Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 488: Xindi Meets the Ancients

On Tuesday morning, when the sun was shining and the sky was blue, Wu Hao and their group began to march to the Pearl City Exhibition.

Lizhu City is located south of the Tropic of Cancer and belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate. Although it is already November at this time, the north is already full of autumn, but the weather in Zhuzhu is still hot due to its low dimensions.

Of course, because it is a coastal city, with the humid sea breeze blowing and the air is very fresh, it has become one of the famous garden cities and one of the most suitable cities in China.

Wu Hao The Pearl City Airshow they went to is located in the Pearl International Airport, and it can be said that it is held in dependence on the Pearl International Airport. With the increasing scale and influence of the exhibition in recent years, a number of professional venues and venues dedicated to the exhibition have also been built here.

This year's Pearl Air Show has a total of six days, the first three days are professional days, and the last three days are public open days.

Generally speaking, there is not much difference between professional days and public open days, mainly the number of exhibitors and the models and performance programs.

Professional Day visitors are mainly business negotiation, cooperation, exhibitors, related professionals in the industry, and international aviation professionals. There are also some aviation stars and others who will appear at this time.

Some of the items and equipment for the air show may be removed after the professional day. This is also the case at previous air shows.

The public open day, plainly speaking, is open to the general public. This is also a benefit for the local people in many exhibitions, and it is also an excellent window for the people to conduct national defense education and patriotic education.

Of course, it is more for commercial purposes, such as exhibitions and venues in order to sell tickets. A price of five to six hundred can reach tens of thousands of people a day, and the income from the tour is quite objective.

And the exhibition side will also take this opportunity to show some civilian products to the public, or sell some souvenirs, models, and other derivative products.

In recent years, due to the ever-expanding scale of the Pearl City Exhibition, domestic and international influences have been increasing. Therefore, in addition to attracting a large number of weapons and defense and airlines to participate, it has also attracted a large number of private enterprises to participate.

For example, this year, there are many civil airlines, as well as some car and yacht companies.

The big ones are like Boeing Airbus and our domestic c919 large passenger aircraft. The small ones have some business jets, small private jets, helicopters and so on. In addition to large airlines, these customers are ordinary people with a certain economic base.

Auto companies will also take the opportunity to launch a series of off-road vehicles, outdoor off-road equipment, etc., let alone a yacht company.

Although professional days and public open days are generally not different, for most media reporters and professional military fans, they prefer external professional days.

On the Professional Day, they not only saw more advanced weapons and equipment, but also met many acquaintances in the military circle. For example, some military experts, representatives of some countries, military attaches, political figures, as well as many corporate executives and executive stars.

More importantly, some large-scale aviation performances are chosen to be held on professional days, and some advanced weapons and equipment are only exhibited on professional days.

Due to the increasing degree of openness in recent years, the threshold for ordinary people to enter professional days is getting lower and lower. It is only necessary to spend money to find a relevant agency to register for a professional visitor certificate.

Of course, even if you have a professional visit permit, you still need to pay attention to it. For example, minors under the age of ten are forbidden to enter. In addition, the personnel entering must be formally grand, and officers can wear belts and medals, while non-military personnel must be in formal attire.

For example, Wu Hao, instead of wearing his favorite t-shirt this time, he changed to a dark gray shirt and also rarely put on leather shoes.

Sure enough, as expected, his arrival caused a lot of sensation. Some media reporters rushed up to interview him, and some 'professional audiences' picked up their phones and started shooting around.

Fortunately, he was accompanied by his entourage, and the exhibition side also sent security personnel to protect and evacuate, which relieved him somewhat.

"Xiao Wu!" Just now evacuated these onlookers, a burst of laughter came.

浩 Wu Haoding glanced and found a middle-aged man in military uniform striding towards him with a few people.

"Director Luo, why are you here?" Wu Hao responded quickly, holding his hand in surprise, but could feel the joy that was difficult to hide from his tone and expression.

"Hahaha, the Pearl Air Show is also a grand event for our domestic military workers. How can I not come. It's you, how long have we not seen each other." Luo Kai patted his shoulder and looked kind Road.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said, "It's been more than a year, we haven't seen each other since the last project ended. I also said that I took the time to visit you in Beijing for a special visit. . "

"Haha, what are you visiting, you are so busy." Luo Kai smiled at him: "This time, it is not only me, Songsuo also came. Zhao Lao said that he will come, but I don't know exactly when."

"Really, that's great, we must get together this time ~ ~ Wu Hao said with surprise.

"Song Suo also told me to kill your kid." Luo Kai looked at the young man in front of him and sighed. This is really an old age, a generation of new people for the old. It's only been a few years. The little fluffy boy at the time, has now become a world-renowned young entrepreneur and genius scientist.

"Haha, no

No problem, just order whatever you like. Wu Hao smiled, and then looked at Luo Kai's shoulders and laughed involuntarily. "I said, director, it's been a few years. Why are you still on your shoulders? You need a star." . "

"Go, what does your kid know?" Luo Kai shouted at him with a smile and cursed: "This is a hurdle for a school official to be promoted. Many people have been stuck on it for a lifetime. I am still young and my qualifications are not enough. There is hope in the new year. "

浩 Wu Hao nodded after hearing the words, and then understood: "Don't you say that the technical posts are getting better, why do you have to boil it?"

"Oh, it's the same when we are at this stage." Luo Kai shook his head and explained: "Do you know how many colleges and universities there are in the army, there are only a few people who can cross this bulge each year. The degree of competition can be imagined . So ah, only those who are truly capable and successful can get promotion opportunities, opportunities and opportunities. I'm still far behind. "

"I believe you can do it."

浩 Wu Hao smiled and comforted, then looked at the crowd who was not far away and said: "I have not been to this exhibition, where do we go first?"

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