This also made RNG unable to choose, and it was too weak to play. There is no field of vision, and even Taobo does not know whether he is fighting the dragon or squatting.

Twenty minutes later, the dragon refreshed. RNG can only handle the line of troops well, and dare not take the risk to explore the field of vision. The teleportation of both sides is ready, and if you want to fight a group, it will be able to fight soon. The key lies in Taobo, whether to play in groups or not, the initiative is in the hands of Taobo.

RNG hopes that Taobo will take the initiative to find opportunities to play in groups. This "four, two, three" kind of RNG will not be confused. If it operates properly, it may turn its disadvantage into an advantage. But at present, Taobo is playing very steadily, using the advantages of vision and line of arms, slowly eroding RNG's towers, and winning all neutral resources that can be obtained, including dragons.

Half a minute has passed, and RNG still can't see Taobo's intentions. Occasionally on the map, the enchantress and the blind monk came out to clear the line, but the dragon still did not move at all. If they fought, the three of Taobo would have already finished fighting by this time. Everyone in RNG looked at a dark wild area, and no one dared to take the risk to take the initiative to find opportunities. Because the five-five-five RNG has a 30% chance of winning, but if you are squatted, the chance of winning is zero.

Kai'Sa's three-piece set is made, and the magic resistance damage is all there, but because RNG has no vision power, Kai'Sa's role can't be played. However, slowly, while RNG handled the line of troops, the field of vision was slowly expanding. And GALA's vision transformation has also been refreshed. In twenty-one minutes, a blue eye fell on the big dragon pit.

The fog was lit up, five people appeared in RNG's field of vision, and the dragon's blood was half left. RNG hurried over, Wei rushed in front, he wanted to be a hero. If they grab this big dragon, they will be able to reverse the situation, and the key to grabbing the dragon is the punishment in his hand.

The vision transformation was quickly dismissed by Taobo, and the vision in the Dalongkeng was pitch black again. Wei walked all the way with the scan turned on, full of Taobo's vision, but he didn't have time to clear it, and his teammates had a certain distance behind him, which made Jiaoyue's teammates might follow him when Jiaoyue was set on fire for the first time. not on. But Wei didn't have time to think so much, he only had the big dragon in his eyes. With the stopwatch and flash in his hand, Wei didn't even think about what to do after he grabbed the dragon. Fight when you need to, and leave when you can, he thinks.

The big dragon pit is getting closer and closer, but Wei has calmed down. Based on past experience, he probably feels the speed of Taobo's dragon. Taobo also knows that Jiaoyue has touched it, but the dragon of five people can still be snatched by one person. Can't do it?

Kassa is still a little nervous. Since the summer split, Kassa has been robbed of his dragon fight once.

Wei recited in his heart, 3, 2, 1. It's also a way to cheer yourself up.

The whole length is excited, and they all say that Dalong ruins his life. This life may be for oneself or for the other. The commentators spoke fluently and spoke quickly.


The bright moon exploded the explosive fruit, and Wei's eyes were fixed on the blood of the dragon.

Seven hundred and forty-two!

Just after entering the 750 punishment kill line, Wei's heart beat faster and his blood boiled. Putting the left hand on the F key and pressing 4.8 continuously, the dragon seems to have been in the bag.

The dragon's celestial cover flashed blue light, accompanied by a whimper.

Wei woke up like a dream, and was startled to realize that he was outside the Dalong Pit, and the punishment was still ready.

At the moment when Jiaoyue stepped on the explosive fruit and entered the big dragon pit, the blind monk touched his eyes and got close to the bright moon, and with a note of the dragon's tail, he kicked out the still-untouched Jiaoyue.

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