Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 321: Long Teng Hua Ling

  Chapter 321 Long Vine Transforms Spirit

   There was a long neigh in mid-air.

  The black bird that originally hovered under the dome turned into a black lightning, fast approaching them.

   came to them soon.

  Black pressed, like a velvet blanket glowing with black and shiny.

   Before he could see the appearance of the big bird clearly, the Taoist commander had stepped forward to block them, and three talismans greeted them in three directions.

  Fuluo turned into a dazzling fireball in the air, and flames in three directions spread horizontally and connected together to form a hot wall of fire.

  Black and red are about to meet.

   Then, cross over.

  Dao Chang’s face showed a look of shock and distress.

  This bird is not afraid of fire.

  And... three such rare rune papers are gone...

  The black bird passed through the flame, and the feathers on its wings were still black and shiny, and were not burned by the flame at all.

   Xiaolan glanced at Wangshen. He was still sitting on the golden throne with a black bird on his arm. The black bird's head came close to him, as if to say something.

  The dense black birds have pounced in front of them.

   Xiaolan finally saw their appearance clearly.

  The hand holding the lock whip twitched suddenly.

  The appearance of this bird...

  On the bird's head covered with layers of black feathers, there are clearly human facial features!

Eyes, noses, ears, each bird looks different, but the expression is the same savagely. On top of the sharp beak, there is actually a long mouth. The beak opens and closes, and there are waves of screams. , The mouth on the beak was also wide open, but it was screaming.

  The bird's appearance was too frightening, which caused Xiaolan to forget to attack.

  Until the stench from the bird's beak spreads into Xiaolan's nasal cavity.

  The fool immediately got out of his leg and kicked the black bird away.

  The black bird was kicked far away, and after struggling twice on the ground, he raised his wings and rolled back again.

   "Xiaolan!" The fool picked up the stick he had picked up from the room just now, and flicked another one into the air, "Wake up! Fight!"

   Xiaolan swung a whip fiercely, and directly drew the black bird in front of her to her feet.

  The fool saw that she was okay, and hurried to Bao Mu who had been dizzy by the stench.

  There are more and more black birds, and I can't finish it no matter how to fight. Slowly, Xiaolan can't even see what the scene is on the throne behind the layers of black birds.

   "This thing can't be killed!" The fool said angrily.

   "The smell is getting heavier and heavier!" Baomu clung to his nose, his voice shrieked, "It smells more and more!"

How to do?

  The Daoist used up all his moves such as water, heat, electricity, terroir, and so on, but none of them could really hurt them. Instead, blood stains gradually appeared on their bodies, either pecked or scratched.

  Using their bodies to resist the sharp beaks and claws of a black bird's sharp knife is obviously too uneconomical.

   Xiaolan remembered a move he hadn't used before.

  I saw Jasmine used it.

  If you can also summon an Oscar-like spirit at this time, you might be able to hurt these black birds.

  After Xiaolan waved a bird away, she raised the lock whip to concentrate her psychic energy.

   "Spiritual Chemical Exploration!"

   Xu Ye's branch lock whip really changed.

The branches at the tip of the lock whip squirmed, and then quickly expanded, and countless snake-like black long vines grew from the end. Xiaolan quickly let go, and the first half of the long vines fell on the ground, a few. The bottom half of Nagata was entangled in disorder, crawling around on the ground, and Xiaolan wrinkled her face when she saw it.

  Why is it so ugly?

   Although it is said that only the master can evoke the humanoid spirit, but no matter how you say it...

  Does it mean that this is your own psionic ontology?

  No, Xiaolan resolutely denied it, it must be because she used Xu Ye's lock whip, which is also a scurf-shaped whip, and this long vine is probably Xu Ye's spirit transformation.

  Nagato, although ugly, is surprisingly easy to use.

  Nagateng lifted his upper body.

It happened that a black bird was flew by the idiot's hammer. The black bird didn't notice it at all. When it flapped its wings to start the next round of attack, Nagata had already slipped behind the black bird and leaped forward and went around. The black bird's neck was tightly strangled.

  The black bird's beak and beak screamed at the same time.

When Xiaolan ran next to them, for some reason, the black bird seemed to have shrunk a big circle.

   is not an illusion.

   Xiaolan stared at them.

  The black bird is still getting smaller.

  The long vine seems to be absorbing something in the black bird's body. The black bird's strong and shiny body gradually shrinks under its attack. At the same time, the long vine is also changing.

  It's thicker, and the black and green surface seems to glow with blood.

  Nagateng, who was put on the ground by Xiaolan, began to slaughter the Quartet. The partners got a gasp, got together back to back, and looked at Xiaolan with weird eyes.

   "What is this?" Bai Su reluctantly looked at Nagata.

   "This... is what Xu Ye's lock whip turned into." Xiao Lan said firmly.

Daochang frowned and looked at Baomu, "How does it smell?"

  Baomu didn't say a word, just shook his head as if he was considering Xiaolan's feelings.

   "I see," the Taoist chief hit the black bird that slipped through the net with a forceful talisman. He turned his face sideways and said to Xiaolan, "Xiaolan, be careful, this thing is ominous."

  Xiaolan also wanted to ask what was ominous except for the appearance of this thing, but soon she knew the answer.

A long vine at Xiaolan’s feet was about to pounce on the black bird that fell to the ground, but was rushed to the ground by the vine next to it. It threw itself into the air, and after standing up and looking around, it actually bit the small bird. Lan's right leg.

Xiaolan was accumulating energy for a palm thunder, but his right leg suddenly softened. Before he could react, he was hung upside down in the air. The palm thunder in his hand was also missed, almost hitting Baomu's. head on.

  But this is not the deadliest.

   Xiaolan finally realized the feelings of those black birds.

  This long vine is absorbing its own psionic energy.

When the psychic energy overflowed down her right leg like flowing water, Xiaolan was both flustered and angry, and yelled out of her teeth and claws.

  "Hu?——Huh?!...I am...I am your master! What are you doing?!"

  Other Nagato also gathered.

The red light on   Teng's body became more and more vivid.

  Dao Master and the idiot one after another attacked Nagato, but they seemed to hit a rock.

   Baomu widened his eyes, "They are sucking Xiaolan's blood!"

  Bai Su hugged Xiaolan from behind, "Xiaolan is not afraid, I will help you peel your skin, it may hurt..."

   "No, no, no, no, I think there are other ways."

   Xiaolan tried desperately to reach the nearest Longteng, and in her mind Jasmine looked like when she took back the Oscar.

come back!

come back!

  Can't take it back.

  She can't control this spirit transformation.

   Can only Bai Su shed a layer of skin on himself?

  It seems...that is, it hurts all of a sudden...



  A white light flashed.

   Xiaolan's right foot suddenly loosened, and fell backwards into Bai Su's embrace.

   "Little girl, you can't use such a dangerous thing."

  In the inverted world, an inverted face appeared.

   immature, beautiful, and strange.

  Beside her, there was a gray-haired old man.

   "You have worked hard," the old man said softly, "Here we are."

   Post late_(□`」∠)_



  (End of this chapter)

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