Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 461: Not a failing result

Latest website: Everyone watching on the sand dunes, their hearts have beaten into their throats. Many people started secretly praying, hoping to land successfully.

Three huge parachutes also slowly landed, and it seemed that the entire return-type experiment was about to end successfully.

But at this moment, someone suddenly shouted, "The umbrella is not disconnected, the umbrella is not disconnected!"

While this man was shouting, everyone who was present suddenly heard a loud noise, and everyone's hearts were agitated.

"Come on, chop off the parachute!" Yu Chengwu quickly commanded. At this moment, he also lost a square inch and hurried to the rocket.

"Come back and stop for me."

When Wu Hao saw his head wrinkled and shouted, he shouted, "It's not clear what the rocket is like now. It would be dangerous to get so close."

Speaking, Yu Cheng martial arts next to him: "As the commander-in-chief of the scene, the more calm you are at this time, there can be no trouble, you understand."

"Yes, clear, understand!" Yu Chengwu nodded a little ashamed when he came to his senses, and then shouted at the crowd with his hoarse voice: "The ground recovery team immediately went to the scene to check the rocket situation and pay attention to safety.

Others retreated outside the security line and were prohibited from approaching. "

"You don't need to adjust the fire." Li Wenming appeared to Wu Hao and suggested to him.

During this trip, Li Wenming followed him as his driver and assistant, but he had not spoken before. Now seeing the chaos on the scene, he came forward to follow Wu Hao to prevent possible accidents.

"The desert doesn't need it. Instead, it's a mess. Let's look at the situation first." Wu Hao shook his head, and then continued to stare at the cloud of smoke in the area where the rocket landed, and the approaching technicians.

When the technicians approached, the smoke and dust were almost dissipated, and everyone saw the condition of the rocket.

The rocket did not land on the sand smoothly, but fell to the ground and was dragged by a parachute for more than ten meters, leaving a mark on the ground.

Fortunately, the parachute has all landed, and did not continue to drag the rocket.

"Failed!" Someone started whispering, while Yu Chengwu stood on the sand dunes and looked at the rocket straight, his face was heavy, and he didn't say anything.

At this time, a few more cars came over from the control center, and it was Zhou Xiangming who had stayed in the control center before jumping off the car.

Seeing Yu Chengwu's solemn face standing there, Zhou Xiangming didn't speak, but nodded at Wu Hao, then got back into the car with a technician wearing red protective clothing like him, and then headed for the rocket.

"Okay, okay, is there anything to talk about. Experiments, how can it be smooth sailing, this result was already thought of before our experiments.

Do n’t be frustrated. It ’s unclear what the situation is now. Let ’s wait for the preliminary investigation results. Wu Hao comforted the people present in a tone as relaxed as possible.

After hearing what he said, Yu Chengwu sobered up from his slug, then turned to look at him, but quickly avoided Wu Hao's eyes.

After tangling for a while, he walked slowly towards him. After walking in front of Wu Hao, he groaned with his somewhat hoarse voice: "General Manager Wu, I'm sorry, the experiment failed."

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "It has been very successful, it's just a little bit."

"Yeah, we just succeeded a little bit." Yu Chengwu's face showed a very unwilling affection.

Wu Hao stepped forward and patted his arm, then smiled and comforted: "Okay, don't think about it, it only failed once.

You are the commander-in-chief of the scene, and there are a lot of follow-up work waiting for you to arrange. Don't let everyone stay in this bad atmosphere for a long time.

In addition, you have not had a good rest for a while. Feel busy and perfect after work, then go on vacation and take a good rest for a few days.

We will continue to work hard after we have cultivated our spirit, and I believe we will be successful. "

"Yes." Yu Chengwu nodded heavily, then glanced at the rocket in the distance, and walked towards the crowd.

Wu Hao looked at Yu Chengwu's figure and shook his head slightly, then walked to Zhang Jun who was still holding a telescope to observe the rocket, and hammered him: "Let's go, there is nothing good to see, why go back."

Zhang Jun heard that he put down his telescope, and quickly followed: "Don't you watch it, you don't know the result yet."

"We are a bit uncomfortable here, so don't affect them. When the results come out, they will report as soon as possible." Wu Hao stretched his arms, and then looked at the blue sky and what was about to dissipate Rocket trail clouds.

The experiment failed, and he was naturally disappointed, but soon returned to normal. As he said before, they had already thought of this result before the experiment.

And difficult technology like this can't just succeed. If it was so easy to succeed, wouldn't this technology have flooded the world, and how could there have been only one to date.

Although Wu Hao gave Yu Chengwu a lot of technical information and related 'pointing' on this returning rocket, the entire project was still led by Yu Chengwu. And it's not just technology that can succeed, there are other factors to consider.

This is like building an aero turbofan engine, everyone knows the technical principles, but why only a handful of engines can be built. Another example is nuclear bombs. Principles and technical information have been flooded into the Internet for a long time. How many can be found?

Besides, not all failed today. First of all, the first low-cost disposable rocket using 3D printing technology and materials has been a complete success ~ ~ This is half done.

This retractable rocket, although it failed in the final landing. But the previous 80% or even 90% stage has been successful, which is already a good gain.

As for the last failed part, just find out the failure, analyze the cause, and solve the problem.

And this experiment is also a rare experience for the entire scientific research team. I believe that with this failed experience, the team members will definitely be more mature. From another perspective, this also exercised the entire team and accelerated their growth.

"Why didn't the parachute break away?" Zhang Jun couldn't help but asked at him, and he could see that he was still struggling with the problem.

"do not know."

Wu Hao shook his head and said, "There are many reasons why the parachute has not been disengaged, such as system failure, mechanical device problems, natural environmental impact, and so on.

OK, let's not guess, just wait for the results! "

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