Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 696: Mars ferry ticket

Lin Wei even gave Wu Hao a white glance, and he didn't have a good air: "While going on the side, less fun with our sisters."

Ha ha, Wu Hao smiled and said: "None now does not mean that there will not be in the future. Maybe we really opened space flights at that time. At that time, the 50% discount on this ticket was very affordable."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone laughed. Zhou Xi complained to Wu Hao a bit spicy: "I said, Wu Hao, you are too stingy. How can I say you are a close friend of your wife's girlfriend, do you not send me a ticket? . Also 50% off, how can the rich be so stingy. "

"That is, 50% off, stingy!" Liang Sisi also followed.

Shen Lan looked at Wu Hao and said, "Isn't it just a ferry ticket? See you stingy, I don't need you to discount it!"

Wu Hao couldn't help but hear a few girls whispering so much. Lin Wei glared at him at this time, and then smiled at several girls: "Okay, okay, isn't it just a few tickets, he won't send me!"

"It's still Weiwei's best!" Said Liang Sisi, flying like a bird and leaning close to Lin Wei.

"Then we have said that, then our sisters and I will go to space tourism together." Zhou Xi said to several girls, then looked at Wu Hao and asked, "I said, when will your space flight come out, what are your projects?" . For so many customers, give the introduction chant. "

As soon as Zhou Xi's question was heard, everyone was interested.

Wu Hao took care of the barbecue when he saw it, and introduced to everyone with a smile: "It's coming, it's coming, it won't take long.

Soon, we will officially launch our first commercial launch vehicle. If it goes well, at the same time as the R & D of the rocket, other projects will also start one after another.

And the research and development project of the spacecraft is also about to start.

According to the commercial aerospace projects of similar foreign companies, the first unmanned test can be conducted in two to three years at the earliest. If everything goes well, we can send people into space within five years.

Of course, this is just a conservative estimate, maybe faster. "

"Five years, this is too long, we will be more than thirty by then." Hearing Wu Hao, several girls shook their heads involuntarily.

"It's okay. Other foreign astronauts are still in space at the age of sixty or seventy. What happened to you in your 30s?" Zhang Jun quipped with a smile.

"Go!" A few girls gave Zhang Jun a glance.

Wu Hao continued with a smile: "After all, it's manned. We can't let you go into space in a convertible. We must still be safety first."

In addition, this is a spaceship, not a car. Even if you build a car from scratch, I am afraid it will take a year or two, let alone a spaceship. "

Seeing a few girls nodding, Wu Hao continued: “For tourists, we will also open a lot of tourism projects. For example, three days and three nights in space, a 15-day luxury tour on the moon, a marvelous trip to Mars, etc.

Giggle ... Hearing Wu Hao, everyone at the scene laughed again.

"The farther you go, the more you plan to go to Mars." Shen Lanbai gave him a glare.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Jun interjected and said, "Don't say that, we really have long-term development plans for related aerospace projects.

We plan to land on the moon in eight years and land on Mars in ten years. We even plan to build livable cities on the moon and Mars.

When the time comes, the earth is tired, and we can go to the moon or Mars for a few months. This is no problem. "

"Blow, blow hard, why is there a cow floating in the sky." Shen Lan rolled her eyes.

Ha ha ha ha ...

Amidst laughter and laughter, Wu Hao handed the grilled skewers to everyone, and then proceeded to the next batch.

"Who eats squid and baby octopus?"

"Me!" Several girls raised their hands in disbelief.

"Will mushrooms, potato chips and eggplants?"

"Yes!" Still the girls, all in unison.

"Oh, the meat that the big boss personally depends on is incense!" Zhou Xi quipped with a smile.

And Liang Sisi smiled and sighed: "This may be the most expensive skewers I have eaten. The ingredients are more expensive and we can afford it, but we can't afford the salary of this big boss."

"That's it, it's tens of millions in one minute. It's too much for him to give us barbecue." Zhou Xixiao's Huazhi Zhaozhan said.

"Yes, is this fun for me?" Wu Hao said with a black line.

Giggle ...

After a while of teasing, a few girls again aimed at Yang Fan who hadn't spoken much or even had no sense of existence.

Yang Fan's appearance is still very handsome. Although he wears a pair of glasses, it does not affect his image at all.

And several girls also know that Yang Fan is also the founder and major shareholder of the company. Although it does not have as many shares as Wu Hao, its value is also very expensive.

What's more, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun both have girlfriends, only Yang Fan hasn't.

"I said, Yang Fan, there are no outsiders here. What are you shy about?" Zhou Xi, who was pungent, walked to Yang Fan's side first, and then put her arm on Yang Fan's shoulder and laughed and laughed.

Suddenly attacked by Zhou Xi, Yang Fan froze there suddenly, and his brain was short-circuited. It took a long time for him to react, and then he quickly struggled and blushed.

"Oh, oh, blushing, red, so shy!" Zhou Xi leaned forward to observe.

Hahahaha ... Everyone present laughed.

Zhang Jun even laughed and coaxed: "I said what shyness your kid is, won't even be afraid of a woman, even the eyes of others dare not look straight.

If I were you, I would kiss it directly. "

"Go!" Zhou Xi turned to Wu Hao and scolded, then released Yang Fan, but did not leave: "I didn't expect that there are still boys who will be shy and have such a thin skin.

In other words, would n’t you be a young child, did n’t you have a girlfriend in college? "


Hearing Zhou Xi's words ~ ~ Not only Wu Hao but Zhang Jundu have black lines on their heads, this big sister is too tough.

Yang Fan's face was even redder, but he shook his head again and again to deny it. But everyone present laughed because Yang Fan shook his head in a panic. It seemed that this kid was addicted to the airplane model during college, and he had never been in love at all.

Faced with the laughter of everyone, he stood up suddenly. When everyone thought he was going to be angry, he blushed and whispered, "I, I go to the bathroom."

After he finished speaking, he hurried into the house.

As for the people present, when he saw his back and fled, he laughed unscrupulously.

Wu Hao glanced at the back of Yang Fan's departure, and then smiled at several girls: "How about, my brother is simple enough.

If any of you are interested, either give enlightenment, teach! "

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