Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 487 Mr. Mu, Xiaosuo [Please subscribe]

Chapter 487 Mr. Mu, Xiao Suo

Land firmly.

The feeling of weightlessness was fleeting, and Ren Suo felt as if he had been transferred from Dong Chengling's house to the outside in the blink of an eye. Apart from anything else, Dong Chengling's driving skills are much more stable than before. Passenger Ren Suo said that he must give five stars.

Unlike the misty sky in Xuan Kingdom, where the sky still glows with a cheap light blue, the sky in front of Ren Suo is already bright, and the bright sunshine covers the earth like a veil, making everyone feel lazy in the slightly lower winter temperature. .

Even though it is already November and the days are gradually becoming shorter and the nights are longer in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, the time zone of Sakura Tokyo is one time zone earlier than Tianjing. It was around seven o'clock in the morning on the Xuan Kingdom side, and it was eight o'clock in the morning on the Tokyo side.


Qiao Muyi held down Ren Suo's shoulders and stuck her head out to look outside. Ren Suo also followed her at this time, sticking behind her to observe to see if there was any difference between this place and the game.

As soon as he recalled it, he matched this place with the game screen - he guessed right at the time, this was really a shrine.

Not far away there is a vermilion torii with the word "kai", with stone lanterns guarding the surrounding area. The clean and solemn main hall is located on one side. The stone floor and cobblestone passage are very clean and free of any debris. The vermilion railings around the main hall are illuminated by the sun. It's shiny, and it shows that someone cleans it regularly.

But when Ren Suo took a quick look, he didn't see the witch or the priest. Maybe he hadn't gone to work yet, or maybe he wouldn't have gone to work yet - after all, a small shrine like this hidden in a residential area of ​​a big city would not be accessible unless it was on special days such as festivals. The clergy will not be present.

The shrine was not deserted. There were three old men in casual clothes wandering around, and they were about to leave.

Today, November 20, is a hot sun day in Fanying. No one will delve into its true meaning, but modern times should include the meaning of "working hard and fast." Eight o'clock in the morning is already the commuting time for many Fanying workers. Those who can wander around in casual clothes at eight in the morning are mostly 'rich Tokyoites' who are retired and have generous retirement benefits, or tourists from other places, so there is no need to be vigilant.

While Ren Suo was thinking, a flash of black suddenly crossed his face, and the soft hair brushed against Ren Suo's nose, making his nose itchy and he quickly took two steps back.

Qiao Muyi turned her head to look at him, pulled up her hair, and said angrily: "You want to take advantage of me as soon as you arrive in a foreign country? I didn't speak just now, but Suo Zai was really rude and kept sticking to me."

Ren Suo smiled coquettishly. He was so busy looking at the scenery just now that he didn't notice that he was close to Qiao Muyi. He suddenly remembered something and asked, "Why did you call me Suo Zai again? Didn't you call me Ren Suo just now?"

Qiao Muyi stuck out her sweet tongue and made a cute face, and snorted: "I like to call you Suo Zai, why don't you? You can also call me Sister Qiao. I don't mind being called younger anyway."

Ren Suo felt a little depressed: "If I call you Sister Qiao, I think I will vomit."

"...Oh." Qiao Muyi smiled slightly, glanced at Ren Suo and turned his head.

Ren Suo felt bad because he heard from the "listening headphones" that Qiao Muyi's current response was unhappy.

Although it is no longer a game, the main mission still exists: finding clues and purifying filthy grudges. He doesn't want to ruin the arranged game plot because of his 'unintentional mistake'. After all, the current game plot is already on thin ice. If something goes wrong again, even with the powerful fate-correcting power of the Small World Game Console, it may happen. Other surprises.

Other games are just bad, and it's none of his business even if something goes wrong, but not this time - Ren Suo must fully grasp the real-life plot, so that he can hope to seize a glimmer of hope.

"I mean, how can I call Miss Qiao Muyi, who is both wise and brave, beautiful, moving and powerful, my sister?" No one else was around now, so Ren Suo also broke the pot and leaned over and said: " It makes it seem like we know each other very well.”

"Then we're not familiar with each other?" Qiao Muyi glanced at him.

Ren Suo hesitated for a moment, it wasn't written in the guide here: "Seven mature?"

"How mature is seven? Are you mature enough that I can call you Suo Zai?" Qiao Muyi asked with a smile.

Ren Suo hesitated for a moment, but Qiao Muyi stopped teasing him and said with a serious expression: "Okay, okay, I won't call you Suo Zai anymore."

Before Ren Suo could smile, Qiao Muyi continued: "But I won't call you Ren Suo, otherwise the people from Wuhun Palace will notice me when I chat with you, and even you will be discovered. "

"The reason why I call you Suo Zai is because I don't want to injure you!" Qiao Muyi said sincerely.

Ren Suo raised his eyebrows. He was not stupid: "Then why did you call me that before?"

"Because it's fun, it sounds like you are my little brother." Qiao Muyi blinked, "Ah, by the way, the most important thing is, I think this title can better bring friends closer."

The most important reason must be just because it’s fun! I just thought of it as a way to get closer as friends!

Ren Suo no longer paid attention to this, but thought seriously: "But what you said makes sense. I can't call you Qiao Muyi. There must be many people in Fanying who can speak Xuanguo dialect. What if it's because of the name?" The reason is revealed and that’s stupid.”

"Then what should we change our names?" Ren Suo looked at himself and Qiao Muyi: "Now that we can't change our pseudonyms, how about we pretend to be siblings, or pretend to be brothers and sisters?"

"Why not sisters?"

Qiao Muyi asked back and said seriously: "If you wear women's clothing, you will be foolproof. No one will definitely connect a pervert like Fan Ying in women's clothing with Ren Suo from Tianlian College."

"What you said makes sense, but I refuse." Ren Suo said.

"I don't like pretending to be brothers and sisters either." Qiao Muyi also refused.


"No reason."

Ren Suo looked at Qiao Muyi's eyes seriously. Qiao Muyi turned her head and snorted: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a beautiful woman?"

Ren Suo could only tell from the "listening headphones" that Qiao Muyi was really unwilling to pretend to be a brother and sister. As for why, he couldn't tell more. However, this matter was not a big deal. He took things as he was good and continued to ask: "Then let's pretend to be mother and son?"

Qiao Muyi narrowed her eyes and looked at him with a cold look. Ren Suo immediately knew that she didn't like pretending anymore, so he immediately changed to another one: "How about we be husband and wife?"

Qiao Muyi said nothing, still looking at him with squinted eyes.

Ren Suo felt uncomfortable being stared at by her, but Qiao Muyi didn't speak. Naturally, Ren Suo couldn't hear the echo of her desire, and he didn't know whether she liked the suggestion or not. He thought about it and finally said: "Forget it, we won't pretend to have any impure relationship. I'll just call you by your name, Muyi?"

Hearing that Ren Suo gave up the option just now, Qiao Muyi breathed a sigh of relief and felt a sense of loss - I didn't say anything, why didn't you confirm it quickly? Do you expect me to happily say, "Okay, okay, son, I want to be your mother" or "Okay, okay, husband, I want to be your wife"?

"What's the difference between this and Qiao Muyi?" Qiao Muyi said angrily: "Muyi is not Mai, it's too iconic. My name only has three words. If you shout two words, and someone who cares hears it, it's basically It’s like being exposed.”

Ren Suo spread his hands and said, "Then I call you Muzi? I heard that Fanying women like to add the word 'zi' to their names?"

"That's a matter of the old almanac. Only people 40 or 50 years ago would give names like this. It's like naming girls 'Cuihua' and 'Xiaohong' in China." Qiao Muyi also disagreed: "And I don't think so. My surname is Li, why do you call me Muzi?"

It was so troublesome to choose a fake name, and Ren Suo was convinced. However, at this time, Qiao Muyi pronounced the name 'Muzi' several times, and suddenly his eyes lit up and he said: "I don't like Muzi, but Mr. Mu is pretty good. I like this title, and I promise you can’t associate it with my real name. If you usually call me Young Master, I can react immediately.”

Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu?

Without waiting for Ren Suo to have any objections to this title, Qiao Muyi looked at Ren Suo and said, "Now I can't call you Ren Suo, and you don't like me calling you Suo Zai, so I'll call you Xiao Suo."

Xiaosuo, Xiaosuo?

Ren Suo wanted to say something, but when he saw Qiao Muyi's satisfaction with the two names, he finally shut up.

He has been completely convinced by the arrangements and bad taste of the Small World Game Console. Now, as long as the Small World Game Console does not let him go to Thailand to have a sex change and become a real maid Xiao Suo, Ren Suo is grateful to it.

And Xiao Suo is better than Suo Zai, because in the dialect of Lianjiang area, "Suo Zai" is equivalent to "fool". With such a comparison, being called Xiao Suo is not unacceptable.

"By the way, do you speak Japanese?" Qiao Muyi suddenly asked.

Ren Suo shook his head: "I haven't learned anything."

Qiao Muyi: "Aren't you very familiar with Zhao Huo? I remember Zhao Huo's Japanese N1 (the highest level in the Japanese language proficiency test). I thought you would learn something if you hang out with him often..."

Ren Suo continued to shake his head: "Zhao Huo is already in his twenties. He also watches anime, plays with figurines, chases new magical girl shows, and has emotional entanglements with three women. His life is very fulfilling. In addition to eating and drinking, I Drink, I rarely play with him."

Qiao Muyi glanced at Ren Suo. In terms of being a deadbeat and having emotional entanglements, are you really qualified to despise Zhao Huo?

"In this case, I have to teach you Japanese." Qiao Muyi sighed: "Because of frequent disasters in Japan this month, many domestic travel agencies have urgently stopped all cherry blossom tour groups. Now there are very few mysterious people in Tokyo. Most of the Xuanguo people who stayed here are Fanying students and Fanying staff.

Our skin color and appearance are very similar to the locals, and even if someone thinks that we look like people from Xuanguo, they will not attract attention - there are many foreign students in Fanying. But people from Xuanguo who don’t speak Japanese may not be able to get by.

When it's time to take action, you don't need to say anything, just follow me and don't reveal your identity as a member of the Xuan Kingdom. "

Ren Suo only knew that there were disasters all over the world, but he didn't know that the disaster in Fanying was serious enough to affect the tourism industry.

No wonder the people in the Countermeasures Bureau's Wuhun Palace wanted to kill Qiao Muyi alive. Even Fanying, a major tourist country, was greatly damaged by the disaster. I am afraid that all countries were devastated by the disaster during this period.

Qiao Muyi looked at Ren Suo again and said, "Although we have already come to Tokyo from Xuan Kingdom, according to what you said, this time it is a joint pursuit by all the large extraordinary forces of the Countermeasures Bureau, the Warden, the Wuhun Hall Wizard Council, and it is estimated that they Domestic forces will soon be used to try to find my traces.

But unlike me, they didn't ask for you. Moreover, you, a Xuanguo monk, suddenly appeared here in Tokyo. If you are noticed, it will be difficult to explain when you return to China. You might as well cover it up a little and pretend that you are not familiar with me.

If something happens to me, you who are hiding in the dark can still find a way to save me - although I will never let myself fall to that level. "

Ren Suo nodded, pulled up the hood of his coat and put it on, covering his hair and bangs, then took out a white mask and put it on, fixed the headphones hanging around his neck, and asked, "Is this okay?"

Qiao Muyi was slightly startled. She found that the person in front of her seemed to be blurred, becoming unremarkable and inconspicuous. It was even difficult to tell whether he was a boy or a girl.

Ren Suo... you...

Do you really have a talent for women's clothing...

Qiao Muyi increasingly felt that it was a good idea to let Ren Suo disguise himself as a woman, but Ren Suo was unwilling and she couldn't force him. She just silently noted down Ren Suo's hidden characteristics and said, "Bring out your phone."

Ren Suo handed over the phone obediently. He didn't know how Qiao Muyi operated it, so he dug out the card slot of the phone with his fingers and took out the SIM card.

After Qiao Muyi pulled out the phone card at Dong Chengling's house, he even threw the phone out of the window. She is the deputy director of the Countermeasures Bureau. Naturally, she knows that when the Countermeasures Bureau wants to arrest a criminal, it will directly use satellites to locate the target's mobile phone. Her mobile phone can no longer be used.

It's a bit dangerous to use Rensuo's mobile phone now, but it's basically safe after taking away the SIM card. Then Qiao Muyi took Ren Suo away from the shrine. Ren Suo glanced at the shrine full of ema, and followed Qiao Muyi's long staircase with vermilion railings to leave.

When leaving, he also saw someone standing on the ramp taking pictures. There was a sign on the roadside telling Ren Suo that the shrine they just stayed at was called Suga Shrine, which is located in Shinjuku District, Tokyo.

They walked for a few minutes out of the residential area and found a convenience store. There was an ATM in the convenience store. Qiao Muyi walked over and took out her wallet, inserted the card and withdraw money.

Because Xuanguo tourists contribute a lot of GDP to Fanying's tourism industry, all ATMs in Fanying convenience stores accept UnionPay cards to withdraw Japanese yen, and even provide Alipay and WeChat payment. It can be said that 'money can make all the difference'.

Ren Suo was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly walked over and asked, "If you withdraw money here, won't you be discovered?"

"No, this card has nothing to do with me. It is a savings card issued by my neighbor's aunt in the name of her son. The money in it is only the New Year's money saved by the aunt. It is very clean and cannot be traced to me." Qiao Mu Yi looked at the ATM machine and did not change the Xuanwen interface. He just looked at the Japanese interface operation.

Ren Suo blinked when he heard this: "Then why do you have this card? Do you also know the password?"

Qiao Muyi glanced at him: "Because... the neighbor's aunt's son likes me."


"He liked me, so he gave me his most precious New Year's money savings card as a betrothal gift." Qiao Muyi glanced at Ren Suo proudly, as if to say, 'I'm also being pursued by someone,' and 'You still haven't. Learn a little'.

"I just kept it for fun and told him that he didn't have enough money in the card and told him to study hard and save more New Year's money in the future. I didn't expect to use it here."

Ren Suo asked: "How old is he...?"

"About ten years old? Anyway, he is a very cute little fat guy. I like to pinch his face."

Qiao Muyi said with a smile in her voice: "I originally planned to double the money in the card and return it to him if he was really stupid enough to wait until he received his pocket money during the Chinese New Year before asking me to get his savings card back. Then tell the aunt that she has a stupid son and ask her to teach the little fat boy a lesson and stop letting him hand over his bank card to others casually."

Ren Suo silently mourned for the little fat man in his heart, and at the same time sang praises for his courage.

Is it because mobile phones are not fun? Is it because the game console is not fun? Is it because computers are not fun? It’s not good who you like, but you just like Qiao Muyi...

Although the little fat boy got double the lucky money in the end, he still had to be taught (beaten) by his mother with a cane.

Sure enough, if you like Qiao Muyi, you will definitely be tricked by her and become miserable in the end.

"But if I can go back smoothly this time, I will immediately increase the original money in the card ten times and return it to him."

Ren Suo nodded: "This is indeed what we should do. After all, this card saved us in an urgent need."

Neither his bank card nor Dong Chengling's bank card could be used, and they had no cash in Japanese yen, making it difficult to get around in Fanying. Now that they have starting capital, it means that they can still struggle in the steel jungle of Tokyo through normal means.

"That's not the reason."

Qiao Muyi took the yen that he spat out from the ATM machine, took back his bank card, and said with a faint smile: "I returned the bank card because I want to quit my job."

Ren Suo complained: "Then you have to tell the little fat guy that you don't like weak people, humiliate him severely, and make the little fat guy get angry and work hard to study hard. Ten years later, he will find you and shout, 'Thirty Years of Hedong, Thirty Years' Nian Hexi'?"

Although Ren Suo was joking, he felt that Qiao Muyi would really do such a thing - even if Qiao Muyi was good to others, she would usually choose very strange methods.

"It's not that complicated."

Qiao Muyi tilted her head, glanced at Ren Suo, raised the corners of her mouth, and smiled slightly: "It's just because I can't be his bride."

"Yes, the age gap is too big. This is an old cow eating young grass, no, a young cow eating old grass..."

After coming out of the convenience store, Ren Suo touched his painful waist. It looked like he had excessive kidney deficiency.

Qiao Muyi is replacing Ren Suo's mobile phone with a Damo card. Now Ren Suo's mobile phone can use 4G Internet access through the docomo operator, with unlimited data for seven days (this is what the advertisement says).

Qiao Muyi opened the map on his phone, leaned against the wall, dug into his memory, and quickly marked 33 investigation points on the map.

These 33 places are all recorded by the Countermeasures Bureau as places where disaster incidents occurred during this month. If she wants to investigate clues through disaster incidents, these 33 places are the best starting points.

But her ability to remember these 33 locations was already the limit. She couldn't remember much about what happened in these 33 locations, and she couldn't tell where to start first.

At this time, a finger reached out from the side, flicked the map, and clicked on a marked point in the far northeast direction.

"Investigate here first."

PS: Two updates of 10,000 words!

The second update took too much time. I really can’t tell when it will be updated at night. I’m very sorry.

But the first update is definitely at 11 o'clock.

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