Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 502: Thrown bombshells

Latest website: At this point, Wu Hao's main products for this exhibition have basically been introduced. Although the main products are not many, and there are far fewer weapons and equipment exhibited by some large enterprises, the opportunities they show this time are each a blockbuster.

So after the introduction, the reporters and the people who have been waiting for a long time are crowded up and want to take a closer look at these products.

Originally, these reporters wanted to take the opportunity to interview Wu Hao, but the staff was firmly blocked from the outside. These reporters had no choice but to set their sights on those lively platforms.

However, Wu Hao began to have an in-depth conversation with Li Weiguo and their experts, as well as general customer guests such as General Abu.

At the same time, the front pages of today's major media and the Internet have also exploded and quickly boiled.

Several major domestic media, including some overseas media participating in the exhibition, reported in the form of headlines.

"The 2022 Pearl City Air Show opens today, and a large number of heavy weapons and technology products are released."

This is the title of Xinghua News Agency's report. In this report, a large number of new weapons and equipment of major enterprises were first reported, and then the focus was on the military-civilian integration technology.

Which focused on reporting Wu Hao them, especially several heavy products they showed. Such as new super solid-state batteries, commercial commercial rockets, high-tech drones, and high-tech products such as intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arms and intelligent bionic electronic prostheses.

At the end, Wu Hao and Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd. also gave a fierce exaggeration, thinking that such high-tech technology companies represent the overall level and image of domestic technology companies, and they have been achieved by domestic private technology companies in recent years. Very brilliant results.

Next is the "Daily" and its "", which is titled "Heavy scientific and technological achievements at the Pearl Air Show, or will change the entire world".

In this article, I focused on the products introduced by Wu Hao this time, and even shot a lot of live photos and related videos. The article quotes relevant experts as saying that the technology of these products is very high, and it can be said that it represents the world's cutting-edge technology level.

These products can be concentrated in a company like Haoyu Technology, which shows that Haoyu Technology attaches great importance to scientific research investment and R & D. Wu Hao does not deserve the name of his talented young scientist, and indeed he has made significant contributions in the field of scientific research.

As for the "Military News", the focus is on the application of weapons and equipment technology. It has published a long-term special issue under the title of "The Pearl City Air Show Grandly Opens, Amazing Bright Swords with Many Cutting-edge Weapons and Equipment and Cutting-edge Technology".

In the previous article, natural reality introduced the cutting-edge weapons and equipment exhibited throughout the air show, and then focused on the military-civilian fusion technology exhibition, which focused on the introduction of these products by Wu Hao. The military uses of these products are discussed and analyzed.

The first is a new type of super solid state battery. The article claims that this is a major achievement in the world's battery field and represents the latest technology in the international battery field. If this battery can be put into actual production, it will greatly promote the use of new energy in the world, especially electric energy, thereby greatly protecting the ecological environment and changing the world.

According to the analysis in this article, this battery has super high performance. If it is used in the military field, it will greatly improve the comprehensive combat power of various types of weapons and equipment. For example, if a submarine is equipped with this battery, it can completely replace the relevant AIP engine and achieve full electric propulsion.

At present, the world's most mainstream and most advanced submarines mainly use two types of propulsion technologies. One is the well-known nuclear-powered propulsion technology, which is what we often call nuclear submarines. This kind of nuclear submarine uses nuclear energy as its energy and power to propel the submarine, and once filled with nuclear fuel, it can basically sail for life, and theoretically can reach unlimited cruise.

And because nuclear energy will not run out, nuclear submarines are abundant and quiet. Therefore, the nuclear submarine is almost the overlord in the ocean, especially the offensive nuclear submarine is like a shark in the natural sea, and there are not many opponents.

At present, it is also the killer weapon at the bottom of major military powers, and it will not easily show people. At present, there are only a handful of countries with such big killers, except for the five major hooligans, which are basically gone. Oh, it seems that there is a ship in Sanguo, but it is more symbolic and has no fighting power.

One reason for this is that the technology and manufacturing process of nuclear submarines is difficult, and the other reason is that nuclear submarines are very expensive to build. This makes it difficult and affordable for the average country.

Therefore, conventional submarines have become the first choice of most marine countries, especially the latest AIP submarines that do not rely on air propulsion, and their superior performance has become the main force in conventional submarines.

AIP submarines are also divided into many types, but no matter which type of boat is equipped with AIP engines, either for power generation or for propulsion.

Although the AIP engine can work without relying on air, its power is relatively limited, and it also generates a lot of noise when it is working, which is still not quiet enough.

Secondly, for most AIP engines, the AIP technology used is not completely independent of air. It is just that a compressed air supply system is installed at the air inlet, so there is no need to contact the outside air.

In this way, ~ ~ will not only waste a large space inside the boat, but also it will not be able to sail for a long time.

And all-electric-powered submarines rely on batteries as their energy source for propulsion. It can be said to be extremely quiet, and its level of silence may be higher than that of nuclear submarines. Because nuclear submarines also have devices such as pressure nuclear reactors and steam turbines, they generate certain noise. The all-electric-powered submarine uses batteries as its energy source, and electricity is directly supplied to the motor, so it is very quiet. Snorkeling in the sea hardly produces any noise, making it difficult to monitor.

Because the most important means of discovering submarines is sonar, if it is extremely quiet, it can hardly be found by the current sonar technology. This also means that this submarine is almost invincible in the sea.

In fact, most AIP submarines also use this type of battery propulsion technology. However, because the battery has limited energy storage and cannot provide sufficient power, it will install an AIP engine to charge the battery.

And now the new super solid-state battery developed by Wu Hao and they basically solve the defect that the general battery has too low energy storage. It can be fully charged once, and then rely on electricity for a mission cruise cycle. It can be said that the combat power of conventional submarines has been upgraded to a whole new level, and even surpassed nuclear submarines in some areas, which was unimaginable in the past.

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