Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 477: Killing chicken marmoset

The latest website: "General Manager Wu, I don't want to go." Chu Liangjie shook his head after hearing his words.

After hearing what he said, Wu Hao hadn't had time to say it, and Huang Zhihua on the side said, "There are clearly stipulations in the entry manual and contract that employees must obey the company's arrangements.

And in the process of competing for positions in the overseas operation center of the marketing department, we have clearly stipulated that the employees of the overseas operation center must accept the overseas dispatch work arrangements given by the company.

Since you accepted the post, you should obey this rule. "

For Chu Liangjie, Huang Zhihua was also very annoyed. He was supposed to talk to this Chu Liangjie about this matter, but he didn't get it, but now it's Wu Hao's side again, which makes him very shameless. Moreover, even such a thing is uncertain, he is worried that Wu Hao will doubt his ability to work.

Wu Hao stared at Chu Liangjie for a while and then said, "You now have two options. One is to resign on your own initiative, and we will give you relevant compensation in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

The second is to accept the company's arrangement and go to Southeast Asia to work. The time is not long, that is, three years. After three years, the company will assess you. After passing the assessment, you can be transferred back to the headquarters. "

After hearing his phone call, Chu Liangjie shook his head, and pleaded with him: "General Manager Wu, can I return for a few years and wait for my child to grow up a bit, I must be on a business trip, not to mention Southeast Asia, Africa I willing."

Wu Hao looked at him blankly and said, "A successful company must have an iron-like system and discipline. As the person in charge, I must have a bowl of water. I am sure no one will be happy to work abroad. I ca n’t just because of you. It's not fair for others to point it to others.

Now that you have accepted this position, you should be clear about the responsibilities and duties that this position should support.

If you don't want to, I won't force it. Now you can go. The human resources department will find you later. "

"General Manager Wu, I ..." Chu Liangjie grew his mouth and tried to justify himself. He is doing a very good job now, and he is very well paid. He doesn't want to give up. But he was just married, and his wife was pregnant again. He didn't want to leave now, to accept this three-year assignment.

Thinking of this, Chu Liangjie stood up all of a sudden, then excited at Wu Hao: "I will not resign, you did not fire me, this is completely your overlord clause, I will go to court to sue you."

Seeing Chu Liangjie's madness, Huang Zhihua and Lu Bo also stood up quickly, comforting and persuading him, while preventing him from doing crazy behavior.

And Wu Hao, holding a cup of water, slowly drinking water. Employees have resistance to expatriate work, and he can understand that for this they have given generous remuneration and subsidies to those who are willing to take over.

So there has been no problem, this is the first time he encountered such a strong response. When recruiting such employees in the marketing department, there was a clear stipulation in the contract that employees had to obey some of the assignments given by the company.

When competing for various leadership positions at overseas operation centers, the company signed a new contract with these people, which included new remuneration packages and related provisions for various types of assignments and tasks.

These people can only take up their posts after they have approved the contract and signed it.

Now that someone has eaten this bowl of rice, he turns his head and repents. What is the reason?

"Anyway, I'm also a vice president of a department. It's not good to leave some respect and leave with respect and let the security guard come in to take you away."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Chu Liangjie looked at him fiercely, then stepped quickly and slammed the door.

Zhang Xiaolei, who was outside, came in hastily and looked at Wu Hao with a worried expression: "General Manager Wu?"

"Notify the personnel department and fire this person."

OK, Zhang Xiaolei looked at the two men standing aside, then nodded, and then backed out.

"Sit down." Wu Hao smiled at them.

"The overseas operation center is a special department and needs to run outside often. As a person in charge, he is unwilling to accept assignments, so who else can I expect to accept."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao rushed to Huang Zhihua and said, "Go back in a while and tell Lin Jianliang what happened. If he just left so quietly, then don't embarrass him. The subsidies should be given. Lack this money.

If he wants to make trouble, follow him and ask the Legal Office to send someone to accompany him. But since it's noisy, don't give a penny. It's time to be tough, so be a chicken and a monkey. "

"I understand. Go back and talk to President Lin." Huang Zhihua nodded and said sorry to Wu Hao slightly: "I'm sorry, President Wu. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. When he signed the contract, Is the most positive of those people. "

Wu Hao waved his hand and said, "This forest is big, and there are no birds, so don't talk about him.

Despite his reluctance, we can't slow down the overseas market development plan. The Southeast Asian market can be said to be another big market next to the European market, and also a piece of fat on our doorstep.

Therefore, the development of this piece must not be taken lightly, and must be given to me with all my strength. As for who to shoot, you go back and think about it, find a reliable point. "

"General Manager Wu, why don't we use local people? They know the local market better than us." Lu Bo asked.

Wu Haowen said with a smile and shook his head: "The locals definitely use it, and reuse it, but not all.

To put it bluntly, the core departments have to use our own people, so that we can truly grasp and control the entire market ~ ~ There is a certain narrowness in the global market, but I always appreciate it very much Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Therefore, you should also pay attention when you go to host the work in Europe. You can deal with these people, you can also use them, but you cannot easily trust them. There have been a lot of painful examples in the past, and I won't tell you here, take care of yourself. "

"Understand!" Lu Bo nodded and responded.

Wu Hao naturally knows that this sentence is too absolute, in fact, some foreign friends are still very good. However, it is necessary to take precautions. Some companies just trust the locals too much, but eventually develop a white-eyed wolf, and eventually suffer a big loss.

In fact, the founders of many large companies have such experiences. After serving as a regional head for a company for many years, they then resigned to start their own businesses. Using the contacts and resources he had when he was in charge of the area, he specially dug the corners of the old owners, and some even knocked them down.

There are too many such examples and too many such people, so I won't say much here, I am afraid they will be lost.

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