"Coach, don't bring this." Ah Shui replied.

Everyone was amused and the lounge was full of lighthearted vibes.

After the game, Tao Bo also had a big meal as usual. Now that it has won six consecutive victories, Taobo's momentum is getting stronger and stronger. From the beginning of the summer season, Taobo's cooperation has been perfect. It is not enough to rely on Lin Tian alone to win six consecutive victories. Of course, teammates are needed.

However, Lin Tian contributed greatly.

The better Lin Tian performed, the more Guo Hao was afraid that Lin Tian would run away. Such fat people were all entangled, and Lin Tian was a difficult master, which made Guo Hao have to continue to add 393 until Lin Tian continued to overweight. Tian is satisfied. Leaving aside the annual salary, Lin Tian signed a contract every time until the transfer period. He looked like I would have to run away if you didn't add more money, and everyone outside begged me to come in.

This makes Guo Hao as a businessman ashamed, Lin Tian is the big head of Taobo, and his words are very important. Guo Hao can only follow him. After all, with Lin Tian there, the revenue of Taobo is increasing day by day. , the heat will not go down for a long time, so Taobo will not want to let go of the big meat of Lin Tian.

Once the contract is done, Lin Tian will not be exploited. After all, although it is a socialist (caei) country, the exploitation of capitalists still exists. It is not that you can get the corresponding money if you have the corresponding strength. If you have no brains, you can only be led by the capitalists.

Lin Tian's current salary is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Among the five members of Taobo, Lin Tian has the highest salary. Of course, his teammates thought he deserved it. Without Lin Tian, ​​Tao Bo would not be at this level.

As for the 2:0 in every game, Guo Hao will not be stingy. He takes the players to a big meal, and the place is different every time. , the team members are not tired of eating, and the environment of the base is getting better and better.

Of course, White Crescent's training is getting more and more brutal. The players basically have nothing to do except eat and train. Of course, there are occasional breaks. However, few of the team members went out to play during the rest day. At most, A Shui would go out to bring everyone something delicious when he was greedy.

Because although it is a rest day, everyone sees that Lin Tian is still training, and he still insists on getting up at 7:00 in the morning to train. There is no coach's training plan on the rest day. Lin Tian is the training method that he has figured out by himself, to consolidate himself. The basics. When the teammates saw that Lin Tian was so strong and trained so hard, they couldn't help being motivated, their blood surged, and they all made up for their own shortcomings. If they couldn't find it, they would ask Lin Tian to point it out to them, and There is a set of training methods for this.

The four people saw the training plan given by Lin Tian, ​​and could not help but feel that the coach was very kind. Basically, no one could complete the training plan given by Lin Tian, ​​it was too abnormal.

Lin Tian's training plan is to let his teammates play against him, and give some specific conditions, such as hiding skills, Lin Tian puts skills and then teammates hide, and Lin Tian hides and lets teammates put skills in reverse, Lin Tian himself will specify How many, and he will remember by himself, basically the number goes up from three hundred, and hundreds of them come out.

So basically the teammates can't complete it. Lin Tian will not force it, he can also find out the strength of his teammates based on this, and he can also calculate what his teammates may do in the game, so as to make plans.

This is also the reason why his plan basically can't go wrong.

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