Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 728: Launch countdown

Yang Fang is just the first stop here, and then Zheng Kaixiang took them to visit their project. Unlike other projects at the base, the project here looks more like entering a laboratory. And like some microbiology laboratories, it is very troublesome to enter and exit. Even Wu Hao and they can only watch the situation in the laboratory through the glass. However, they can only read a rough idea. More often, they still listen to the explanation of the researchers. Generally speaking, the various projects of this type have just started, and the progress is relatively smooth.

As for when to achieve results, this may need a longer world. This is like a seed or a seedling just planted. If you want to flower and bear fruit, you have to continue to take care.

Near lunchtime, Wu Hao ended his investigation tour of the Northwest Research Center of the Biological and Life Sciences Laboratory.

They went to the restaurant for a light meal with Zheng Kaixiang and Yang Fang. Wu Hao said goodbye to them and then returned to the hotel for a lunch break.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Hao first inspected the construction of the base. Mainly the construction of base infrastructure. Such as the base test area, living area, and the construction of security facilities.

According to the plan, the construction of the Northwest Research Center is divided into three phases. The first phase of the project has been completed and the second phase of the project has begun.

After the completion of the second phase of the project, a large research base capable of accommodating 1,200 people will be reached here. And all kinds of supporting facilities must be complete, and the living standard must be able to meet the living standards of second-tier cities.

Because of the limited time in the afternoon, Wu Hao mainly inspected the large-scale storage plants assembled by solar power plants and new lithium batteries located on the periphery of the base.

Now the periphery of the base is all paved with autonomous solar panels. These solar panels can change the angle in real time according to the angle of the sun, so that they can receive more sunlight.

Moreover, the entire solar power plant is managed by an intelligent system without human intervention. These solar panels will also have intelligent robots to clean and maintain them regularly, and even be able to replace faulty panels and related equipment.

In the event of high-end winds or dusty weather, these solar panels will be automatically retracted to avoid damage.

Although it is automatically managed by an intelligent system, there will still be technicians on duty here to ensure that it operates properly.

As for large storage power stations, this is also one of the relatively expensive infrastructures of the entire base, all of which are composed of new lithium batteries. The electricity generated by the solar power plant will be sent here for storage, and then transmitted to the base for use.

In this way, even at night, the base can use the electricity stored in the lithium battery storage station.

Even in rainy weather, there is no problem, here can support the entire base for three days at full load of electricity. Of course, it belongs to arid desert area itself, and three days of rainy days are very rare.

In addition, large diesel generators are also equipped here for emergency use. According to the relevant development plan.

In the future, the solar panels here will continue to expand in scale, in addition, some wind turbines will be installed to prevent special weather and special situations in which power supply is insufficient at night.

Seeing the time was almost up, Wu Hao and they immediately contacted the inspection work, and then came to the rocket launch command and control center.

The countdown has started, the atmosphere in the rocket launch command and control center is very serious, and everyone is doing their own things seriously.

Seeing that Wu Hao had arrived, Yu Chengwu, who was standing on the command post, still welcomed him.

Mr. Wu, let me introduce to you that these are representatives of satellites. This time they will also watch the live launch of the rocket in the command center.

Wu Hao smiled and shook hands with these people. Apart from a commercial satellite, the remaining two of the three satellites were scientific experimental satellites from universities and colleges. So the representatives who came were all young people. After seeing Wu Hao, these young people couldn't help but go to shake hands, and some people even picked up their phones and took pictures.

This is the leader of the aerospace department, Director Ding Xingyun Ding, this time he made a special trip to watch our rocket launch.

Hello, Director Ding, welcome. Wu Hao smiled as he held the middle-aged man in his white shirt in his forties.

Ha ha, President Wu, I finally saw you, younger than on TV. Ding Xingyun shook his hand with enthusiasm and said: "When I came, the bureau leader explained to me that I should seriously observe your rocket launch.

It is said that although you have been in the aerospace field for a relatively short time, you have made great achievements in development. In such a short time, you have already developed a launch vehicle with excellent performance.

For your ultra-low-cost commercial launch vehicle, we are very interested in the bureau and even hope to have the opportunity to cooperate.

With the continuous development of our national aerospace technology, launch missions are becoming more and more intensive, and we alone have become more and more strenuous.

So it ’s time to let private companies come in. You have the technology, the funds, and the important thing is that you have the momentum. With your fresh blood to join, I believe that our country ’s space industry can take it to a higher level. "

Thank you, thank you for your compliments. We must continue to work hard to build on our country's space industry. Wu Hao laughed.

Hahahaha ... Everyone laughed at the news.

Then Wu Hao met with the local government and several other representatives to shake hands before sitting down.

Looking at the countdown on the screen and the busy technicians below, everyone couldn't help but put away a smile and watched carefully.

Two hours before the countdown, the personnel at the launch site evacuated and the rocket entered the last self-check procedure.

The personnel began to evacuate, and the security personnel at the launch site began to investigate the site ~ ~ to ensure that everyone left the scene.

Rocket self-test program starts!

The field reports that the evacuation of personnel in the area where the rocket may fall has been initially completed, and our staff is beginning to conduct investigations with local staff to ensure the safety of the fall area.

Received, let our staff be careful, and we must carefully investigate to ensure that the wreckage may fall in the area, and no one can appear. In addition, strengthen peripheral security, so that no one can break in. Yu Chengwu said solemnly.

According to the report, the latest meteorological information was sent from the meteorological department. The rocket launch window was clear and in line with all launch conditions and could be launched.

Report to the Beijing Aerospace Command Center and wait for the final launch order.

Together with Anxi, Longcheng, and Daocheng Satellite Measurement and Control Center, it has entered the final preparation stage.

Countdown for an hour to prepare!


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