For EDG's lineup, the top laner Sheng Gun and ADCviper are the shield and spear of the entire team. Sheng Gun is resistant to pressure and fierce in teamfights, while viper has stable lanes, strong stealing ability, and full teamfight output. , walk elegantly. As long as you drag the viper six-piece suit, then the viper can lead the team to victory. Therefore, Brother Sheng Gun is a shield that allows EDG to have more opportunities to sharpen the spear of viper. Combining the two, in lpl, EDG is not weak against other teams.

But he happened to meet Taobo, the top-ranked flat-headed brother.

Abruptly destroyed the 20EDG shield.

The shield is ruined and the spear is hard to sharpen, which is why the EDG fails.

Lin Tian is really EDG's nemesis, and can frustrate EDG at any time.

EDG and Pingtou are destined to be enemies.

Without further ado, after a break, the second game begins.

"Welcome back to the LPL Summer Split, this is the second game." Miller's voice was as calm as ever.

"Taobo played against EDG, and Taobo is currently one point ahead."

"Entering the bp stage, Taobo still chose the blue side."

"It may be because the blue side has a higher win rate." Doll said with a smile.

The second round of bp begins.

Taobo chooses the blue side and first bans Zoe.

"Zoe's version is very strong, and there are not many heroes against her, so there is nothing wrong with the ban."

EDG banned Riven.

"Hehehe, EDG was scared of being beaten by the last Riven," Miller said.

"Riwen is a hero that Pingtou has never used in lpl. The last one has such a dazzling performance, which also reminds other teams to target Riven who is a Pingtou."

Then, Tobo bans the policewoman and the titan.

EDG banned Ornn and Knife Girl.

"The two sides also almost continued the bp of the previous round. The only different EDG replaced one of the ban positions with Riven."

"It's still a three-ban order."

"It's the old rules."

To choose a hero, Taobo took the Leopard Girl first.

"Tao Bo is the first to grab a leopard girl."

"Casa's Leopard Girl is quite good."

EDG won ez and Xin Zhao.

"ez did a good job, and the flexible output is okay. Xin Zhao is quite strong in this version, and he is not weak against Leopard Girl."

"EDG's bp has done a solid job."

Tao Bo is to take the ** and Bloom.

"**You can play top, middle and bottom, but this version is not very strong."

"Bring me a crocodile," said Saint Gun.

EDG took down the alligator.

"The crocodile is fine."

"It's also more difficult to target."

Next is the second round of bp.

EDGban drops Silas Blue Steel Shadow.

"Four bans placed orders to show respect."

"Brother Pingtou's repressive power."

Taobo banned the wrist and card.

EDG locks the female tank.

"EDG is making up one hand control. This hand control is very good, and the female tank and ez are also good with 160 in the bottom lane."

"Tao Bo gave Brother Pingtou the counter position. After all, Brother Pingtou's performance was really good."

"So what kind of counter will Taobo choose?"

"Bing, Taobo chose Bing. Locked."

"Bing ** cooperates with Braum, and directly click on the control."

"Tao Bo finally chose Jian Ji."

"Wow, Brother Pingtou's sword girl, this one is worth seeing again."

"Jianji and crocodile are facing each other, and it's not a counter. It depends on the operation."

"EDG's last hand, still chose three hands."

"The last three-handed performance was okay."

At this point, the second game begins.

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