This is how Luo was beaten home by a set of vn. This damage, he just fell to the ground with a crispy skin. But vn can't touch the clockwork, Lin Tian's q skill accuracy is not ordinary, and he is very good at keeping skills, as long as vn has the idea of ​​​​playing, Lin Tian keeps q, and he can now have a q Scrape vn half of the blood, qw is to fight vn directly to go home. Unless the vn is wound around, the front can't get close to the clockwork at all.

"410" The blind monk took advantage of his vision to take Xiaolong. Jiaoyue and Dashu were also forced to clear the line. When the dragon's buff was gone, they were about to start fighting. The three of Jin Luo Clockwork walked together, Luo explored his vision, and Jin attracted the main output of Fire Clockwork. It may be unfair to Jhin to say this, but his damage is really not good, and he still has some suppressing power against the crispy skin, but with a little bit of meat, Jhin's damage will not be reflected, and the reason why he attracts firepower , just because he has at least one C-rank name.

Blind monks need to go around the field of vision to start a group, because Luo is not easy to start a group. Compared with vn, Luo is very cumbersome, and he may not be able to touch the vn's blood bar, and there is a Titan Jiajiaoyue on the opposite side. The backhand is very strong, and the demon Ji is also elusive, and the blind monk does not dare to leave the team too far, while Shen is in a single lead.

The big dragon buff disappeared, Lin Tian wanted to continue to push the second tower, the clockwork consumption was very strong, this lineup was very suitable for pressing the tower, Luo also had the ability to protect people, and Shen continued to single-band. Along the way, Lin Tian had a good vision, but he didn't see anyone. He was approaching the second tower, only to find that the five people on the opposite side were all under the second tower.

In this case, it depends on the clockwork. If the clockwork consumption is good, the opponent will not dare to continue guarding the tower, but if the clockwork does not consume the opponent's blood volume, it is impossible for Lin Tian to cross the tower, so this tower It is also difficult to move forward.

But this is Lin Tian's clockwork. This skill is better than navigation. No one in the skill range is spared. The big tree in the front row can't stand it after eating two q's of clockwork, and Titan is also clocked up. It was exhausted, the state was not very good, and the left hand did not find a chance to cut in, so he could only retreat to the high ground. Shen's single belt also entered the second tower of the opponent's top road. But the left-hand side turns quickly, the vn damage is high, and the line can be ordered in two strokes, so the two sides meet again on the top road.. 0

The left hand suddenly found an opportunity, the ultra-long distance wrqe was ignited, and the Jhin who was behind was dropped in seconds, and the team battle began instantly.

Titan wants to find a chance to control the clockwork with a big move, but the distance of the clockwork is well controlled. Titan can only leave the skills to Luo, and it is also possible to drop Luo in seconds. The vn damage is high, even Luo is charged. It didn't last for a few seconds.

Shen retreated first, he kept his big move, and put a clockwork shield when it was most dangerous. They lost two people all at once, so they could only run away blindly. The blind monk was still in a hurry, looking for an opportunity to cut in. There is also a shortage of people on the left hand side. Dashu returned to the city to replenish blood, and the Titan's blood volume was only half, and now he has taken over the clockwork q, which has dropped to a quarter of 4.8.

But Yaoji and vn were still full, Jiaoyue cut Luo because of the sudden advance, and was consumed by the clockwork, and the blood volume was not very healthy.

Lin Tian followed the left hand and others to fight guerrilla warfare, and followed with caution. He was not afraid of a protruding hero like Jiaoyue Yaoji, and the state of Taitan was not good. He could only protect the vn to prevent the blind monk from suddenly cutting the vn. The monk has not shown his head yet.

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