Because when he was on the road, the jungler Lin Tian could always counter-squat in time and gank unexpectedly, and every gank was very comfortable when the top laner was very comfortable, and the timing was very good. When he is at a disadvantage in the top lane, Lin Tian will also help him to open up the disadvantage. Lin Tian will come to gank with a single push on the opposite side, and the gank success rate is as high as 90%. The key is that Lin Tian rarely takes kills and doesn't eat soldiers. He just fights around the top lane and treats the top lane like a father.

Lin Tian actually just wanted to see what the opponent's jungler would do when the opponent was at a disadvantage? And what will the opponent's mid laner do? And what will your jungler do? As a top orderer, how can I turn my advantage into a winning position?

He has a 20 advantage in the top lane, so he's going to simulate that. But in this way, the days off the road will not be easy. He has played the jungler a few times, and the opponent's jungler takes different actions when the opponent is at a disadvantage in the top lane. Some are helping the top lane, opening up the situation in the top lane, and making sure that they are not too far behind in the top lane. But slowly the opposite jungler will find that the top laner who helped him is still a disadvantage. The top laner will always be a disadvantage, so they simply stock up on the top lane and change to help the middle and bottom lanes, and they will also find that Lin Tian is basically a jungler. On the road is to catch the road, so the days of the middle and lower roads are very difficult.

But there are some junglers who only need a disadvantage in the top lane, they don't care, and they go directly to the middle and bottom lanes. In this way, Lin Tian's bottom lane is directly caught, and the advantage of the top lane is not obvious. But this kind of game, although Lin Tian's AD has not developed, but with Lin Tian's own operation, he can basically reverse the battle situation, starting from the mid-term.

Starting from the mid-term, he will not live in the top lane, but the normal jungle control resource cut c, and his operation is very superb. Among the army, he takes the AD head, and the team battles seven in and seven out, and the blood escapes. It's all commonplace. So Lin Tian's winning percentage didn't drop.

In this round, he chose to go to the middle two, and finally moved to the middle, and the match was left-handed. Both of them were ranking at the base, but they were a little far away, but they still greeted Lin Tian with their left hand.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't be merciful, our duel is today."

"You said so, then it is reasonable for me to blow you up." Lin Tian responded.

The left hand knows Lin Tian's strength, he is just a bug, he plays very well in every position, the left hand thinks he can't beat Lin Tian. But after these few days of special training, he feels that his state is getting better and better. He can often press the opponent's knife in the game, and basically he can play with ease. And he hasn't been with Lin Tiansolo for a long time. He feels that his level has improved. Maybe 397 can fight against Lin Tian.

That's why he asked Lin Tian not to release water, he wanted to fight Lin Tian seriously.

In the left hand, he chose his best hero, Yaoji. His Yaoji played very well, and his recent state was also very good. Yaoji was flexible. If he played well, there was basically no hero who could counter him.

Lin Tian chose clockwork. Because their lineup lacks late-game heroes and has less control. It's good to sum up the clockwork. Of course he knew that the clockwork was owned by the enchantress Conte, and the enchantress took it out first. The teammates are all puzzled. It's better to choose another hero. If the enchantress is fattened in the middle, the teammates can't bear it.

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