But after all, FPX is not good at split pushing. Taobo asked Kalista to guard it alone, and the enchantress Titan Jiaoyue was guarded by three people in the middle. Under the protection of Galio and Taurus, Draven pushed the middle tower unscrupulously. Enchantress could only consume Tauren and Galio, both of whom were difficult for Enchantress to deal with.

Kasa has been walking close, and the spiral position is constantly looking for an angle to hit three people with his big move. The q skill marks the bull head in front of him. Using the bull head as a pedal flash can pull three people.

The sports car soldiers gathered outside the tower to attack the defense tower. The Titan moved forward a bit. The Prophet was also looking for a chance to hit three people with a big move. In a small-scale 3v3 team battle, the more people you control, the better your chances of winning. , at this time, in order to protect Draven from being controlled, Niutou took a step forward. Kasa seized this opportunity. Niutou was just within the range of the bright moon, and the limit distance e can control three people. Casar With his e skill, Jiaoyue was about to rush into Niutou's face, but in the process of rushing forward, a mountain axe suddenly hit Jiaoyue, interrupting Jiaoyue's dash.

Godly response!

From the audience's point of view, it was only Delevingne who threw the e skill at will, and then Jiaoyue's displacement was interrupted. Lin Weixiang took the next axe, and w accelerated to pull out the attack range of the defense tower. Galio also used his q backhand to hit the Titan who wanted to hook Draven. The Titan's hook was already shot, but Draven used acceleration to pull it away. After the distance, Titan ate Galio's Q again, and the blood volume dropped a little.

The enchantress wqe went forward to consume Galio, and all the skills were hit. The left hand wanted to use the second e to leave Galio, but Galio used the e skill to pull away the distance. The distance of the w of the bullhead stuck, so that the bullhead could not control the enchantress left, and the enchantress went back.

With the next wave of troops, Minotaur and Draven entered the tower again. The health of this tower is already very low. The three people in the left hand considered and let go of this defensive tower. Jiaoyue has no armor now. In Draven's opinion, it is a crispy skin. crashed.

On the road, Ah Shui used Kalista's passive to keep a distance from Foyego and walked a kite, and also used the line refresh to consume Foyego. Kalista is too flexible, and Xiaotian can't do anything about it. Pushing the second tower away, he also put the dark fog to accelerate himself and left the second tower on the road.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · ·

Suddenly, a signal from the wrist appeared in the middle. Wiao Hao has been playing the signal on the road and hit the three FPX people who are about to retreat. Everyone on Taobo knows the meaning of this signal. As long as Lin Tian released this signal, the opponent will definitely be killed.

"Wow, Xiaotian interrupted Kasa's advance with his e skill!"

...... 0

"This reaction is too fast, if Kasa's position flashes, FPX will explode, but Lin Weixiang interrupted Kasa's e with his e skill, so that he did not refresh, so FPX was able to win the second tower in the middle. "

"FPX's baron buff is also about to disappear, but FPX used this baron to get a lot of economy, and also pushed down two towers in the middle of Taobo, and one tower in the top lane. Now FPX's economy is almost equal to that of Taobo. ."

The director's camera moved to the top road again.

"Skateboard shoes are on show. Xiaotian's Foyego is extremely bulky against the background of skateboard shoes, and Ah Shui's Kalista is also very good."

"Yes..." Long.

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