Miss Eight Series Summoner

Chapter 248: That was full of excitement and blood

"Hey, beauty, wait for me..."

When the white-clothed boy saw it, he was agitated, and quickly chased in the direction of the three people.

I don't know if it was a down-to-earth chasing with two legs, but it took a while to catch up.

The three people in front didn't stop, and ran quickly...

The white-clothed boy was a little out of breath after chasing, but he still asked doubtfully.

"Beauty, what's wrong with you? Why did you run away without waiting for me?"

Feng Xi had already mobilized her dantian, and moved the light power to use it, but the speed was still slower than the other two.

Therefore, she is almost running half-armed in Jin Jiaye now.

And this chasing up, the white-clothed teenager who was babbling in their ears, was really annoying.

But at this time, the three of them didn't even bother to pay attention to him.

The vibration coming from behind seemed to be getting closer and closer, and even the clicking of the pliers was beginning to be heard.

The densely packed magic scorpions were swiftly chasing them, and had regarded the four people running in front as prey, and the pair of raised beast eyes were full of excitement and blood.

This place is an endless stretch of dry and cracked loess plateau. The scorching sun is high in the sky, and the surrounding temperature is extremely hot. When you look at the end, it is all yellow mud color, not even a trace of green shadow.

The ground is hard loess, and the environment at this time is similar to a desert scene.

The sandy peaks in the desert have been replaced with the loess slopes that are now very uneven.

No matter how fast they run, every time they pass the steep loess slopes, they will be hindered by some speed.

However, the demon scorpion chasing from behind, on the contrary, is faster on such a bumpy loess slope.

I felt that the ground vibration was getting closer and closer, as if I could hear the infiltrating clicking sound, squeaking with those magic scorpions.

Feng Xi's brows frowned, because she found that not only was she unable to get in touch with Xiaocao and the others, but even the gossip crystal tower in her consciousness seemed to be silent after entering this place. She tried to mobilize several times, but none movement.

Damn it!

Where is this anyway?

Not only was it able to suppress her ability, but it was also the first time that it suppressed the gossip crystal tower so quietly.

"Do you feel that some abilities are suppressed?" Feng Xi asked.

Jin Kaye nodded, his feet didn't stop, "This place is a bit weird, follow me."

But at this moment, the next A Division quickly spoke.

"Run toward the direction of the ground that is not so dry and cracked. This magic scorpion has a strong tracking ability. It will definitely chase endlessly in their territory. You must quickly find a water source."

Jin Jiaye didn't connect, but he could distinguish the direction extremely quickly, and immediately changed the direction and ran away.

When the first saw him, of course he also went in his direction.

The young man in white who was chasing behind them couldn't figure out the doubts at all, so he didn't have the tension of them either.

However, he felt tired from catching up, but he still didn't stop.

In addition to his wanting to follow the wind, he also felt that the ugly things that were chasing after him were dangerous.

However, when people are unlucky, even drinking water will clog their teeth.

I saw the four people who were running hurriedly, their expressions changed slightly, and they suddenly stopped...

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