Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 491: Powerful performance

The latest website: The second is the car. The battery life of electric cars has always been an old issue, and it is also a concern of many consumers. If this new super solid-state battery is used, its range will be tripled.

Take Te Sla, the most popular and most popular electric car brand among electric cars as an example. Its electric car has a range of about 400 kilometers, which is already quite good in the field of electric cars. If this new super solid-state battery is used, its range will reach a staggering 1,200 kilometers, which is far more than the mileage that ordinary household cars can run with a full tank of gas.

When Wu Hao talked about this example to the people present, he again exclaimed. Not only are people crowding more and more, media reporters have also heard over.

Looking at such a restless person, Wu Hao laughed bitterly. This is a good professional exhibition, why are there so many people all at once?

Immediately he gestured to the staff member next to him, and the staff member noticed and then went to find the security of the exhibition and began to maintain order and evacuate the crowd.

On the one hand, Willie, who had been listening to Wu Hao's explanation, watched the battery spit out. The look was not like looking at the battery, but at a beauty, or at a huge diamond. The color of greed is no doubt.

"Xiao Wu, then how long does it last and is it durable?" Li Weiguo ignored the people around him, and instead focused his attention completely on the battery.

Wu Hao nodded and said, "It is still relatively durable. Let's take the ordinary lithium-ion battery that is currently used by everyone in the market as an example. The battery's charge and discharge life will be increased by 100% compared to ordinary lithium-ion batteries About 20 to 30 percent.

And this battery is more resistant to low temperature, high temperature, corrosion, puncture and vibration than ordinary lithium ion batteries.

Ordinary lithium-ion batteries will become inactive in low temperature environments, and their performance will be greatly reduced. However, this battery is not so obvious. We tested it in the laboratory. In a very low temperature environment of minus 60 degrees, this battery only lost about 20% of its power.

It still performs well in high-temperature environments. The normal use temperature we marked for this battery is below 85 degrees Celsius and above -60 degrees Celsius. This temperature is sufficient to meet the highest and lowest temperatures in the current natural environment.

The ordinary lithium-ion battery is very afraid of puncture because it uses the diaphragm folding process. Once the diaphragm is broken, it will cause a short circuit, danger of burning and even explosion.

First of all, this battery is solid, the material is relatively hard, and it has good puncture and scratch resistance. And the 3D three-dimensional sponge structure we developed, even if the needle is inserted, it only penetrates a very limited internal area. It will not produce short circuit and violent reaction, nor will it affect the normal operation of other areas.

Then there is a relatively stable internal structure that can withstand strong shocks and vibrations and also resists certain corrosion. "

With a different demo picture, Wu Hao added his tone and continued: "What is even more amazing about this battery is that it supports fast re-discharge function and is several times higher than traditional batteries.

Also taking a 1000mA battery as an example, ordinary lithium-ion batteries can be fully charged in about ten minutes using the fast charging technology. At present, the fast charging technology on the market is also developing rapidly. It is said that the latest technology can reach five minutes.

And our battery is also full of 1000mA, it only takes ten seconds to charge it. "


The scene boiled again, and the sound of flash and shutter flickered one after another. Wu Hao, who was flashing, couldn't open his eyes.

"This is really a pioneering work, a great one." Li Weiguo grabbed Wu Hao's hand and said with excitement, "Xiao Wu, this year's major scientific and technological progress award definitely has your place. So I'm Baoding. "

Wu Hao did have this opportunity before, but for various reasons. In fact, there are only two, on the one hand, for the sake of confidentiality. On the other hand, considering that he was too young, he missed him. This slightly disappointed Wu Hao's heart, and also made Li Weiguo and others who knew his relevant technology angry.

It's been so long since things happened. I didn't expect Li Weiguo to be upset. I remember this.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, how about the cost, what is the manufacturing cost, can it be put into commercial use?" Song Chunming said eagerly.

When I heard this question, the scene immediately became quiet again, everyone looked at Wu Hao, eager to know the answer. In fact, many well-known battery research institutions have announced that they have developed new high-performance battery technology, but it is not clear whether it is true or false, whether it can be commercialized or not. In the end, no results were obtained.

There are many reasons for this lack of the following. The biggest factors are the manufacturing cost and whether it can be used on a large scale. The cost is too high, the manufacturing technology is too complicated, it is not safe enough, it is not environmentally friendly, etc. These can cause the battery to be unable to be put into commercial production.

So everyone is also very concerned about this issue, and this new super solid-state battery technology has commercial value only if it can be put into commercial use.

Wu Hao nodded at the crowd with a smile: "Compared with ordinary lithium-ion batteries, the cost of this new super solid state battery is still relatively high. But if mass production can be achieved, then the cost can be reduced.

However, it is certain that this battery can be put into commercial production. "

He listened to his words ~ ~ everyone also showed a happy smile, but Wu Hao then turned around and said: "Of course, this battery technology is not perfect, there are still some problems that have not been resolved. Second, we also Long-term testing of its reliability and safety is required to ensure that it is reliable and secure enough. "

"It is true that there are still many problems to be solved before a new type of battery can be put into commercial use." Li Weiguo nodded, but his smile did not dissipate.

He looked at the people around him, and then told Wu Hao seriously, "Xiao Wu, this battery technology is very advanced, and it will greatly promote our national defense construction, scientific and technological development, and even social progress. So Ah, you must keep it well, and don't let this technology leak out for nothing.

In this way, I immediately notified the relevant departments that we should hurry to hold the relevant technical demonstration meeting as soon as possible. Once the technical demonstration is passed, the actual production can be carried out.

I believe that with the blessing of this battery, many of our advanced weapons and scientific research equipment can be blessed, thereby improving the combat power and performance to a whole new stage. "

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