In the first round of hero selection, both sides made good choices, and now it's the second round of hero selection, Taobo won Jinx!

This move is indeed unexpected, but it is reasonable to think about it. Jinx is a mid-to-late hero, with good harvesting ability and sustained output, but the lineup seems a little strange, leaving the commentators and the audience a little confused.

RNG was also stunned, they couldn't guess which hero the opponent's midfielder was, and they chose a hero like Jinx that was not related to Nightmare Moon, which made it difficult for RNG to check and balance. RNG's coach thought about it for a long time, and finally let RNG win the combination of small cannons and bullheads. This set of 430 combined has some very stable strength, can play stably in the front, middle and late stages, and is not afraid of any lineup.

To be honest, RNG's coach did a very good job of bp, but Taobo actually gave Conte to Brother Pingtou, which made them unimaginable. The flat-headed brother has rarely appeared on the field with the Conte position, and now he is in the Conte position, so everyone is looking forward to what kind of hero he will come up with.

"The top order is basically not banned. There are too many heroes for Brother Flathead to choose."

"RNG just banned a crocodile, and I don't know what to think. Where is the queue for the five-ban order?"

"So many teams have tried it, and the five-ban top lane is useless at all. Brother Pingtou is a sea of ​​heroes. Now the teams are all playing 'sky avoidance tactics', and this is the way to defeat Taobo."

"Put Brother Flathead in the Conte position. This is the rhythm of preparing for blood abuse."

Under everyone's expectations, the id of Brother Flathead chose the Blade Dancer-Irelia, and then locked it!

Knife girl! This is the famous hero of Brother Flathead!

"Fuck, brothers, this is the point of view."

"Gambling Flathead takes a few heads in this hand, 1: five to ten; 2: ten to fifteen; 3: fifteen to twenty; 4: more than twenty, buy and leave Buy it and leave!"

"I'm a rookie, so I just ask if I don't understand. Brother Pingtou rarely (caei) takes swordsmanship in the competition, so I feel like I'm playing just average, not as good as the Riven in the first few games of this season, that's bloody abuse. "

"Upstairs, you can see that it is a new fan. Old fans all know that Brother Pingtou's famous heroes are Aoun and Daomei. In the second game in the first game, Brother Pingtou used Daomei to press theshy to fight, and finally pushed it directly. already."

"Fuck, theshy at that time was recognized as the number one top laner in lpl. I didn't expect to kill a flat-headed brother halfway and immediately became the top laner of lpl. That's when I became a fan."

"It's starting, it's starting, stand up for Laozi and give your screams to Brother Flathead!"

When the audience saw Daomei, they immediately boiled. The audience was shouting for Brother Pingtou and Taobo. The sound was so loud that RNG's cheering was almost suppressed.

"The audience at the scene was very excited. Let's take a look at the rune selection of the counterpoint between Taobo and RNG." The commentator said.

The hero confrontation and runes of both sides appeared on the big screen. The confrontation is as follows:

Taobo: pick: Knife Girl, Bright Moon, Nightmare, Jinx, Toad.

ban: Titan, Xin Zhao, **, EZ, Kai'Sa.

RNG: pick: Akali, Bear, Clockwork, Cannon, Bull Tau.

ban: Thresh, Blind Monk, Crocodile, Senna, Lulu.

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