However, Daomei's fifth-layer Ionia is enthusiastic, with high damage and fast attack speed. She walked and fought with Akali. Although Xiaohu retreated for the first time, she still suffered several blows until the second wave of soldiers came to Daomei. Just went back. The sudden exchange of blood from Daomei caused Akali's blood volume to drop by nearly half. Now Daomei has the advantage of blood volume, and Akali was pushed out of the experience area and missed a knife's experience, which means that He will be promoted to the second level later than the knife girl "437".

In desperation, Akali could only drink medicine to make up the blood volume. His blood volume was low, and the knife girl stuck in his position to prevent him from taking experience, which was even more uncomfortable. After drinking the blood bottle, Akali's state recovered a lot, and the knife girl also pushed a few steps. Xiaobing has accumulated more on Lin Tian's side, Xiaohu doesn't want to exchange blood at all, he is at a disadvantage now, and he may be killed by Daomei single if he is not careful.

Akali stepped forward to make up for the knife, the knife girl and Akali were separated by two soldiers, which made Xiaohu think a little bit, and he changed blood with him. After a little thought, Xiaohu went out, this q was just right Hit the flathead.

But then Xiaohu realized that his behavior was wrong. When q hits, a passive circle is created, and Xiaohu quickly takes advantage of the acceleration to get out of the circle. However, Daomei followed very quickly, and immediately came over with a remnant blood soldier, which was upgraded to 2 in seconds, and then added the e skill. Akali went out of the circle, but was slapped by Daomei. Although he was upgraded to 2 in seconds, But Xiaohu thinks that he can still fight, after all, Daomei is now in his own army, and he still has a passive flat A. Strengthening Ping A's shot, hitting the knife girl, Xiaohu frantically moved left and right, trying to avoid the knife girl's double-edged sword, but seeing the knife girl's delay, Xiaohu turned back and left.

As soon as he turned back, Dao Mei came over and stunned Akali. When the second rose to 2, Lin Tian just put an e skill in the grass, hiding the knife in the grass, the second stage e immediately stunned Akali, and also refreshed a q, Lin Tiana turned back to q a The remnant blood soldier flew to Akali with the Q skill again, with a five-layer passive, and also drank the corruption potion.

A lit was hung on Xiaohu's head, and anyone familiar with Brother Pingtou knew that there was no living person under the lit.

Xiaohu panicked, and immediately opened the distance, Daomei and Shan continued to draw a, the damage was ridiculously high, one knife and one knife slashed on Akali, and then about fifty blood, Daomei turned back, and carried the tower hard.. 0 A second later, the ignition burned Akali to death.


In just two and a half minutes, Lin Tian took Akali's first blood.

Lin Tian's thinking is extremely clear, this is his last game, and he wants everyone in lpl to remember that Brother Pingtou's id is lpl's strongest top orderer!

The commentator and the audience are also boiling. Since the LPL Summer Split, this is the fastest game to get first blood. Brother Pingtou's knife girl is still so sharp.

Xiaohu's face turned green, the speed was too fast, and the damage suddenly became too high, it was difficult for him to calculate. And 4.8 and the opponent's knife girl q's timing was very good, Xiaohu didn't react at all, and the soldier's HP was so well adjusted by him that Xiaohu didn't notice that the soldier's HP had reached the kill line.

The first wave of exchange blood was justified, but the second wave, this is Xiaohu's irreparable ability gap.

Lin Tian continued to push the line after a solo kill, and then returned to the city.

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