Xiaotian is pinching his own ultimate move, which can only be used to hide the skill of the wrist. And Wuhao also held ew and did not let it go, Xiaotian used the dark fog to pull with him, and used the acceleration of the dark fog to kite Wuhao, and Wuhao's current blood volume can finally be killed directly with only one big move. Hao also wanted to be as flustered as he looked, and could no longer hold back his skills with the opponent. Sooner or later, he would have to play with fire, so Wu Hao finally used his e skill.

A fist wind floated around the wrist, wrapping Foye 20 Ge in it, and then the wind strengthened and suddenly tightened to control Foye Ge.

However, Xiaotian also released his ultimate move, Foyego's ultimate move - Painful Heavenly Spirit, which made Foyego himself unselectable and caused high damage to the target area. Armor's blood volume is not enough to resist this big move.

Xiaotian thought that this blow would kill him, but unexpectedly, Xihao's body suddenly became larger and his whole body turned red.

Strucker's Challenge Gauntlets!

The bloody hand provided a super-thick shield for the wrist, Xiaotian suddenly panicked, but he calmed down, as long as he was not hit by the wrist, there was still a chance. Without the control of the e skill, the hit rate of the w skill is greatly reduced. As long as it leaves the central area, the damage will be reduced exponentially.

Wiaohao hit Foyego with another refreshed q, and a passive right punch. Two damages knocked out a quarter of Foyego's blood. Xiaotian was cautious and did not put all his skills together. Throw it out, but first q to move, then a, and then to move, and then wait for the skill cd.

But the wrist is also very stable. He doesn't let go of his w at all. Xiaotian's w is better. The bloody hand only lasts for four seconds. Foyego's w stun and charge can cause a maximum of 1.25 seconds of stun, but he can't charge for too long. After Tian's w is refreshed, press the charge and then release it by feeling. Xiaotian's w is a feeling accumulated by experience, with a certain buff.

The stun hit!

In fact, Lin Tian didn't need to hide at all. Before w came, Wiao Hao started to charge w to shoot out, converting his own heroic value into shield and damage. Foyego's w was a dash, as long as Before being controlled by Foyego, release w, and the w of the wrist is 100% hit.

Hao Yi value provided a layer of shield for Wrist Hao, and the damage of the deliberate punch hit more than 700 real damage, killing Foyego in seconds!

Afterwards, the Crocodile and the Taurus retreated, and the shield of the wrist also disappeared, so they could only let the two escape. In the end, Taobo killed two people and FPX killed three people. The two sides also opened up again. The skateboard shoes cooperated with the middle line to push down the second tower of FPX. .

Among the three, only the wrist is the most crippled, and it is not easy to lead the line. It is the best choice to return to the city to make up for the state.

The original plan of Taobo 373 was to push the second tower to take the dragon, but I didn't expect that the damage of the crocodile was indeed high. Both Jiaoyue and the Titan were killed. The next three are hard to beat. After the teammates are resurrected, re-enact FPX's method of taking the dragon, split the belt and push the line and send the dragon, but this time, Taobo did not occupy the right place.

After a long delay, FPX's teleportation has also improved. Only by absolutely suppressing the opponent in the field of vision can successfully win the dragon. After this wave of team battles, Taobo's economy has opened up again with FPX, and has been ahead of the other party's economy by more than 2,000.

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