Originally, Taobo used to revive the lineup, but the big guys didn't believe each one, thinking they were specially trained lineups.

It's embarrassing.

PSG has not even been able to play the lineup of Taobo, and is now at a slight disadvantage!

The PSG players were nervous one by one.

They are all thinking of a solution to the problem at hand!

Although PSG wanted to open up the situation in the bottom lane, Xiao P and the Prophet both began to stabilize after two waves of deaths in the early stage.

As long as the opponent's jungler disappears from the minimap, they would rather not take the line than get caught.

If there is a little risk of being caught, step back quickly.


At this time, the third little dragon brushed the line.

The first two dragons were controlled by PSG. There was no way, they had an absolute advantage in the bottom lane.

But at this time, Lin Tian has already broken the first tower on the PSG road.

The third little dragon, this one is still a fire dragon soul.

Taobo is not allowed.

Once the third little dragon is released, the pressure on the dragon soul will be particularly high.

This wave must be hit.

The people from PSG began to set up the field of vision around the Longkeng, and on the Taobo side, Niutou and Kasa also began to set up the field of vision.

Lin Tian is already leaning towards the middle. He has no TP in this wave and must be placed in advance.

The bomber in the left hand keeps Poke beside him. The current output environment of the bomber is still very good.

Both sides have arranged a round of vision, and the line of troops in the middle has been reset.

On Taobo's side, the dragon was the first to open.

Lin Tian is on the front with Casa.

The bomber on the left is at the entrance of the blue buff, and the PSG guy is above the river, facing the Taobo guy.

Xiaolong's hatred has been pulled up.

Team battles are imminent.

The bull's head of the prophet is behind.

However, the location of the bull's head was seen.

On the PSG side, maple's Marriott is just around the corner, wanting to start the group first.

And Hanabi's blind monk also tried to drive to the key C position of Taobo!

The blind monk's target is the left-handed bomber!

At this moment, Casa, who was in Dalong, suddenly smashed a pillar into the center of the PSG crowd.

At the same time, a flashing explosive disk was suddenly thrown into the left hand.

The bullhead behind the Prophet flashed past the wall WQ Second Company, knocking three PSG players into the air.

Bot lane jungler Rambo, Marriott, and Jinx.

On Xiao P's screen, several white lines appeared.

Without any hesitation, Xiao P pressed the R skill directly.

The gust of wind cuts.

Compression flew the three PSG people who were knocked up into the air, and started to output one pass.

Lin Tian's Silas also rushed up.

But here, he was picked up by Marriott's R skills.

After Lin Tian was smashed to the ground by Marriott's R skill, he also stole a Marriott's ultimate move, and it was also an R skill that took Marriott back.

The compression big move just landed, and then Lin Tian stole Wan Wan's big move and smashed it down.

Maple's Marriott is meaty and has high armor.

Marriott's ultimate move is that the more fleshy the armor, the higher the damage.

This smash, the PS130G few people who already had residual blood, went directly to the blood.

They handed over the flashes one by one, however, the compression was too violent in this endgame state!

Compression begins to be happy, and an eq is a human head.

Compression harvested a wave of three kills.

Although Hanabi's blind monk found the location of the left-hand bomber, with Kasa by his side, he couldn't cut his left hand at all.

Instead, he was surrounded!

PSG now only has a Thresh and Blind Monk left!

Thresh failed to get away, and was chased to death by the frontal force of Taobo.

The blind monk didn't escape, but was killed by his left-handed big move!

Taobo played a perfect teamfight of zero-for-five, and took control of the third dragon that was refreshed on the field, that is, the fire dragon.

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