our sphere of influence, and we have only tasted one defeat in our career..."

"It's those sons of a **** North Pole folks! Goddamn reindeer! They've insulted their family's name by despicably baiting Santa Claus with cheap sugar and cheap dwarf labor! If we didn't need money Come to make decisive weapons, you big girl will never have the chance to see the best of us elites!"

Hoshiguma stared wide-eyed, watching the little flat-headed penguin chattering, jumping directly onto her face when he got excited, stepping on the pair of armors on his chest with his flippers, angrily twisting her clothes with his two fins. Collar, put the golden beak on Hoshiguma's nose.

"Okay, okay! I understand, don't get excited, you are elites, so how should I conduct an investigation? What kind of basket should I use to bring you in as dolls?"

Hoshiguma was indeed intimidated by Boss Joe's aura. If an ordinary person dared to talk to Police Officer Hoshiguma like that, he would have to taste what is called a five-speed Prajna electric fan.

But Qiao Boss is only such a big ball, and he uses the cutest gesture to say the most fierce words. Xingxiong can't help but follow them as if he prefers children. Anyway, since it is the man hired by Shi Huaiya , should not be unreliable.

"That's an infiltration method that ordinary agents would use. Not to mention the high risk, we don't have any authority. If we want to do it, we have to do both. Kawaii, rookie, you two go and take off the uniform of that dragon policeman."

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Hoshiguma was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly stopped in front of the two penguins. He was about to take off his clothes every now and then. Could even penguins play hooligans?

"Don't worry about it, big girl, of course we brought a change of clothes, don't you want to just walk around the streets with an unconscious policeman in uniform on your back? And her uniform is what we used to enter the Guard Bureau key."

A gleam flashed in Joe's eyes, and then he rubbed his two penguin fins, like a mad scientist who couldn't wait.

At this time, Sir Chen was changed into a loose pajamas, and the dragon horns on her head were also covered by a conical nightcap with wool balls. On the other side, her uniform...

I saw that Chen Huijie's leggings were worn on two pieces of wood that were probably used as legs, the tail was replaced by a long balloon painted with paint, the hands were made of four pieces of wood with joints, and the part of the uniform above the shorts was It was propped up by a wire frame, and there was probably room for two penguins inside to be used as the cockpit.

The head part is even more extreme. On the round pillow, a face is drawn with stick figures as a face, and then a dark blue wig is put on, with two broken yam sticks inserted into it as dragon horns.

This Nima is called a professional? ? ?

It's not just Xingxiong who sees black lines all over his head, even Shi Huaiya has begun to doubt life. Wasn't yesterday's doctor pretty elegant and reliable? She originally thought that the doctor would really come up with a pair of realistic and exquisite dolls to pretend to be Chen. For the sake of Rhodes Island's black technology, this technology is not impossible.

But now this thing, you are sure it is not an extracurricular carpentry work for elementary school students! ? ! ?


"hold head high?"

Boss Qiao didn't have much time to answer Shi Huaiya's question, he just replied to her absent-mindedly, and then arranged for Kong and Croissant to jump into the basket to pretend to be dolls, while he and Neng Angel got into the "Dragon Police" " of the cockpit.

He is responsible for operating his hands on the top, while the angels control the feet to walk below.

Even in front of Boss Joe, there is a pink plastic toy panel. It is a children's recording toy, which can change the recorded voice and then play it back. It is equivalent to Conan's red bow tie voice changer... up up up up up up up Previous generation product.

But after the transformation of the boss' fin rubbing black technology, nothing is impossible in this world.

"No, no, you don't really want to go like this, do you?"

Shi Huaiya couldn't afford to lose this person in front of her old colleague, and hurriedly tried to stop the "Dragon Police" from launching, but at this moment, the voice coming out of the machine made her suddenly stop in place.

"What's the matter? Short-sighted mammals, just watch."

"Dragon Policeman" actually made the same voice as Chen Huijie. Although children's toys do not change voices instantly but need to be recorded in advance, there is a slight delay in answering Cerebellar Axe's voice, but such a powerful and strange technical ability is indeed true. It is enough to prove that Boss Qiao is not exaggerating.

But your airframe still has big problems! Do you think the guards are fools? !

At this moment, a policeman in the uniform of the Guards Bureau happened to come over from the corner. When he looked this way, he was slightly stunned, staring at Hoshiguma and Shi Huaiya until they were sweating profusely .

Although they wanted to hire penguins to infiltrate the Guard Bureau to search for something, no one would believe it if they told it out, but in the future, there will be rumors that the two of them have a crush on Chen Huijie, so they made a funny puppet out of scrap wood to **** for themselves, that's amazing. Just maybe.

But the next move of the other party almost made the eyeballs of the two of them pop out.

"Chen sir! Sir, you can make it easy for me to find it. Fortunately, I asked the owner of the breakfast shop you often go to. Mr. Yang has something to call for a meeting with all the officers. Please go back to the Guard Bureau."

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