Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 567: National Science and Technology Progress Award

Out of the Great Hall, Wu Hao's mood has not calmed down, all this is like dreaming. Just recently, the ultra-large-scale cluster array control technology developed by him and related cluster array weapons and equipment developed therefrom won the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award in the security project category.

As the youngest of the winners, he has received a lot of attention. Although not on the stage, sitting among so many outstanding winners is a glory in itself.

This time the relevant departments have declared the right items for them. Eventually, after fierce selection and competition, this project has been developed in nineteen years, and it has been continuously improved and upgraded. It has also applied a number of cutting-edge technologies on weapons and equipment. Finally, he was selected from many nominations and won the first prize in the security project category.

It is not easy to get this award. You must know that it competes with some major scientific research projects with national prefixes. And Wu Hao, as a private enterprise, also won the award in this category for the first time, which is very rare.

"General Manager Wu, can I take a photo with you?" Several young girls ran over and asked him carefully.

"Yes." Wu Hao nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Wu!" A few girls came to Wu Hao at once, and then they gestured to a very cute scissors hand on a mobile phone.

"General Manager Wu, take a picture with me." A middle-aged winner smiled at him.

"Of course, I am honored." Wu Hao paid 120,000 points of respect for such a great winner.

Therefore, he naturally responded to the demands made by these winners. In the face of these old scientists who have made a lifetime contribution, he feels very small and even ashamed.

He knows that this award has a lot of support for his care in it, so he is a little unworthy.

However, since he was given it, he can't live up to the honor, let alone live up to the motivation and expectations.

"Xiao Wu, congratulations!" I saw two old men wearing sky blue military uniforms came over, this was Zhao Hongzhe and Li Weiguo.

Today, the two of them rarely wore military uniforms and looked very straightforward and mental.

"Old Zhao, Li Suo." Wu Hao greeted them with a smile.

Oh, Zhao Hongzhe looked at him with a smile on his face and said, "How about, talk about the feeling of winning."

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said, "It feels like dreaming, and it's over. It looks like so many people, I feel that this certificate in my hand is too heavy, and I can't afford it."

"Hehe, since it can be awarded to you, it means you are worth it." Li Weiguo smiled at him and said, "Besides, everyone sees what you have achieved. This award is totally qualified."

"Thanks for your support and care." Wu Hao said with a smile.

Zhao Hongzhe waved his hand and said, "It's you who are good enough. We want to take care of others, but others don't have your ability."

Hehehehe ... Speaking of which, a few people laughed.

Li Weiguo said to Wu Hao, "How many days do you plan to stay in Beijing?"

"In an interview with CCTV in the afternoon, I hurried back to Anxi in the evening." Wu Hao said with a smile.

"So anxious?" Zhao Hongzhe was surprised. "Aren't you staying in Beijing for a few days, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Wu Hao shook his head and said helplessly: "No way, the schedule is full."

Oh, Zhao Hongzhe heard a regretful expression.

Wu Hao immediately asked, "Do you have anything?"

Zhao Hongzhe nodded and said, "We are more interested in your smart robotic arm, and there is also the new super solid state battery.

A group of old guys want to organize a related technical seminar, I hope I can invite you to sit down and talk to you. "

Wu Hao said with a regretful expression: "This is really sorry, the schedule is full. Tomorrow morning, I have to go to the Anxi Hospital affiliated to the Air Force Medical College, and have made an appointment there."

"Huh?" Zhao Hongzhe and Li Weiguo both looked surprised when they heard him. Zhao Hongzhe looked at his body, and then asked Wu Hao: "What's wrong with you, are you sick? Is it serious?"

Wu Hao quickly waved and laughed: "I'm okay and healthy, this is not a joint project with orthopedic specialists in affiliated hospitals. Now this project has achieved excellent results, and I will go to a ceremony tomorrow."

"Huh? Medical projects are also related to orthopedics."

Li Weihua pondered for a moment and immediately said, "Is there a new development in the intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis you showed at the Pearl Air Show?"

Wu Hao nodded and smiled: "Yes, we provided a smart bionic synchronous electronic prosthesis for a firefighter who accidentally lost his right arm during a firefighting task.

At present, the soldier has completed the preparatory operations related to the previous stage and is recovering well. I will attend such a donation sympathy ceremony tomorrow. "

"That's really good. You're saving a guy directly." "Zhao Hongzhe sighed.

And Li Weiguo focused all his attention on this intelligent bionic synchronous electronic prosthesis. I saw him pressing Wu Hao with some urgency: "So you already have a smart bionic electronic prosthesis ready for commercial use?"

Wu Haowen shook his head and shook his head and said, "This is just a preliminary attempt. There are still many problems that have not yet been resolved.

Another one is that the cost is too high. The cost of such an intelligent electronic prosthetic limb is 8.9 million, which is difficult for ordinary people to afford. "

"So expensive?"

Li Weiguo frowned, and then looked at Wu Hao with a poor expression: "These people with disabilities generally have poor family conditions. How can there be so much money to afford such an expensive prosthesis?

It is not easy for you to develop this intelligent electronic prosthesis, but you also have to consider the actual consumer market, not just for money. "

Wu Hao nodded ~ ~ and then said seriously: "I understand what you mean, so we used the method of donation this time and did not charge a penny.

But you also know how expensive it is to develop such a high-tech intelligent electronic prosthesis. Moreover, the manufacture of such electronic prosthetics is not easy. Each person's arms are different in size, weight, and even skin color.

In order to be acceptable to patients and flexible to use, we must customize the production, which is why the price of this intelligent bionic synchronous electronic prosthesis is so expensive.

So we are currently working to solve these problems, and strive to put this intelligent bionic synchronous electronic prosthesis into medical applications.

However, even if we try harder, the price may not drop too low, after all, the cost is still here.

So how to help these disabled people is worth thinking about in all aspects of our society.

After all, we are just a company and our capabilities are too limited. "

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