But now as a mid laner, his main task is to output and find a suitable output position. And he didn't take the transmission, so he could use the scan without any worries.

Here Lin Tian and Shen touched the red buff side, scanning all the way to one eye, but there was no time to dismantle it, Lin Tian looked at the equipment of vn, and knew that he was very fast to fight the big dragon now. This Shen originally wanted to get rid of this eye position, but Lin Tian sent him a retreat, meaning to stay away from this eye position, don't dismantle it.

Shen immediately did not remove the 20, and followed the clockwork closely. He saw the development of the mainspring and knew that the mainspring would be stable. A mixed person is to have eyesight, keep an eye on his thighs and serve him without distinction. He will do whatever he wants, and the main thing is not to make mistakes, so that he is basically stable.

Lin Tian walked over a little and touched the grass. If you take another step forward, you will lose your vision and you can see the blood volume of the dragon. He calculated silently, took two steps forward, and qw hit the dragon with precision. At the same time, the Titan on the edge of the big dragon pit also saw the clockwork. At this time, the big dragon still has 900 blood, and it will soon reach the beheading line of punishment.

In order to prevent the clockwork from making trouble, Titan directly locked the clockwork with his ultimate move. But it was too late, the clockwork ball had already flown out. At the same time, vn played the third ring, and the blood volume of the dragon dropped directly to 500. Then the clockwork ball hit the dragon, and w released an electric pulse, and the two damages directly took the dragon.

Jiaoyue hadn't reacted yet, and just as Punishment was in her hands, just as she was about to fight, Dalong was gone.

? ? ? There was nearly a thousand blood just now, why is it gone? !

Is the damage of clockwork so high?

Dalong was robbed, and everyone felt angry. Not to mention Titan, an impatient person, flashed directly to the outside of the dragon pit and flew to the clockwork with the Q skill. The big tree also hurriedly separated the wall and made a big move to seal the position. Vn and Jiaoyue took a detour to the clockwork.

Lin Tian took a right angle to avoid the hook of the Titan, and then the big move of the big tree, Lin Tian was also difficult to hide. Shen immediately came out to help Lin Tian block this big move, and then vn Jiaoyue also arrived quickly. The clockwork first uses the refreshed q to consume the titan. This consumption consumes one-third of Titan's blood.

Vn and Jiaoyue surrounded the clockwork on both sides, Lin Tian first retreated, and after Jiaoyue entered the field of vision, he used the refreshed qw to slow down Jiaoyue. Jiaoyue ate this qw and lost half of the blood. When the state is not good, Jiaoyue does not dare to chase deeply. But vn directly opened the big move to increase the speed, and then added passive acceleration, and walked directly towards the clockwork without stopping.

With its huge acceleration, vn will soon catch up with the clockwork. Lin Tian and Shen ran to the top two towers one after the other, followed by vn. Lin Tian threw a ball to seal the position, and vn immediately tumbled to the side 403 to avoid this q, but later Lin Tian put w to slow down vn again. vn is now on the stone man's side, and the position is very narrow, and this w is difficult to avoid.

If you eat this w, vn will lose a third of his blood. However, I found that the acceleration of vn was too fast, and soon caught up with the clockwork, and the big moon tree and the titan followed closely behind vn. This posture seems to be the rhythm of directly crossing the tower.

Lin Tian's q was refreshed again soon, this q hit vn with precision and lowered vn's blood line again. The Titan hooked the wall close to the clockwork, and then the big tree followed.

Lin Tian moved frantically, and Shen also helped Clockwork resist the damage card position.

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