The bot laner is also far behind. Galio is best to deal with the mindless brawler, which consumes displacement, reduces damage and ridicules, and has a strong ability to clear lanes. He can deal with the brawler without too many details.

Jiaoyue took advantage of the Titan to catch Foyego and quickly retreated, but Draven quickly caught up at this time. Jiaoyue's ultimate move is gone, small skills can't kill Draven instantly, and there is no flash, and Draven's damage is good, killing Jiaoyue is no problem "three six seven". A Shui is also very affectionate and righteous, a displacement flashing treatment came to give Jiaoyue a mouthful of blood, and there was an acceleration, and Jiaoyue also opened W to add a shield. But Draven kept picking up the axe to pick up the axe to pick up the axe to speed up, and he caught up with Jiaoyue after a while.

Kalista also turned her head to Delevingne, hoping to persuade her to retreat, but Kalista's damage was not high, and Delevingne did not retreat. On the other side, Foyego was also attacking the Titan, and A Shui quickly took the Titan with a big move to prevent him from being killed, and also persuaded Draven to retreat.

Foyego's ultimate move has not been handed in yet, but Ah Shui is also afraid of being knocked into the air. If he is knocked into the air, he will be killed by Jiaoyue and Kalista, and he chooses to retreat. Niu Tau and Foyego couldn't catch up either, and this wave of battles in the middle that didn't break out ended just like that.

The Enchantress arrived, but Draven also retreated. If he was faster, the Titan would choose to knock down Draven, and then the Enchantress could go straight to seconds.

Twenty minutes later, the dragon refreshed.

Everyone went back to the city to replenish their equipment. The vision on both sides was sufficient in the Great Dragon Pit, and neither party took the initiative to open the Great Dragon. Taobo hopes to open later, they are waiting for the tp time, and the use of zoning can create pressure on FPX. But Ah Shui in the middle felt inexplicably uneasy, Draven's push rhythm became faster, and the line of troops was constantly pushed forward. The enchantress is putting pressure on the crocodile on the road, and Jiaoyue also needs to take the buff and brush on the development of Ono.

Foyego opened the scanning row on the river side, and Delevingne and the two went to the upper half after pushing the line. The prophet gave a signal here, and the enchantress hurried to come to support, maybe even make a dumpling. But Jiaoyue is still brushing the wild, and there is no way to support him in the first time.

After clearing the eye position, Liu Qingsong placed the eye position in a suitable position so that his teammates could tp. After doing all this, Foyego did not hesitate to open the dragon. The enchantress came down from the top road, because the eyes were all lined up by Foyego and Niutou, and the left hand was also worried that the other party would squat him in some grass, and he walked carefully in the wild area.. 0

Draven Foyego and the two drove the dragon very fast. When the two Titans, Kalista, arrived, the dragon was knocked out by one-third of its blood. The enchantress saw that FPX was opening a dragon, and came over quickly.

Jiaoyue also directly gave up the wild monsters and went to support. Baron is hard to get without a jungler. If there is a jungler, you can also fight for punishment.

Moreover, there were only three people driving the dragon, and all four people from Taobo came over, and it seemed that there was nothing to be afraid of.

"FPX has lined up all the eye positions in the wild area. Is this the rhythm of the dragon?"

"Is it a little risky for FPX to drive the dragon now?" 4.8

"We also said before that there is a certain chance that FPX can drive the dragon. Neither of Taobo's two TPs are good, and both of FPX's teleporters are there. You can use the teleportation to hit Taobo by surprise."

"Yes, and FPX did that too."

"Xiaotian started directly, with Draven around, the speed of the three FPX opening dragons is not slow.".

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