Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 574: Will aliens invade Earth?

"Then when do you think we humans can really get out of the earth and soar in the solar system?" Jiang Nan asked at him.

"Aren't we out of the earth now?"

Wu Hao said with a smile, and then thought for a moment, and then said: "I think it should be very fast at the current development rate. The more mature and reliable the carrier rocket technology is, the lower the cost is, and the market is getting more and more. Hotter.

This will greatly attract huge amounts of capital and resources to be transferred to this field, and will also catalyze the development of human space technology.

Now every aerospace company in each country has its own ambitious space development plan. I think the next two or three decades will be the stage of concentrated explosion of space projects.

In this regard, I think we can actually refer to the birth of other new technologies, such as airplanes and computers. It has not been too long since they were just born. "

Jiang Nan nodded after hearing his answer, then looked at the manuscript, then asked him: "Now many science fiction movies have some bridges and content related to space, such as the moon or Mars immigrants, and There are alien invasions and so on.

Let me say one, first talk about space immigrants, what do you think? "

Wu Hao drooled, then shook his head and said, "I don't actually like this project or imagine that in the next two to three hundred years, there should be no conditions for large-scale emigration to an alien planet, even Mars or the moon so close to us . "


Wu Hao shook his head and said, "Cost, cost determines everything.

First of all, we need to understand why we have to emigrate people to those desolate, grass-free alien planets. What good are these alien planets?

Second, even if we have the ability to transport humans to these alien planets on a large scale, how do these humans survive?

In the end, why should we leave such a good earth uninhabited, and choose paranoid planets that are desolate and inanimate?

Therefore, I don't think this will happen in the past two or three hundred years, even if there are some skilled application immigrants.

For example, an alien planet base similar in nature to the Antarctic Research Station, or an 'outer space station' for temporary repair by space operations technicians. "

"The outer space station is an interesting name." Jiang Nan laughed.

Wu Hao laughed: "It's like a temporary repair supply point for miners or crew members. It is set up on some space routes or on asteroids, and supplies spaceships and astronauts to repair supplies.

Of course, there may also be many small towns.

However, this life is not necessarily good. For them, the earth is home. "

"You're right, the earth is our home." Jiang Nan nodded with a smile, and then continued to ask, "Where are the aliens, will we be invaded and attacked by aliens. It ’s like Like those bridges in the recent hit Three Body, the aliens directly destroyed our planet. "

Hehehehe ... Wu Hao laughed lightly and waved his hand.

"These are film and television dramas, and as I said before, we humans are imagining unknown targets with our narrow minds, such as robots, such as aliens.

Just ask how long a civilization that can carry out the long-distance aerospace era is cognitively ahead of our human beings. How can it be as brutal as our human beings?

Even if these aliens really want to destroy us, do you think that we can really fight against the civilization of the aerospace era with our current human strength?

Therefore, I don't think it is necessary to think about this issue, let alone worry, because this is nothing to worry about. The innocence has collapsed. Is it what we can bear? "

"Of course, you do n’t have to be overly alarmed. The universe we currently know has more than 100 billion stars. I do n’t know how many of these stars have living planets. The solar system in which our earth is located is just remote in the galaxy The relatively desolate places did not attract anyone's attention.

As for our Milky Way, it is the same, it is also in a relatively desolate place in the entire universe. So trying to find us is as difficult as finding a needle in the sea. "

Ha ha ha, Jiang Nan smiled and said, "It's too far away, let's talk a little closer. Tell me about your plan in the past two years, when will the first commercial launch vehicle be officially launched, I think everyone will compare Care about this. "

If all goes well, this summer or autumn, we will launch the first commercial launch vehicle with a formal payload.

"Is it so fast? I heard that the development and manufacture of a rocket is very troublesome. Do you actually get everything so fast?" Jiang Nan was surprised.

Wu Hao laughed: "We have a mature and strong R & D team, and these people have related research work before joining us, which has saved us a lot of time.

Secondly, in fact, the rocket technology is not complicated or mysterious. It is nothing more than letting it fly. This aspect is very easy to achieve.

And its real difficulty is in carrying weight, reliability and cost. This is the technical field we will focus on and overcome now and in the future. "

"Well, let's look forward to your company's first commercial launch vehicle launch, and wish you success." Jiang Nan laughed.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Nan flipped through the manuscript, and said to Wu Hao, "I have talked so much, I believe you are tired, let's talk a little easier, and then end today's visit."

Seeing Wu Hao nodded, Jiang Nan then asked with a smile: "Talk about your life, what hobbies do you have, except for work, how is your life.

Everyone is full of interest in your life. "

Wu Hao thought about it, and then laughed: "In fact, I have a lot of hobbies, like music and movies ~ ~ Many of my inspirations actually come from these movies and among them ~ ~ Second I usually do some sports and fitness, such as jogging, or practice boxing with my driver. Then there is a beautiful afternoon to go fishing or something.

In the end, it's food. This is probably the best known to the outside world, and it's also the most powerful of everyone. Yes, I'm a foodie. "

Hearing him, not only Jiang Nan, everyone in the cabin laughed lightly.

"I usually stay at home and I will make some meals and share them with family and friends."

"How is the craft?" Jiang Nan interjected.

Wu Hao shook his head and said, "It can only be a hand that can still be said to be quite delicious, but can also get into the mouth."

"Too modest. I watched Miss Lin's updated Weibo. Your craft is great." Jiang Nan praised.

Wu Hao shook her head with a smile and said, "She has added filters to the beauty of those food photos, but it's not that pretty."

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