Jiaoyue is only level 8 now, and her development is average. At the same level, Jiaoyue can hardly beat the blind monk no matter how good he is, and the opponent still has the middle lane. Although neither of them has a big move, Jiaoyue can't kill one, so he quickly withdraws. The blind monk came over, and after entering the grass, he still saw the bright moon. Although the bright moon had already left, the bright moon in the blind monk's field of vision just walked into the shadow and was seen by the blind monk.

Now that we know that Jiaoyue is in the lower half, things will be easier to handle. The advantage of the middle road, the top road is evenly divided, and the canyon pioneer is the best. The clockwork pushed the troops under the tower and wanted to eat the coating, but Jiaoyue 400 rushed over in time and forced the clockwork to run away. Just pushed the line of troops into the tower, and did not eat the coating, Lin Tian still felt that it was a loss.

The head of the enchantress was given to the blind monk, and the clockwork was only a few dozen more assists. In addition to letting the enchantress collapse, he had to wind up. This was Lin Tian's obsessive-compulsive disorder playing a developmental hero. Let yourself become the team's highest economy, so you will come up with a lot of development methods to suppress the opponent.

Lin Tian just ate a few more soldiers and was in good shape. He didn't plan to return to the city, but helped the blind monk fight the canyon pioneer. The top two people are still (caei) entangled. Both of these top laners have teleportation, so the old rule is that if you don't teleport, I will not teleport, and if you teleport, I will also teleport. This is a must-have skill as a top laner. The purpose is to prevent teammates from spraying.

If you don’t have anything to teleport, and cooperate with your teammates to gank, if you lose, you will lose soldiers and experience on the road. No top laner can bear it, and your teammates can’t scold you. It’s all the same number of people. How can you lose? ? This is not to prove that you are better than them.

On the contrary, if your teammates win with the same number of players, if you are on the road, you will drag the enemy and make him unable to support him, and your teammates will not be able to spray you. Take a piece of meat, as long as the team fights forward and resists damage, it doesn't matter if we die, we are meat, we are the ones who resist damage and die, die gloriously, and die thoroughly. If your teammates didn't win the teamfight, how can I blame you? That's because the assassin didn't cut C, the shooter didn't output, and the support didn't protect. What's the matter with us?


Of course, this is the general routine of bastards. Happy games. The most fearful thing in playing games is to be sprayed by people. When people spray, your mentality collapses. Whether you win or lose the game, you are in a bad mood.

Then, when you play meat top single, you don't need to worry about being sprayed, you don't need to do anything, it's all up to your teammates to win or lose, and there are legitimate reasons. The top laners on both sides play with this mentality. The mid lane, jungler, and bottom lane duo don't care what they do. As long as the opposing laner doesn't TP, then we don't TP, just two people. Dancing, replenishing troops, greeting each other with skills from time to time, and shopping under the tower when no troops are available, to see which meat suits are pleasing to the eye and buy which, these days are very comfortable.

The top orders of both sides are so mixed with the king's 800%, mixed with their own experience, it is not without reason that they can be matched together.

Therefore, in this wave of Lin Tian's jungler taking the canyon pioneer, Shen did not come to help, and it did not hurt, and even revealed his intentions.

Dashu also didn't use TP to support the middle and bottom lanes, because the opponent didn't have TP either.

Speaking of this, Shen didn't want tp to help, but he forgot on Douyin. I didn't see it. Anyway, his teammates are not good at spraying. He is developing steadily on the road. , if he dances across from him, then he dances along too, to liven up the atmosphere.

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