Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 569: Decentralization and blockchain technology

The two sides talked for a while, and the interview was ready to begin. First, a professional makeup artist started to apply powder to Wu Hao, and then there was a director to communicate with his secretary, Shen Ning, to determine the general interview content.

Although recorded and broadcasted, the content of these interviews must be determined to avoid possible awkward situations. For example, this time Wu Hao specifically requested to minimize some issues related to his personal life and relationships.

I've been busy for an hour. The interview was finally conducted near the coffee table near the window in the suite where he lived.

Wu Hao, wearing a dark blue shirt, was sitting at the table, facing Jiang Nan. And Jiang Nan also put on a very professional look, holding the manuscript in his hands and looking seriously, doing the final preparations before the interview.

The staff checked his microphone, and then he gestured for an OK pack at Jiang Nan.

Jiang Nan understood, and then said with a smile: "Well, Mr. Wu, our interview officially started. First of all, talk about your current feelings, especially after winning such a big award."

Wu Hao said with a smile and nodded, "Excited, ashamed."

"Ashamed?" Jiang Nan interjected and asked.

Wu Hao nodded and said, "Yes, ashamed, there are still many old scientists and old scientific researchers who are nearly half a hundred years old. I have done too little compared to them."

"I think you are too humble, and the grades you have made are not worse than them. And I heard that in this application process, your projects are the most." Jiang Nan said with a smile.

Wu Haowen shook his head and said, "These are the results of everyone's joint efforts. I am only one of them."

Jiang Nan looked at the manuscript, and then switched the topic and said, "Can you briefly talk to us about this award-winning technology? Why is it so important to win such a national award and it is still in the security technology category? . "

Wu Haowen said with a raised hand and said, "In fact, this technology is not so mysterious. Use the most popular words in our current scientific and technological information field to compare it. You can think of it as a decentralized blockchain control technology.

To put it simply, in the past we commanded 10,000 people and 10,000 people needed a central command system, relying on this central command system to command and control these people or equipment to work.

And now relying on this technology, we no longer need such a central command and control system, or that everyone or every device is a central command system. We decentralize the functions of the central command system among all the equipment, so that these people or equipment can either think and operate independently, or many people or equipment can think together.

The ability of so many people or such equipment to think together is naturally much stronger than one person and one central control command system.

And more importantly, it has a strong ability to resist risks. We have an old saying that the big snake hits seven inches and the thief captures the king first. The meaning is to hit the most lethal place of the target, such as the central control system, which is the so-called 'beheading' that we often see in movies.

After using this technology, there is no center, every device is the same, so this will not give people the key. Even if more than half of the 10,000 and 10,000 devices are destroyed, the remaining half can still form a whole for normal operation. "

"Is this technology difficult?" Jiang Nan asked.

Wu Hao nodded and said, "It's difficult. How to make this 10,000 people or equipment cooperate with each other in an orderly manner without chaos. This is very difficult. Moreover, we control it in real time. These data are in so many people or so Real-time transmission across multiple devices, this is even harder. "

"Then what is the use of this technology? At present we seem to know only the field of drones. Is it closely related to our lives?" Jiang Nan asked.

Wu Hao nodded and smiled: "At present, this technology is indeed used more in the field of drones, but in fact it can also be applied to multiple fields.

For example, logistics transportation, the intelligent unmanned storage system we cooperated with a, the intelligent unmanned logistics system, and the intelligent unmanned manufacturing factory that we are already using.

And the potential of this technology is still huge, and it is far from being tapped. For example, in our intelligent unmanned farm in West Xinjiang, nearly 10,000 acres of arable land are all responsible for intelligent unmanned farming equipment, and no one is involved.

This means that we can apply this intelligent unmanned farming system to more places, thereby ensuring the security of our domestic food supply.

In fact, our country now imports a large amount of food from abroad every year. In addition to our own food, this food is also used as a large amount of livestock and poultry farming. For example, pig farms, cattle and sheep, chicken and duck farming, etc., so as to exchange food for livestock and poultry meat or dairy products that we prefer.

With this intelligent unmanned farming system, we can reduce this dependence from overseas and help protect the security of our domestic food supply.

In the past two years, everyone has been increasing the price of spit pork. There are many reasons for the increase in pork prices, one of which is the significant increase in the cost of food and feed.

And our intelligent unmanned farming system can effectively reduce the related food and feed costs. So as to effectively alleviate the cost of raising pig farms, reduce the price of pork in the market, and ultimately benefit our ordinary people. "

"This system is indeed widely used, but now there is a concern ~ ~ that is to fear that this system is too advanced, will there be bridges like the movie" Terminator ", the robot has With self-consciousness, he began to resist and enslave humanity.

Secondly, many people are worried that after the large-scale application of this intelligent unmanned production technology, it can reduce the operating production costs of enterprises. But at the same time, a large number of people lost their jobs, lost their jobs and lost their livelihoods. Jiang Nan stared at Wu Hao and asked a more acute question.

Wu Haowen smiled and shook his head with a smile: "First of all, the first question is whether the robot has self-interest, will it resist and enslave human beings. I don't think so.

Because robots are made by us humans, how can it come to resist and enslave us humans, and what good is it to enslave us humans?

Secondly, that is how can we humans allow self-conscious robots to exist, and how should it be defined.

Finally, it is a technical issue. It is impossible for existing technologies to create self-conscious robots. Even now we haven't even solved the problem of how our human self-consciousness is generated, how can we say that we can create a self-conscious robot. "

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