Miss Eight Series Summoner

Chapter 417: Dive into the basement 5

"The behavior they did is what caused this to happen. I don’t want someone like us to be born or exist in such a dirty place. Therefore, only the Fengchen family who killed the primitive, only In that way, everything in this charming city can be completely cut off. Maybe the adults will think this is our own business and have no interest, but I just want to beg you. If, I mean, if possible, please completely destroy it. After Meicheng, the thoughts of those people are already too dirty, and it is impossible to clean them..."

While Xiulong was telling the story, he looked at Feng Xi with a begging expression.

He didn't know why, he just felt that the ‘old man’ in front of him was the one who could stop all of this. Maybe he thought too much, but he had witnessed the ability of ‘he’ to kill a few guards in a second.

The horror of ability absolutely exists.

However, how can such a powerful person accept his request, so he will say, ‘if’...

Hope, this adult can have mercy!

"Aren't you from Meicheng? You let me destroy Meicheng, what about you? In this place, do you think you can survive without Meicheng?" The indifferent voice sounded lightly.

Although the Meicheng people killed them, they didn't really kill them or drive them out. It can be seen that although the Meicheng people hated them, they still feel that they are a part of the Meicheng.

What's more, what Meicheng did was definitely to make the people and beasts in this territory point fingers. After this, even without Meicheng, they would probably not be able to live in the sun.

Feng Xi didn't have much interest in paying attention to these, but he also had to remind the temptation to ask.

After hearing the words, Xiulong was taken aback for a moment, and he seemed to get a tight grip in his heart. After a while, a sigh sounded.

"I understand what the adults said, but we have never done the nasty things of the Meicheng people, and we won’t have that nasty thoughts in the future. I just want the partners who live underground now to be safe and secure. If I live normally, it’s only more than ten years at most. I’m almost fifteen years old, and I’m alive soon. If adults can shoot, I can die. I just hope that we won’t be like us. Such a person was born."

"Boss, I am going to die if you want to die. Without you, we all can't survive, sir, if you really want to die alone, I'm willing to die, but our boss can't..."

"Xiu Yi, take your way." Xiu Long interrupted, looking at the wind Xi walking ahead.

I saw that "he" didn't fluctuate too much from beginning to end.

Feeling a little lost, but his heart is more determined. Even if this expert doesn't take action, he must kill the Fengchen family members, and even if he dies, he must let his partner escape the dark life.

However, after Feng Xi heard the words, Liu frowned slightly, but did not answer him...

This time, it was specifically for Jin Jiaye and others. For other things, Feng Xi did not have too much charity.

However, if the Fengchen family happened to be the mastermind, then she wouldn't mind ruining it, but it wasn't for them...

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