Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 539: Crazy reporter

With the applause of everyone, Wu Hao came out from the stage, and then took the drinking glass handed over by Lin Wei and drank.

"How are you doing?"

Tong Linwei smiled and took out a wet towel, and then handed it to Wu Hao: "It's not bad, but it's a bit hasty at the end."

"That's because I want to go to the bathroom." Wu Hao passed the water to him with a smile, then walked towards the bathroom. Lin Wei, however, looked at Wu Hao in a hurry and couldn't help but laughed.

At this moment, Zhang Jun walked to the background with a full face, watching Lin Wei laugh and said, "What about Hao Ziren?"

"Go to the bathroom. Lin" Wei fiddled with the smart ar glasses she was wearing.

For the need of confidentiality, few people can contact this smart AR glasses before the conference. Although Lin Wei is his girlfriend, she is not among the people she contacts. So today, she is also the first to get the real object of this smart ar glasses, which is very interested.

Alas, Zhang Jun smiled at the smart ar glasses on Lin Wei's eyes and smiled, "I'll let you get a few new ones for a while, and this is really true, even you have to keep it secret."

Thank you, Lin Wei gave a thank-you, then shook her head with a smile: "He is the company's boss, many people are watching you. If I open this mouth, it is not worth it."

"I mean, it ’s not just you. I have n’t had much contact with this thing." Zhang Jun said with a smile: "My phone just stopped the previous time, all asking about our smart AR glasses. They are very interested, and it seems that the sales of this product need not worry. "

"It's as if which one of your products is selling poorly." Lin Wei gave Zhang Jun a white look, then looked at Wu Hao who came over and smiled: "He's here."

Zhang Jun looked at Wu Hao who walked over easily and said with a smile: "I said how you ended so anxious, it turned out to go to the bathroom.

But they are doing well. Many people praise you for having a typhoon. "

"Get off!"

He scolded with a smile, and Wu Hao then asked: "How is the reaction outside?"

"A lot of regional agents are asking what can be received. My phone never stopped, let me shut down directly." Zhang Jun said with excitement.

"Let them worry, the goods will definitely be given to them. But we have to look at the booking situation in various places before organizing to increase productivity." Wu Hao said with a smile.

Zhang Jun heard the words and shook his head: "Rest assured, I don't think we can make enough reservations for the one million units we have. Let's get the factory ready soon."

"Preparation is affirmative, but don't panic, digest slowly, enough for us to digest for a while." Wu Hao nodded slightly.

"Well, talk about these things tomorrow, rest first." Lin Wei interrupted at this time.

Zhang Jun also responded, and then laughed: "Yes, let's drink saliva and rest. We have to deal with reporters later. These people are waiting."

浩 Wu Hao nodded, then went to the sofa and sat down. After standing on the stage for two hours, I was really tired.

While he was resting, the scene on the other side of the exhibition hall was really hot. Although this exhibition hall is only open to media reporters, more than 200 reporters still have no way to squeeze the experience of the exhibition hall.

On the periphery, there are many fans and ordinary viewers who do not want to leave. These people look at the inside while holding their mobile phones, showing a very longing look.

Fortunately, I have had previous experience in organizing large-scale press conferences. This time, the preparatory organization team prepared well. Regardless of whether these fans and audiences are willing or not, they all leave the venue in an orderly manner under the coordinated command of the venue staff and security personnel.

In the experience exhibition hall, the crowd was crowded. In order to cope with so many people, the preparatory organization team prepared 25 smart AR glasses. But it still ca n’t stand too many people, so that there are long lines in front of many experience devices.

"Please keep order, don't be crowded, and wait in line with civilization. Because there are too many people waiting, all the reporters who experience it will only have five minutes to experience it. Please pay attention to the time, thank you for understanding. My exhibition experience will be tomorrow, please Don't worry. "

Although the order is maintained by the staff, the products released this time can't bear being amazing enough, it still caused many confusions and even small frictions on the scene.

In order to get started earlier, these reporters got the news to grab the news headlines earlier. It can be said that they have performed several palace fights, which can be described as very intense.

Wow ... no matter what the media journalist experienced, when he put on this pair of smart ar glasses, he would exclaim. And the wearer ’s supervisor ’s field of vision will also be synchronized on the TV screen next to the transmission channel, attracting the envy of those waiting and watching.

I watched it was almost time, Wu Hao got up and Zhang Jun gathered by the staff and arrived at the scene. The reporters who were waiting in line for the experience saw the crowd and came up with equipment.

Looking at such a crazy crowd, Wu Hao quickly pressed his hand and said, "Everyone slow down, be careful, and safety first."

"General Manager Wu?"

"General Manager Wu, excuse me?"

"Wu Sheng, is this smart ar glasses ..."

Shen Ning, who was standing in front of Wu Hao, shouted with a microphone: "Please keep quiet, pay attention to the order of questions at the scene, one by one.

Because time is limited, we will accept questions from ten reporters at the scene ~ ~ so please cherish the opportunity. "

"Okay, the first question." Shen Ning pointed to a female reporter in a gray coat in the front row.


After thanking the female reporter, she immediately asked Wu Hao: "General Manager Wu, I am a reporter from CCTV.

智能 The smart ar glasses released by your company this time are really amazing. Is this really developed independently by you? In addition, does this device replace the mobile phone as our next generation personal communication device? "

Wu Haowen nodded his head, then looked at the female reporter and said with a smile: "I can tell you very responsibly that this smart AR glasses and the accompanying virtual display projection equipment are independently developed by our company. Among them Many of the major technologies used come from our innovative research and development achievements, and we have all their intellectual property rights and related patents.

As for whether the mobile phone has been replaced, this matter needs to be dialectical. It has been decades since the invention of the mobile phone. How can we say that replacement can replace it?

智能 This smart ar glasses has some of the functions on the phone, but it cannot be said that it replaces the phone. It can only be said that it is a supplement to the existing intelligent mobile data terminals, and an attempt to the future intelligent data terminals and future intelligent personal life.

There are still many shortcomings in this product. It needs us to continue to improve it so that ... "


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