Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 527: New Year gifts to the world

Latest website: The AR glasses mentioned in Zhang Jun's mouth are actually the same brothers and sisters who were originally developed with VR glasses. They are all in a large project group and belong to different branches.

If VR glasses and series products are the main audio and video entertainment games and leisure fields, then AR glasses are more inclined to interact with daily business offices. It can be regarded as a miniature mobile phone, which can judge the user's status by tracking the eyeball trajectory, and the corresponding function can be turned on. If you need to make a call or send a text message, you only need to turn on the intelligent voice assistant to enter information.

Of course, this is just the concept of general AR glasses. This time, Wu Hao will break this traditional concept and launch a black technology product of an advanced age.

For this AR glasses, although it is still strictly confidential. But many people in the company have personally experienced it, and Zhang Jun is one of them. Everyone who has experienced it will undoubtedly not send out bursts of surprise, this degree of stunningness is nothing less than when they first experienced VR glasses and a series of supporting products.

What is AR is actually a reality augmentation technology. In simple terms, it is a technology that intelligently fuses virtual information with the real world, and uses a variety of technical means such as multimedia, 3D modeling, real-time tracking, intelligent interaction, and sensing. Computer generated text, images, 3D models, music, video and other virtual information are simulated and applied to the real world. The two kinds of information complement each other to achieve "enhancement" of the real world.

In other words, Wu Hao moved the virtual world that was previously in a VR device to the real world.

From this, you can imagine its amazing degree, which is why Zhang Jun is excited and exclaimed. Because once this product is released, it is bound to attract a new technological storm.

It is also because it is too amazing that the research and development process is actually not smooth, even difficult, far more complicated than VR glasses and a series of supporting equipment. Therefore, the research and development team spent a lot of time, which is why Wu Hao had previously suspended the release.

Now that this AR glasses has been successfully developed, in fact, as early as late October, various aspects of testing have been completed, and achieved good results, reaching expectations. But Wu Hao was eager to prepare for the air show, so this matter was suppressed.

Now that all the work has been completed, and it is almost the end of the year, it is time to honor the original promise and release this product.

In addition, to cope with this crisis, Wu Hao is also worth launching this device. This was all forced by them, and Wu Hao comforted himself slightly.

To a certain extent, this new AR glasses is more like a continuation of their smart voice assistant. It just changed the simple intelligent voice into an AR personal terminal that can be seen now, and it has risen in several dimensions.

After getting permission from Wu Hao, Zhang Jun seemed very excited and immediately started to arrange it himself. And the company's publicity department quickly moved to start warming up for the year-end press conference.

In the words of the company's official Weibo, this will be the most important press conference this year, and it will also be a new year gift for all the employees of Haoyu Technology to the world. This is definitely a great product.

In the next few days, Haoyu Technology's official Weibo continued to publish all kinds of mysterious words for publicity. For example, there are more than a dozen black technologies on this product, each of which has a huge market value, and its value alone is no less than the previous new lithium battery technology.

For another example, this device may be the greatest and most important product of Haoyu Technology in recent years, and it may be the last masterpiece of Haoyu Technology for ordinary consumer groups.

With the continuous disclosure of these news, the news that Haoyu Technology is about to hold a new press conference has also quickly spread. It has attracted the attention of many domestic and foreign netizens and the public, as well as media journalists, and has made headlines on the technology section of many media for a while.

While these netizens have talked about Wu Hao, they are making up mysteries, and they are also guessing what products are released this time.

Because of the large number of people, there are all kinds of guesses, but there are all kinds of things. However, the consensus given by everyone is that this time Haoyu Technology will release an unprecedented blockbuster product, which is definitely more amazing than the previous intelligent voice assistants and VR series products.

Not only these netizens and the public, but even some company chiefs and some leaders and elders have also called to inquire about what Wu Hao is doing this time.

Even the old horse who went to Africa again and again blindly chatted with Wu Hao over the satellite through a satellite phone, and inquired from the side what Wu Hao was playing.

In the face of these people's inquiries, Wu Hao called Haha to deal with it. Before the conference was held, he strictly ordered everyone who participated in the preparation of the conference and the research and development of the project to not utter a word to the outside world.

This is of course for the effect of the conference, of course, but also to give the world a big surprise, so as to make a wave of free advertising.

Originally, the opinions of the members of the preparatory group for the conference, such an important conference should be placed in a large city such as Shanghai or Beijing, so as to have international influence.

However, Du Yonghui found him, hoping that he would leave the conference in Anxi. After all, a large-scale press conference with international influence is conducive to enhancing Anxi's international image publicity, so it is not only Du Yonghui, many people hope that fat water will not leave outsiders' fields. Wu Hao can leave the conference in Anxi.

In the face of Du Yonghui's request and the expectations of many people ~ ~ Wu Hao is also not good at rejecting. After thinking about it, I finally agreed to hold it in Anxi, and live broadcast the conference live globally.

In this regard, Wu Hao also personally made some arrangements for the press conference. For example, the original announcement team was preparing to hold a large new product conference of 5,000 people, but Wu Hao rejected it.

According to his original intention, it is enough to control the number of people at this conference to five or six hundred. It was just that the preparatory group could not arrange it. Eventually, the number of people at the press conference was controlled to about 800, and the venue was placed in a well-designed stadium.

In addition, considering the particularity of the product at the conference, the conference's form has also been modified to facilitate better display of this AR glasses.

At the same time as the press conference was being prepared, many media reporters also sent applications to participate in the press conference. Compared with the previous few times, the number of media came this time, and many well-known and well-known media have sent applications, which shows that Wu Hao's influence and attention to this press conference.

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