Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 545: Destined to sleepless tonight

Latest website: Yes, many people are doomed to sleep tonight.

Among these people, the most anxious or the most dignified expression is probably the major mobile phone manufacturers.

At this moment, the corn group headquarters building. Xuebing was sitting in the conference room with a group of people, watching the footage of Wu Hao's presentation at the press conference repeatedly, as well as several hands-on experience videos that have begun to be uploaded on the Internet.

The crowd's expressions were more dignified, and Xuebing also rarely smoked with a few middle-aged people, and the entire meeting room was filled with smoke.

Seeing this, several female employees at the scene frowned and opened the window, and adjusted the air conditioner to the ventilation mode.

Keke, Xuebing pushed the cigarette into the ashtray and crushed it, and then everyone coughed twice: "Let's talk about it, what do you think of this product?"

Everyone heard the news and looked up, but they didn't speak, or they didn't know how to open the mouth.

Xuebing looked at the silent crowd, and couldn't help feeling a little irritable: "Just say what you have, it's all at this juncture, and what do you care about."

When they heard that Xuebing was a little angry, they looked at each other again. The 50-something old balding man shook his head and said, "Great technology, perfect product. Unless we can get these key technologies, otherwise ..."

"Otherwise?" Xuebing looked at him and asked.

"I can't say well either. This smart AR glasses seems to be aimed at the high-end mobile phone market, but in fact it will have an impact on the entire mobile phone market and even the entire mobile phone industry. This is like when the smart phone was born, In just a few years, the situation of overturning traditional mobile phones is the same.

Too much difference, according to our current situation, there is no chance of winning at all. "The bald old man shook his head and sighed.

"Not necessarily. Our main business is still in the low-end market. The impact of this smart AR glasses on us is still very limited. I think the most urgent thing now is our old rival H and Fruit S. Xing's main high-end machine brand companies. "Said the middle-aged man in his forties who was in his forties and had some good fortune.

The bald old man asked in return: "This is the case at this stage, but in the long run, who can guarantee that this smart AR glasses will not reduce prices, Wu Hao will not choose to take the low-end route.

In addition, the price of 6666 itself is actually not high, and it is still very easy to buy with the spending power of young people, not to mention such an attractive product.

I think tomorrow morning, the contents of this smart AR glasses and the conference will be swiped on the Internet and major media. "

And Xuebing, after hearing the words of the old man, waved his hand: "Don't wait for tomorrow morning, now the entire Internet has spread everywhere, and some media in Europe and America even reported on the front cover of the front page."

"Can you not report? This is a cross-generation product. The others will say that this wireless remote charging technology is enough to make the world boil." Tong Juan was not gassy.

The bald old man looked at Tong Juan and said, "Mr. Tong, you have more dealings with Haoyu Technology and Wu Hao. Do you say this is their technology, they really have the strength to develop this, um, so Sci-fi products come out? "

The bald old man couldn't think of words that could be compared, and finally chose the word sci-fi directly, which is enough to indicate his surprise level with this smart AR glasses.

Oh, Tong Juan smiled a little self-deprecatingly, then looked at everyone and asked, "Have you seen similar technology before?

Although I have called with Hao Wu several times, I also know more about Haoyu Technology. But to be honest, all I know is what it shows to the outside world. I really don't know what this Haoyu technology is like. At present, we can only know some outspoken and very one-sided words from the people dug by Haoyu Technology.

Haoyu's security measures are very strict. There are professional security countermeasures outside. It is said that all veterans of the military are veteran veterans. Their quality and discipline are first-class.

Inside, there is a confidential office. This department is very mysterious to the outside, but internally it is like Lei Guaner, responsible for the confidentiality work inside Haoyu Technology.

Our people, or the entire outside world, cannot penetrate at all. Even the people we have dug out from Haoyu Technology basically do not belong to the core staff, so they have been sealed off.

As for the core personnel, Haoyu Technology has strict management of these people, the information is strictly confidential, and all of them have signed competition agreements, which can't be dug at all.

So what the R & D department looks like is completely unknown to the outside world. But one thing is for sure, many of these technologies come from Wu Hao himself.

Regarding Wu Hao, the prevailing opinion now is that young and successful entrepreneurs are young and promising. However, few people noticed that Wu Hao was still a genius scientist. At the beginning, he had risen with drone technology.

Now in the field of drone technology, Haoyu Technology still has a strong advantage. This year's eye-catching performance at the Pearl Air Show can tell everything. "

Xuebing waved his hand about this: "I don't want to listen to these now, I'm like asking everyone, what should we do?"

"I think it is necessary to contact other mobile phone manufacturers to see their response. Then we are not only worried about our family, but also many companies." The bald old man suggested.

The middle-aged man who was blessed shook his head and said, "Even if they have an idea, they cannot tell us. After all, we are competitors, and we have accumulated a lot of grudges before. It is difficult to cooperate.

And ~ ~ Now Haoyu Technology is not the small business before it. It can now be said that it has compiled a huge network of benefits with its superior technology.

If nothing else, let's say that the new lithium battery they made before is not used on the flagship phone.

If they annoy them, and just find a reason to run out of stock, then our mobile phone production and sales will immediately stagnate, and this loss cannot be afforded by anyone. "

After hearing these words, everyone could not help but be frustrated. Indeed, this is a fact. At present, this new type of lithium battery has become a standard feature of the flagship machine. If the product is suddenly out of stock, then their mobile phone may not be sold, which will be a huge blow to them.

In addition, Haoyu Technology has developed a new super solid-state battery. Now various mobile phone manufacturers are actively taking action, hoping to be the first to get this battery.

In this case, how can we draw people to fight against each other?

"You said, can we cooperate with them?" Xuebing tried to ask.

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