Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 550: Build a super factory

Latest website: After a day of rest at home, Wu Hao was immediately engaged in intense work.

Now they work on two aspects, market and production. On the market side, Wu Hao intends to leave it to Zhang Jun to handle it, while he focuses on production and overall management.

Especially now that the launch of this smart AR glasses has been a great success, the market response is hot, and the demand has surged, so the output must be increased.

At present, the production of their company is mainly divided into two aspects, one is the OEM production of various types of foundries, and the other is the production of their various manufacturing factories.

At present, there are three large-scale intelligent unmanned production factories that have been transformed. They are said to be unmanned, but in fact, they are still operated and maintained, but only a few.

Now these three intelligent unmanned manufacturing factories have all adopted intelligent unmanned transformation, and the degree of automation and intelligence is very high. Even in the production process, the entire production line does not need human intervention. Only during each maintenance period, a staff member enters for inspection and maintenance.

Even the current overhaul and maintenance work, the related technology research and development team intends to hand it over to an intelligent robot to complete. Relying on the intelligent robotic arm developed by them, they can complete all inspection and maintenance work like humans, saving time and effort, and saving labor costs in the long run.

Of the three intelligent unmanned manufacturing plants, the largest riverfront smart manufacturing plant in Anxi. It covers a total area of ​​1,073 acres, with a construction area of ​​51,430 square meters. The factory has a total of eight workshops and 26 workshops, in addition to various warehouses and other infrastructure facilities.

According to the development plan formulated by the production department, the second phase of the project will be expanded on this basis. In the future, it will become the largest intelligent unmanned integrated manufacturing plant in Asia and the world.

After the Binhe Intelligent Manufacturing Plant was put into operation, a considerable part of Wu Hao's products came from here. And some of the key core components in the product come from here, so this factory is even more important.

To this end, Wu Hao also came to inspect it to see how it works.

In fact, through the factory's intelligent management system, he can clearly see the real-time data information of the factory operation.

But sometimes, you have to run it yourself. On the one hand, check it again with your own eyes and learn about things that you can't understand in terms of data and monitoring.

On the other hand, as the person in charge of the company, his presence in such a place is also an expression of his emphasis on production.

As with his previous style, this time, Light Car Jane came to the Binhe Intelligent Manufacturing Factory with only a few accompanying staff and He Jinshan, the deputy director of the production department.

No one was notified of their arrival, which he also ordered. In order to surprise, I want to check the normal operation of the factory.

Sure enough, when they arrived at the factory, the security staff at the gate looked a little surprised when they learned that Wu Hao was coming. The security personnel of the entire factory are directly assigned by the company's security department, and are also composed of some veterans.

Generally, it is not under the jurisdiction of the factory. Unless there is a need, the factory can apply to the company for approval.

And when they didn't come in for a long time, the factory director greeted him with a few people in a hurry: "General Manager Wu, why don't you say something in advance so that we can prepare."

"Haha, I'm here to hit you off guard." Wu Hao smiled at the middle-aged man around thirty-five or sixty in front of him.

This person is called Xu Yang. He is 36 years old. He first helped He Jinshan to take charge of the project of transforming the riverside intelligent manufacturing plant. After He Jinshan was promoted to deputy director of the company's production department, he succeeded He Jinshan as the acting director of this riverside intelligent manufacturing plant.

In fact, it is okay to be a factory director directly according to his qualifications, but this factory is too important, and everyone is still worried about letting such a young person be the factory director. So in the end, Wu Hao took the board and asked him to start with the acting factory director. If it is not suitable, replace it.

"No problem, welcome General Wu to inspect the work." Xu Yang said happily.

"Oh, so confident?" Wu Hao glanced at Xu Yang a little unexpectedly, and then looked at the plant not far away and said, "Today, mainly to see the production situation here.

You also know that our press conference was very successful and the market responded strongly. Therefore, the demand for our new products has increased sharply, so the output of our new products is particularly important at this time. "

Xu Yang couldn't help sighing after understanding Wu Hao's intention. Someone just came to report that Wu Hao had suddenly come, which made Xu Yang and everyone very panicked, thinking that something had happened, so he greeted him pantingly.

Xu Yang, who was relieved, became more natural and calm. He laughed at Wu Hao: "After receiving the news that the relevant orders have surged, we immediately opened a number of production lines to start production. Currently these production lines Its production capacity has reached 80%, and it is expected that the capacity of these production lines will reach saturation by tomorrow afternoon.

And we are still preparing to gradually open other remaining production lines as appropriate, so that our entire plant can be put into full load operation. By then, our production volume will increase from 300,000 units a week to about 800,000 units [Note 1].

If necessary, some production lines can also be overloaded, and the production capacity is expected to increase by about 20%.

It's just that the loss of production equipment is large, and it can only maintain a production cycle. Once this production cycle is over, you must shut down for maintenance. "

Wu Haowen nodded his head and said, "Unless it matters, let's produce normally."

"We understand." Xu Yang nodded.

"Are there any difficulties at the moment?" Wu Hao walked into the office building and asked ~ ~ Xu Yang hesitated after hearing what he said, and then said to Wu Hao: "The other aspect is easy to say, it is the manpower It ’s in short supply. Especially in the past few days when we increase production, we are working almost all day. If we continue to do this, everyone may be overwhelmed.

Secondly, in terms of transportation of raw materials and products, because of the increase in production and excessive consumption, there are some difficulties in transportation.

However, we have already communicated with the logistics and transportation companies in this regard, and they indicated that they would deal with it as soon as possible. "

Wu Haowen waved his hand and said, "Not as soon as possible, but immediately, contact them and let them set about solving this problem immediately.

Tell them directly, if they can't meet our logistics transportation needs, then we will consider substitutions, and say what I said. "

[Note 1: For reference, Rich X Kang owns at least 3 factories in Zheng X City, including 94 production lines, and employs 350,000 workers. Zheng X Fu X Kang can assemble about 350 iPhones per minute, with a daily output of 500,000. About half of the world's Apple phones come from the Foxconn factory here. 】

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