The situation in the world of Terra is turbulent, and the gaps in the development levels of various regions have made transportation extremely inconvenient. Therefore, armed logistics has always been a very profitable industry. If the goods shipped through these channels are not supervised, it will not only be a loss in taxes, It will also cause great harm.

And from Ke Song's point of view, it was the hide-and-seek incident with the Guards Bureau that happened before. Even the senior superintendent came to arrest him in person, and he didn't notice that Shi Huaiya didn't wear the Guards Bureau at all in his panic. uniform.

To take a step back, even if it is a plainclothes sir, you have to show police badges, weapons, handcuffs and other things when you arrest someone, right?

The Great Emperor, who realized that something was wrong, could only slid down from the chair, walked to the door with his boss-like penguin steps, and then stepped on Texas and Angel.

"You two lie down and don't move, let me stand up and talk."

"Ah? Ah! Boss, you are so heavy!"

An adult emperor penguin can reach 50 kilograms, which is almost the weight of an ordinary woman. Of course, it will feel heavy when it jumps up suddenly. Fortunately, the two people on the ground are quite strong.

With two fresh "flesh" as the foundation, the head of the emperor is almost at the same level as Shi Huaiya standing outside the door. I saw it took a sip of the cigar with its sharp beak and then exhaled it. Only then did he speak to Shi Huaiya.

"Officer Shi Huaiya didn't come to arrest my employees, did he? I didn't miss out on Wei Yanwu."

Seeing it face to face, it revealed the matter of bribing Wei Yanwu. It seemed that it didn't care about it at all, and Cerebellar Axe had no position to blame the emperor, so she donated 30 million Longmen coins to the Guard Bureau.

"No, of course not. You probably don't know yet. I have resigned from the Guards Bureau and joined Rhodes Island. Today I am here as a negotiator to discuss the contract with Mr. Great."


Seeing that Shi Huaiya specially highlighted the Rhodes Island badge she had pinned on her chest, which had been neglected by others, even the always calm Emperor stretched out his penguin fins in disbelief and moved the sunglasses down from his face At one o'clock, stare carefully at the two bean eyes that are almost invisible in the black fluff.

What the hell, Miss Shi Huaiya didn't even work as a superintendent to join Rhodes Island! ? Does that mean that even Swire Group wants to get involved? At least it has to inject a lot of capital into Rhodes Island.

Originally, the Great Emperor simply regarded this matter as an ordinary business. No matter how strong Rhodes Island's record is, there is no conflict with it, an underground superstar who does logistics and occasionally holds concerts. It is very different for the large group of

"So that's it, then please come in, Miss, the old rules, the guests who come here for the first time have to try the cocktail I made myself, but you can't say it's bad!"

"…My pleasure."

Shi Huaiya followed the emperor into the bar dumbfounded, while the members of the Penguin logistics team lay down on the ground and looked at each other. In the end, they all glared at Croissant in a tacit understanding. Everyone is ashamed.


"Dad, Shi Huaiya called before, saying that she hired someone to help me with the Sicilian matter."

Because the Shu King is arranging manpower to set up a net against the Sicilians, Lin Yuxia can only stay at home temporarily to receive protection. After hearing her words, the Shu King Lin Gerui frowned and tapped his cane on the floor, obviously very displeased .

"Nonsense! It's true that she is kind, but the slums are under my rule, how can I let a person from the Guards Bureau make trouble? How about this, when you bring her people over, I will give you money and send them away..."

"No, no, respected His Excellency the Mouse King, money, which provides convenience, is indeed worthy of love, but if you want to use it to measure my talent, I will... very, very, annoyed."

The Shu King stood up abruptly from the chair, and the golden gravel unconsciously swayed around his feet. He looked in shock at the figure who was leaning against the shadow in front of his house at some time.

"You bastard!? How did you get in?"

"An impeccable perfect line, plus a little classic 'coincidence' that must exist in a masterpiece, that's all."

I saw that the man was not afraid of the intimidating coercion emanating from the whole body of the Mouse King, Shi Shi ran to the face of the underworld father and daughter with brisk steps as if jumping, and bowed to each of them in a standard western style present.

Then he raised his head, the pupils exposed under the mask seemed to be dotted with the shimmering stars in the night sky, but they were blood red.

"I have to admit that Your Excellency's guards are very competent, but no matter how eagerly awaited the audience is, they can't stop the passion to enslave me at this moment!"

Chapter 53 Am I also a pervert?

Although Jogo has inexplicably felt that he can do everything with ease since he woke up early this morning, but Jogo's essence has not changed, he just has some new ideas.

Extremely perverted idea.

To be honest, until now, even if there is no customer service to explain or beat him up, Qiao Ge has almost figured out the number of matching degrees. First of all, the fastest way to advance in the first step is of course exquisite performance .

Because I was still groping at the beginning, I spent a lot of effort on the matching between Superman and Bear, and even improved it by actively finding people to fight, but in fact this is not necessary, it is just an emergency strategy when I can’t find a breakthrough .

Only people with poor acting skills will pursue the restoration of the original scene, and the battle scene is one of them. If you really understand the inner thoughts of the characters, you only need one action detail, one expression, and one sentence to guide the soul of the entire character. .

At this point, Bronya's transformation is considered a cheat, because after suppressing emotions and using the cpu circuit to control actions, it is almost the same as Bronya's behavior pattern in the setting, and there is no need to Experience the characters, this is only sixty percent.

As for the remaining 40%, Jogo may have already figured out where it is, but he hasn't dared to try it yet.

Since the acting skills are barely pieced together in any case, what is missing is naturally the theme of the character setting, and Karl-El, Bartholomey Xiong and Bronya Zajcek happen to have one most important thing in common .

For the beliefs they hold in their hearts, they are able to sacrifice themselves without fear.

In the Man of Steel, Superman handed himself over to General Zod in order to protect the people on Earth; Xiong was not only transformed to completely lose himself for the revolutionary army's plan to overthrow the world government, but even later became a slave of the Tianlong people.

Even Bronya, a three-none girl, resolutely accepted the core of the Herrscher of Reason and let it eat her body in order to protect her companions and seek a bright future for mankind.

But Jogo couldn't do this. Just a few days ago, he was just a college student who was worried about the high-level math exam, and the spirit of sacrifice is not something that can be born with it. Human nature full of self-protection mechanisms is .

He needs to feel all the beautiful and precious things in life, and he needs to relentlessly seek the way in confusion until the moment when he suddenly sees the light, but these are not things that can be touched in the crushing experience of the first three transformation skins.

Even if a huge meteorite pops up to make Jogo transform into Superman to pick it up, he still can't realize it, because it is also within the scope of Superman's ability, and it is possible to pick it up with the other two skins, but he has Is that kind of awareness?

Qiao Ge didn't know whether he had it or not. Any determination until the moment before the event was just empty talk, and his trousers might be soaked when he was on the verge of battle.

But this time Kada Jhin’s skin has completely changed Jogo’s game experience. There is no doubt that Jhin has nothing to do with the above righteousness. He is a genius villain who deliberately wants to satisfy his morbid artistic desire. .

Although there are still customers and audiences in his code of conduct who would not take the initiative to harm in principle, but this is only to satisfy the situational fantasy in Jhin's mind, and has nothing to do with conscience.

Perfect performances one after another require the full support of his highly praised clients, and if every performance lacks the thunderous applause of the audience, Jhin cannot be satisfied with the art of high and low tunes after all.

Now that he has obtained the mind from the "Golden Demon" and the gradually powerful equipment bonus, it is not difficult to achieve all of this. Jogo has already begun to conceive a perfect picture. When the Sicilian theater of death comes to an end , is the moment when he finally sublimated and reached the full achievement for the first time.

This "coincidence" is full of poetry.

And the source of Jogo’s inexplicable fit with Jhin at this time can be said to be the complex of worshiping trans-dark heroes, and it doesn’t even matter if he is considered to be a perverted personality hidden in his heart. many!

"Please rest assured, respected Mr. Shu Wang, and dear Ms. Lin, I am very honored to serve you two, so I will strive for perfection in every detail until it is extraordinary! If the audience is worried about my performance , that’s a big taboo before the opening.”

When a man who looked like a lunatic appeared in front of the Shu King without any warning, even if the Shu King didn't give orders, the guards hiding around knew that something was wrong, and rushed out one after another to besiege them. They also received messages to rush here.

Qiao Ge slowly moved his eyes, seemingly casually observing the Zarak "gray tail" guards of the Mouse King. There is no doubt that they are very powerful, and they are definitely not limited to the level of gangsters. Maybe the Mouse King is based on the requirements of soldiers on the battlefield. Those who came to cultivate them, after all, Lin Gerui used to be Wei Yanwu's colleague and comrade-in-arms.

"I don't care about that **** show, don't you know that what you are doing is provoking me! Put down that life-or-death attitude and tell me, how did you get in? Otherwise, you can only get out sideways! "

The Mouse King was really angry, and he didn't even care that Jogo was hired by Shi Huaiya, because this is reality, Batman in comics and movies can come and go freely in the police station as if no one is there, The police officers are even used to it and are not worried at all.

But you try to put this kind of thing in the Guard Bureau? Absolutely immediately set off an uproar, firstly, Quanlongmen issued the highest wanted level to arrest criminals, secondly, investigated sentry posts and defense loopholes, and thirdly, found out the inner ghost who might accept bribes.

The Mouse King also thinks the same way. Compared to other things, Qiao Ge's arrogant behavior can only be regarded as a trivial matter. What he is more worried about is that the gang he controls has a fundamental problem question.

If even the backbone of the gang guarding the house can neglect their duties and eat inside and outside under his nose, it can only mean that the Shu King has become old and weak, or that the authority of the gang leader has been emptied by someone who cares about him under oversight.

No matter what kind of situation is, it is a great threat to his daughter Lin Yuxia, and the Shu King will never tolerate it.

"Tsk, you're such a picky client, so should I stop acting? No, no, that's too arrogant. I should remain humble before showing my shocking talent for the first time. Then, please sit down Go to the auditorium and listen to my announcement..."

I saw Qiao Ge take out a projectile the size of a ping pong ball from his arms. These gangsters who have been in the rivers and lakes for many years can tell that it is just an ordinary smoke bomb, which can even be bought on the black market in the slums. .

"Bastard! Do it, take him down for me!"

Seeing that Jogo was so arrogant, the Mouse King immediately ordered the Gray Tails to rush forward. Even if he released a smoke screen, it was impossible to escape from such a dense crowd.

"...The curtain is rising at this moment, I will, perform on stage!"

Jogo smashed the smoke pellets to the ground, then closed his eyes and looked up, embracing the sky with open arms. He was indifferent to the surging crowd, but quietly waited for the smoke to disappear completely.

All of these developments were as expected by the Mouse King, but the only difference was that when the smoke cleared, there was no trace of the stage artist except for a group of Zalak gray-tailed guards who were passionately stacking arhats.

'Match 3/6'

'The number of equipment carried is 3: golden shovel, phantom dance, light boots. '

'"Phantom Dance": Greatly increase attack speed and critical strike chance, and slightly increase movement speed.

Additional skills: ①Phantom Waltz: It will enter the ghost state within 10 seconds after it is activated, ignoring the collision volume of foreign units, unable to perform any attacks but will not receive damage, and the cooling time is 60 seconds.

②Elegy: After specifying a target, the target’s attack damage to you will be halved, and when attacked by the target, there is a small chance of triggering a passive shadow waltz (the Elegy target can be attacked when ghosting, not counted as active activation cooldown, other effects remain unchanged). '

Chapter 54


With a piece of bread in her mouth, the "Luper" girl with golden twin ponytails stretched her arms into her unfinished coat while running in a hurry, while the golden wolf tail behind her swayed from side to side as her body bumped. It looks a little weak.

The girl's code name is Kong, and her superficial identity is a well-known young idol in Longmen, but just like many superheroes have two identities, it can be seen from the armband of the coat she is wearing. The "super" idol is secretly an operator of Penguin Logistics.

Kong actively begged the emperor to join Penguin Logistics. She was once rescued by Texas in a crisis, so she admired Texas very much. Later, she made her debut in the idol circle as a pretend race of the Lupus, even at the expense of Go and personally support the fight in Texas.

That's right, the wolf ears on the short head are fake. In fact, she hid her Cates' rabbit ears in her hair, and then put on props. Even the wolf's tail is stuck in...


Although Kong lacked fighting skills at the time, the emperor, who had always been headstrong, was inexplicably optimistic about her. He not only agreed to her request to join Penguin Logistics, but also taught her to sing Rap with great interest. Now Kong's idol career is also hanging on the emperor. In the name of a rap superstar.

There happened to be a concert last night, and she fell asleep exhausted after the performance, so she missed checking the notification sent to her by the emperor on her phone.

It wasn't until she slept until it was almost noon that she realized that it said on her phone, "Texas has a task today. If you want to participate, come to the bar at the end of the earth in the morning."

Kong suddenly panicked. She probably thought that the emperor meant that if he didn't come in the morning, it would be equivalent to defaulting to not participating, but since becoming an operator, she has not missed a single mission in Texas, even if the performance is delayed. not hesitate.

Otherwise, based on her almost mature idol support, Kong shouldn't be just a little famous.

Perhaps because she was multitasking and too impatient, Kong suddenly stepped on a downward step, and she was so terrified that she even threw away the half piece of bread left in her mouth, and watched as she was about to fall over.

If this fall is real, not to mention not being able to participate in the mission, it is estimated that even the idol activities will have to be suspended for a few months. After all, apart from singing and dancing, the image of an idol is also a very important part.


But before she could scream half a syllable, her slender waist was gently embraced by a hard and cold arm behind her, and she was pulled back from the dangerous situation extremely steadily.

"Young lady idol, it's not okay to walk so recklessly, your acting career is still very long, do you want it to end here?"

Although Sora was still in shock, she was considered an operator who had participated in several battles. She quickly sorted out the emotions on her face, turned around and bowed to thank those who helped her.

"I'm really grateful to this gentleman, if it wasn't for you... yay!"

The scream that had been suffocated just now was finally released, and the golden-haired little rabbit jumped up on the spot. Hao Xuan still remembered not jumping up the stairs behind.

This is all because when she looked up, she accidentally met a white mask that revealed a sense of horror.

Red eyes are very common among the Cates, but the pair in front of him gave the delicate Sora a very different feeling, as if they were not born with it, but... were dyed red by something.

"Did you scare this lovely lady? Hahahaha, the idol doesn't look so well-trained."

It wasn't until this time and space that I realized that what I met was not some urban evil spirit, but a man wearing an exquisite stage costume. In addition to the mask, his hands and feet were also wrapped with armor carved with mysterious patterns. The shape of guns is so artistic.

As a colleague of No Angel, who is proficient in guns, Sora has naturally seen many Lateran-style guns, so she thinks this gun should be a well-made prop, similar to the swords in those knight dramas.

Hearing the man's laughter, Sora's little face flushed instantly, and the shame it brought to her was even more embarrassing than just falling directly.

But Sora is a skilled idol, and dealing with emergencies is a skill that must be learned, so she forced herself to calm down and speak first to break the situation.

"Mr., from your appearance, are you the lead actor in a troupe's stage play?"

"Oh? I thought that idols in this impetuous society would not pay attention to the art form of stage play. How did you know that I was the leading actor?"

Seeing that this man was indeed interested by her, Sora breathed a sigh of relief, and finally exposed the previous embarrassing matter. No matter what he said next, as long as he was sincere, he should be fine.

"I'm sorry, I really haven't studied stage plays in particular, but I should be able to guess just by looking at the details of your movements and temperament, sir. A poor actor can look very good at a glance, no matter how expensive the costumes are, and You are completely should I put it?"

Sora pointed his hands in the air towards the man, and danced like he was comparing a picture frame, while organizing words to explain her understanding.

"Your clothing is intricate and spotless, and at first glance it looks like it's newly made, but you move with such ease that even tailor-made would not have achieved this level of harmony without frequent adaptation exercises .”

"And the temperament you exude is so natural with this costume that even a layman like me, who is not familiar with stage plays, will be surprised. All this shows that you are a master of stage plays. If someone like Mr. If you can’t even be the lead actor, it’s just unreasonable.”

Sora's sincere platinum fart obviously benefited the man very much. He slightly nodded at Sora, as if he was looking at a promising junior.

"I have to say, my dear Miss Idol, you have changed my view of this profession. I thought they were all drowning in stagnant water, but I didn't expect there to be such an artistic vision as you. Material, seemed to be in a hurry to do something just now, is it okay to delay for so long?"

Kong, who was secretly rejoicing at his quick wit, was suddenly stunned by the man's big turning point. The atmosphere between the two froze for a few seconds, and the familiar high-pitched voice sounded again.

"Yeah! It's over, it's over, I'm going to be late, don't leave Texas!"

The man looked at Wuzi who was stamping his feet and turning around in a hurry and shook his head. Although he couldn't see his expression through the mask, he could still feel his helplessness.

"Don't call me Miss Idol anymore, your image will soon be lost, don't worry, I know you are an employee of the Emperor, and I happen to be discussing a 'parade' with Mr. Emperor, you won't miss it Anything wonderful, trust me."

The man bowed slightly with his left hand behind his back, then took out a thin plastic-enclosed card from under the cloak with his right hand, and held it forward between his index and middle fingers.

"Take it, and then tell Mr. Great Emperor your wishes, just say, I am very much looking forward to you becoming my audience, or... singing for my performance."

Kong blankly took the card from the man, looked down, and saw only two words written very briefly on the large blank.

Rhode Island.


"Sir! You..."

When Kong looked up again, the "star" was nowhere to be seen.

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