Modify Super God

Chapter 1240: dismount!

【Modify Super God】【】

Chapter 1240: Dismount!

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It’s a painful lesson!

After realizing that his skill level was not high enough, Sui Yu stayed in the arena for a week at a stretch!

Anyway, he made a lot of money from selling goods before, plus the reward from the caravan mission, even if Sui Yu is a little tight on money, he still has a week.

During this period, Oliveira went shopping every day, and it was said that she spent 7,788 yuan of her salary.

After all, he is a child of a nobleman, even if he is a declining nobleman, he is still a lavish spender.

Of course, this is probably because Oliveira grew up in a small mountain village and has basically never seen a prosperous city.

I guess once I get to know more things, I won’t just buy pretty clothes when I see them, without considering the attributes and cost-effectiveness.

Just in time, Sui Yu could catch up while Oliveira was covetously enjoying the opportunity!

This week, Sui Yu stayed in the arena every day and fought with others with various wooden weapons randomly distributed by the organizer.

Because this medieval world has a system and HP blessing, even if the HP is emptied, you will not die directly, and you will not even be disabled.

As long as a certain amount of time is restored, HP can be restored to full status again.

Therefore, there are still many people practicing their combat skills in the arena.

At the same time, there is also a banker before the arena starts, allowing others to place bets.

Therefore, while practicing your skills in the arena, you can also gain a lot of reputation points by winning more games. Anyway, Sui Yu didn't just spend money and make no money this week. He relied on buying himself to win. Sui Yu also made some small money. At the same time, His family's reputation has also gained a lot, and he is about to reach the first level.

The so-called family is a function in the system interface. It seems that some functions can be added as the family level increases.

In short, Sui Yu got a lot of benefits in the arena this week.

Of course, the arena is not completely safe.

When HP reaches zero, there is only a chance of not dying, but there is still a chance that you will actually be killed!

Although the probability of being killed is related to the HP deficit at death, it is easier to kill people with powerful weapons, so the limited power of wooden weapons provided in the arena can greatly avoid death.

However, deaths of participants still occur in the arena from time to time.

Sui Yu even killed someone during training!

However, in this cruel world created by the evil god, human life is really worthless!

Everyone is accustomed to and even numb to dead people.

Even Sui Yu has no feelings about killing people now.

Anyway, the people standing in the arena are all people who have signed a life and death certificate, and their life and death are determined by their fate.

In order to become stronger and famous, you have to risk your life. This is very fair to everyone!

Of course, Sui Yu is not included.

After all, he has the blessing of the evil god.

In the battle in the arena, Sui Yu was once beaten by a master with kicks and chops, but in the end Sui Yu was the one who relied on his strength.

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Chapter 1240: Dismount!

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【Modify Super God】【】

Defeated the opponent with the blessing of the evil god!

After all, no matter how powerful the masters in this world are, they can easily seize Sui Yu's flaws and attack Sui Yu, but Sui Yu's attacks are all parried or dodged by him.

But Sui Yu, who has the blessing of the evil god, can make countless mistakes, and the opponent can lose all HP as long as Sui Yu seizes a few opportunities!

"Anyway, I'm stronger again!"

When meeting Oliveira, Sui Yu said confidently: "In the next mission, I will let you see the strength I have gained after hard training!"

Yes, Sui Yu not only improved his strength, but also received new tasks!

This mission is to **** the caravan!

It is said that the trade guild in Offist City has a monopoly, which prohibits leather factories in the city from replenishing raw materials at low prices outside. They must purchase high-priced raw materials through the trade guild.

This has resulted in very low profit margins for tanneries in the city.

Everyone worked hard for a long time, but in the end, all the money was made by the trade association!

So in order to break the monopoly, the tanneries joined together to form a caravan.

But the trade association would not sit still and wait for death. They formed a secret team disguised as a team sent by the joint caravan of robbers to rob and kill the leather factory.

After suffering a loss, the leather factory joint caravan approached Sui Yu, hoping that Sui Yu could take over the **** mission.

The reward is two thousand gold coins, and there will be additional rewards based on the number of enemies killed and prisoners captured.

At the same time, the caravan was also responsible for the food and accommodation of Sui Yu's team during the mission.

All in all a very good deal.

I told Oliveira about the general content of the mission, but Oliveira was not interested in it. She just knew that there was another fight to be had!

Even looking at her expression, it seemed that Sui Yu didn't even know why he wanted to show his strength to her...

The team sets out again.

After all, it was a world created by the evil **** for war, and all the bandit men were dumbfounded.

When he was on standby, he stayed in the hotel, eating and sleeping silly. When setting off, Sui Yu only needed to operate the system interface and immediately assemble and set off.

This time it was pretty much the same as last time.

Except when the two teams were relatively close to each other when eating and camping, they usually kept a certain distance and headed towards the destination agreed upon by the tannery factory joint caravan and the leather material caravan.

Although this world has a system, the efficiency of information transmission still belongs to the medieval category. In short, it is very unsmooth.

The trade guilds could only know that the joint caravan was setting off through spies buried in the leather factory, but they had no way of knowing that the caravan sent its henchmen to secretly hire Sui Yu's team to **** them.

So, when the guild team disguised as bandits appeared and attacked the joint caravan, they were attacked from behind by Sui Yu in the blink of an eye!

"Come on!"

Sui Yu took the lead and rushed towards the disguised bandit troops with the help of his riding skills trained in the arena.

When he rushed near the bandit team, Sui Yu suddenly controlled the packhorse to slow down.

When the horse's speed slows down to a certain level...

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Sui Yu immediately turned over and dismounted!


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【Modify Super God】【】

With an angry roar, Sui Yu dismounted and took out the two-handed long knife carried behind his back. After approaching a bandit, he swung it down with all his strength!


The damage caused by slashing with two-handed swords is extremely high!

In addition, Sui Yu has improved his two-handed weapon skills, which can increase the chopping speed and power of his two-handed weapons!

With one strike of the knife, the robber in front of him was instantly killed!

He stepped forward with his right foot, flipped his wrists with both hands, and used an upward move to knock the shield away from the other robber's hand. Then he pushed forward with both hands and stabbed the long knife directly into the opponent's abdomen!

puff! My back hurts!

There was a robber behind him who attacked Sui Yu with a knife!


Pulling out the long knife that pierced the robber's abdomen, Sui Yu took advantage of the opportunity to spin and chop!


The robber who attacked Sui Yu from behind noticed Sui Yu's attack trajectory and immediately raised his long knife to block.

With a crisp sound, Sui Yu's attack was easily blocked by the opponent.

Unlike in the magical world, which can cause a huge difference in strength due to the blessing of magic power, in this world, Sui Yu's power is not much different from others.

Oliveira can fight brutally with her strange strength, but Sui Yu can only fight with the same fighting skills as ordinary people.

He kicked forward and accurately hit the robber's abdomen.

His lower abdomen hurt, and his strength instantly disappeared from the robber's body. UU Reading

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sui Yu took a step back with the help of the reaction force when he kicked someone. Then he made a mistake in his step, held the long knife with both hands and turned around to strike!

puff! puff!

The neck of a robber behind him who wanted to attack Sui Yu was cut off with a long knife and a large amount of blood mist was sprayed out. Then the long knife slashed into the shoulder of the robber in front of him with the blood mist!

Kill two birds with one stone!

Although the robber in front was stabbed in the shoulder and did not die on the spot, he was seriously injured!


Just when Sui Yu was about to add another blow, the robber in front of him was suddenly hit by an arrow from behind!

This is the arrow fired by Sui Yu's bandits after they got close!

"How dare you steal my head?!"

Sui Yu cursed in his heart, but he couldn't get angry.

The intelligence of these gangsters is really not very high. When fighting, they attack the enemy completely based on instinct. They don't even think about what it means to steal people's heads!

So Sui Yu had no choice but to turn around and rush into the crowd!

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the disguised bandits to attack the caravan guards, Sui Yu kept swinging his knife to attack the disguised bandits from behind!

At this time, the benefits of Xiaobing's low IQ are revealed.

Most of the disguised bandits were focused on besieging the caravan guards, completely unaware that Sui Yu was killing people behind them!

Occasionally, some bandits would react and turn around to attack, but they relied on the skill level and combat experience gained in the arena.

Sui Yu killed the oncoming robbers with three strikes, five strikes, and two strikes!

The settlement interface appears!

Sui Yu took a closer look...

With the number of kills of thirty people, he easily surpassed Olivia, who only killed a dozen people this time.

It seems that the strategy of dismounting and fighting on foot is indeed correct!

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