Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 753: Sentinel system

What is the emergency throwing operation refers to the situation where the command center needs to have a detailed understanding of the data in the target area after an emergency occurs, and the personnel cannot get close or cannot enter in a short time.

Such sensors come into play. They will be thrown into the target area by specially modified drones or other manned aircraft.

In such a short period of time, the emergency handling command center in the rear will obtain various data as soon as possible, which is helpful to understand the real-time situation of the target area.

From this point of view, it is a bit like the style of a mine or mine sonar coordinates dropped by an aircraft. In fact, when they designed the sensors, Zhou Yonghui also referred to the style of anti-submarine patrol aircraft throwing sonar beacons.

Of course, compared to these various sensors, everyone's eyes are still focused on the middle ‘mushroom’.

Zhang Jun looked at this mushroom and irritated Wu Hao, wondering: "How do I think this intelligent unmanned monitoring station is a bit like the sentinel system we developed?"

Ha ha, Wu Hao smiled and did not speak, and Zhang Jun instantly understood what he meant in his smile. Indeed, in front of so many people, it is really not suitable for this topic.

"Sentinel system?" The speaker was unintentional, the listener was intentional, and others were intrigued.

"Oh, an intelligent unmanned security system." Wu Hao explained with a faint smile.

Everyone saw Wu Hao unwilling to say more. Although he was full of curiosity, he still didn't ask any more.

The so-called sentinel system is actually used in conjunction with an intelligent unmanned patrol security system. In simple terms, it is an intelligent unmanned monitoring system, and this intelligent unmanned monitoring station is almost the same except for its use.

The sentinel system is mainly aimed at various moving targets, such as people, vehicles, planes and so on. One of the major functions of this system is to replace the work of real sentinels and perform surveillance patrols in areas with harsh natural environments.

You can also think of it as a wireless camera, but the function of this camera is much more powerful.

Not only is it equipped with a variety of optical sensors, but also has strong image recognition analysis and tracking functions, which is not comparable to ordinary cameras.

At present, this sentinel system has been successfully developed, and has passed the relevant finalization test of the general manager, and has been tried in multiple border defense forces. Judging from the feedback from the trial, it is still highly recognized by the grassroots officers and soldiers of the border guards.

Therefore, in front of these people is really not suitable to talk about this matter.

Zhang Jun also knew that he was a bit talkative, and immediately called haha ​​and started to urge: "Go, look at your command and control center, I can't wait."

At the urging of Zhang Jun, everyone came to the temporary command and control center where this set of hillfire intelligent prevention and control systems was located.

Unlike what everyone thinks, this command and control center looks very ordinary, even a little simple. I saw in the huge command and control center, in front of the large ultra-high-definition screen spliced ​​by the intelligent screen module released by Wu Hao and them.

On this large screen, it is divided into several screen windows. Among them are two large windows in the middle. One window displays a 3D three-dimensional map of the entire nature reserve. Various points are marked on the map, while two points in the air are moving at high speed.

The other large window is divided into two, and inside is the aerial image of two drones. However, it is strange that these two aerial images are not colored, but black and white and gray.

Around these two large windows are many small video windows, and each window corresponds to this fixed monitoring screen. These pictures seem to be still, but are actually turning slowly.

In addition to this large screen, the command and control center is divided into several office areas, and some office computers are placed in each area. At this moment, some team technicians are working very leisurely.

What is refreshing is that there are many green plants in the command and control center, and there are many unknown flowers and plants. It seems that these technicians should raise them in their spare time.

It seems very ordinary here, and it is not as tall and urgency as those command and control centers and research centers in everyone's mind.

After several reporters came in, they picked up the camera and video camera and kept shooting. It seemed that they were very interested in this place.

Cough, Zhou Yonghui cleared his throat, then introduced to the crowd and said: "Here is the command and control terminal of our hill fire intelligent prevention and control system and the research and development center of our project team.

From here, we can control the 68 intelligent unmanned monitoring stations, 235 sensors of various types, and the two aerial patrol warning drones we are currently patrolling.

Please look at the big screen. The left side of the big screen is a 3D digital map of our entire protected area. The red dots on the map are the locations where we can only monitor stations without people.

We choose the location of each monitoring station as far as possible to have a better view, no obstruction, and a position that is convenient for personnel maintenance.

As for these blue dots, it is the location of various sensors. On the layout of these sensors, we try to spread them evenly throughout the protected area and cover a variety of natural environments, so that we can collect relevant data in real time.

The two yellow dot trajectories moving between the valleys are the flight trajectories of our air patrol and surveillance drone.

The entire air patrol and surveillance drone's flight patrol routes are systematically planned independently, and under normal circumstances we will not intervene.

In the event of an emergency ~ ~ we can also intervene manually to give instructions and let them fly to the designated area for inspection.

We can even take over the drone for remote remote control flight through the remote driving system established in our command and control center.

As for the large window on the right, it is a flight patrol screen of two drones. Because of the high-speed transmission technology, the patrol images taken by the drone will be displayed on the big screen in real time.

And these pictures have been processed, why is it black and white, which is also original. Because it is easier to find the fire point, or the area where the temperature is suspected to be higher.

Once an area with a higher temperature is found, red will be displayed on the black and white screen, so that our monitoring staff can find it in the first place.

Of course, the system will also issue an early warning to remind staff on duty to deal with it in time.

This system is so sensitive that we can find the animals in the mountains and the temperature of the tourists in the forest park, which can be detected. "

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