Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 521: Magical new door

Latest website: "The last point is convenience. With this set of equipment, you don't need to go to the cinema. You can watch related movies at home, and even use our equipment, you can watch with three or five friends."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused, and after glancing at the audience, he continued: "Only, for a long time, network resources have lagged behind and cannot be synchronized with the cinema line. Generally, it is the cinema line After the play is completed, it is the turn of the online theater to play it.

Even TV series are difficult to show at the same time as the TV stations, and they are usually delayed for several hours.

The biggest reason for this result is piracy. Although we pay great attention to copyright management, we still cannot prevent piracy. Shortly after many movies were released, pirated resources appeared on the Internet.

So much so that publishers are now trying to do everything possible to prevent piracy problems, such as converting a large number of 2D movies to 3D, so that to a certain extent, it can prevent sneak piracy.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, 3D movies are more expensive than 2D movies.

Although this can prevent piracy, it sacrifices the quality and comfort of viewing. Forcing a 2D video to 3D is actually not very effective, and many people are voicing it.

This is the case for cinemas, not to mention the Internet. As long as there are videos playing on the Internet, such as being pirated, this is already a rule.

In order to avoid piracy and attract viewers, some video sites on the Internet have now turned on the barrage mode.

In order to attract the audience, sometimes a movie attracts not only the content of the movie, but also various kinds of barrage when watching the movie. "

"And today!"

Wu Hao raised the tone to everyone in the audience: "We will launch our elaborate online VR cinema line in the virtual world of our VR equipment. The main purpose of this online VR cinema line is to solve the previous series of problems. Let our users watch high-quality and excellent film and television content for the first time.

Our online VR movie theater line will be directly connected with film and television companies and distributors, so that new movies will be shown in our online VR movie theaters as soon as possible.

In this way, synchronous playback will inevitably cause many people to worry. On the one hand, it is worried that this method is prone to piracy, which will harm the interests of distributors and other offline theaters.

On the other hand, offline cinema is hesitant. Our online VR movie theater line is bound to touch some of their interests.

Let's talk about the piracy problem that everyone is most concerned about. Please rest assured in this regard, because it is played with our equipment, and we have sufficient confidence in technology to ensure that resources are not leaked out.

Our VR system is a closed-loop system. Compared with the open Internet, it forms a more closed virtual world.

This virtual world has very detailed rules and systems from the very beginning, and the related management and control methods are very advanced. Sufficient to cope with various possible crisis situations, there is no problem in dealing with piracy.

Secondly, our online VR movie theater line adopts the relevant streaming media playback technology developed by ourselves, not only the playback picture is smoother and clearer. And more importantly, it is forbidden to record, which means that the movie you are watching cannot be recorded, so that the source of the film is avoided.

As for the physical plug-in recording that many people worry about, everyone is assured of this. Our device has a built-in eye tracker, which is also activated when playing a movie.

The video will automatically terminate if it is not worn by the person. This not only prevents the external plug-in recording, but also facilitates the user to wear it.

For example, if you suddenly go to the bathroom while watching a movie, then you can directly take off our VR glasses and the movie will automatically stop. When you come back and put it on again, the video will replay and seamlessly connect, thus improving your viewing comfort. "

Pappa pap ... At this, everyone in the audience applauded. Wu Hao's introduction somewhat reassured a number of film and television company and distributor executives, and nodded and nodded in approval.

And Wu Hao, on the stage waiting for applause to fall, then went on to say: "Here, we will also solemnly promise that we will set up a 10 billion insurance fund. All the piracy issues caused by our film source leak, We will make a single claim settlement for the issuer and the film side, please rest assured. "

After hearing Wu Hao's promise, everyone below applauded. This is undoubtedly giving everyone a reassurance and finally letting everyone worry.

"As for the offline circuit, it is certain that it will be affected. However, what I want to say is that we are not replacing the offline circuit, but to supplement it. After all, there are many other functions of the offline circuit. Online theaters cannot be replaced, such as high-quality services and social functions as a theater. "

After a few words, Wu Hao quickly changed the topic and said, "This time, we will have several investment and cooperation TV series and movies that will be released on the VR cinema line online.

This is a bold attempt by us and a brand new attempt by the entire industry in this field. I hope this attempt will yield very fruitful results as a way to inspire industry confidence.

For these TV series and movies, we have adopted a new production technology, which not only shortened the entire production cycle ~ ~ but also brought the picture effect to a new level.

The first is special effects. The special effects of these movies and TV series have definitely reached the peak of domestic and international special effects films. This is not bragging, we will release related trailers soon, everyone will know if you take a look.

The second is the realistic 3D immersive effect, which allows you to experience the magnificent scene in the movie. This movie-viewing experience is definitely difficult to achieve with traditional 3D movies. This can also be experienced in our VR promotional videos.

The last is interactive and immersive. With our VR glasses and wearable interactive devices, you can even interact with some of the characters and scene objects in the movie, as if you were in the movie.

In addition, you can even choose a character in the play to choose your favorite plot according to your wishes, and you can even participate in the plot.

That's right, this sounds like a game, but it is indeed a new movie viewing experience, enough novelty, enough excitement, and real enough.

Alright, let's open this magical door together. "

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